World The Asylum by the Tracks (Vin&Sladkiy)

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World The Asylum by the Tracks (Vin&Sladkiy)

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Vincious Macabre

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They/them, she/her.
Asylum Grounds


The Foraoise Albanach Asylum is named after the train station of the same name. In 1883, the first train station leading towards Scotland was constructed somewhere deep in the forests of Ireland. This station used to be relatively busy, but over time, its popularity decayed as strange occurrences took place. Some people simply went missing, with no explanation whatsoever. In 1894, the station was converted into an asylum. Many parts of the old station were sealed off one way or another, to make sure the patients did not wander off into the buildings, get lost, and possibly be in danger or cause danger or harm to themselves. Patients were neglected or experimented upon by corrupt and sick doctors. So many awful things happened here, it is a wonder that this place still stands today. No media are allowed in, phones are never brought in, and it is completely isolated from the outside world. To simply be on the grounds was scary, since the groundskeep has well-trained hounds, ready to attack any unwanted visitors. In fact, this is heavily enforced due to some abandoned train carriages and ruined train tracks around the grounds, giving the administration an excuse to feed to the media.

The place is not too popular for patients anymore, but there are a specific type of patients that often make it here.

Basically, if you think someone is beyond saving...

You bring them here and throw away the key.





Doctor Riviera Montgomery
Unknown, appears to be in his late twenties.
Gender: Male.
Height: 191
Species: Human (?)
Appearance: Black hair, pale skin like he's never seen sunlight, amber eyes, kind of wavy neck-length hair, which he brushes back or it falls in his face. Tall, slim, dresses in black slacks, a lab coat and whatever dress-shirt that day.
Personality: Heartless, merciless, strict and condescending. He is erratic, impatient with the patients, goes into violent rages if truly pushed, but most people do not see this. To most, he is a cold, calculated individual, with a great wealth of knowledge. He seems to be super invested in and almost obsessed with experimenting on individuals who do not fit the status quo.
Biography: Some people believe he came from England, others from Germany, still others have absolutely no clue. The strange thing is, no one seems to know his origins. Some speculate he grew up a harsh, violent life, while others simply do not care and just want to do their job and get out of his way. He is a bit of an enigma.
Position: Head doctor, researcher, with a background in both medicine and psychology.

More coming soon...​

Nurse Judith Aeala
Gender: Female
Height: 173 cm.
Species: Human
Appearance: Pale red unhealthy curly hair, ice pale skin, hazel eyes, kind of thin but has the body of a mother who never managed to lose the weight of a couple of pregnancies. About 173 cm.
Personality: Impatient, quiet, rolls her eyes a lot. She gets bored and tired of uncooperative patients quickly. Tries to impress Dr. Montgomery too much. She sees herself as his henchman, even though he doesn't seem to realise she exists. Insecure and tries to cope with it by abusing her power.
Biography: Divorced about 12 years ago when her husband cheated on her with a younger, fitter woman. She basically vowed to hate and possibly hurt all men who have ever shown an interest in her. She gave her kids up (A boy who was 10 and a girl who was 7), and she regrets it now. She's a smoker, a drinker bordering on alcoholic, with some strange and astringent views. She's religious and judgemental to boot, and rather hypocritical/has double standards. She wants the patients to be good even though she never is.
Position: The nurse who is second-in-command.

More coming soon...

Patient A
Patient B
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Character Sheet

Name: Devon Daarion.

Age: Appears 24, true age unknown.

Height: 183.

Build: Muscular but thin. It's peculiar. He's always hunched over, so it's hard to really see his full physique.

Race/Species: Demon.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Short black hair that is uneven in places, longer in some areas, almost down to his neck. Pale skin, silver-grey eyes that seem to contain the pits of hell within them, haggard and exhausted looking face. He looks like he could spring out of his shrimp-curled-up state and just kill you.

Occupation: Asylum patient.

Personality: Unstable, hateful, chaotic. He has lived his life being told he was insane, and he started to believe it, and the bad connotations that came with it. He has this obsession in his head that tells him to kill things, to cut them, to harm others. He has this strange suppressed thing just waiting to burst out. He is terrified it will. When he is not chaos and madness and violence, he is terrified.

Biography: Born in the 1860's, Devon was born Chausse Steiven. Unbeknownst to his parents at the time, he had been smuggled into the mortal realm by some demonic entity, who left him with a wealthy family. Except, the family grew exceedingly terrified of him and threw him to the workhouse. After such a rough life, he grew to hate people and families and everything they represented. When he was 14, he went back to the family that was supposed to be his, and slew the parents in cold blood. Leaving the house coated in insides and life juice, he moved to other places, including Italy, Hungary, and Spain. Eventually, he settled in Scotland, where his eternally young body was becoming an issue again. He ended up getting arrested on a visit to Ireland, which somehow ended him up with a new family. It did not last long as they were harsh, verbally and physically abusive, and they eventually got so scared of him, they threw him away with everyone else that's ever been too much trouble. To the Foraoise Albanach asylum.

Weapons: None. He tries to make some, though.

Powers/Abilities: Currently, his demonic abilities are mostly untapped.

Extras: He happens to be one of Dr. Montgomery's favourite patients to experiment on.
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