MxM The Bunker

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MxM The Bunker


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What I'm looking for in a story/writing partner:
  • Somebody who hashes out the plot together with me. I hate having to think of every single detail and event that can possibly happen. Let's make this a team effort, shall we?
  • Somebody who isn't afraid to add and write multiple background characters. To me, it makes a story more real, and there are more than two people in the world at all times, after all.
  • I have absolutely no minimum post requirements. You reply to our story whenever you can, I am very patient. Sometimes real life gets in the way and that's just fine because real life ALWAYS should come first.
  • I do appreciate lengthy posts, but don't expect a whole book every single time. A minimum of two to three paragraphs is preferred, though.
  • MUST write in the third Person Perspective. I can't do First / Second Person narratives


Depending on the mood of the plot, these are some of my 'kinks':
  • SLOW BURN stories
  • 20-30 percent Smut - 80-70 percent Plot
  • Lots and lots of banter between MC and YC
  • Slice of Life Plots
  • The 1950's (enough said)

  • Anything to do with scat/vore
  • Non-Con. I'm not opposed to Bondage at all. But rape, etc. is where I draw the line.
  • Partners that leave leading the story up to me. I'm not a machine, I need at least some oil or supportive pushes to keep things going.
  • Anthro's (does not include Werewolves or Vampires)

Important note concerning OOC chat; I don't want to sound like an ass, but my biggest off isn't even roleplay related. I come online to write to either be creative or to get away from the messes of RL. I enjoy the occasional OOC chats, but if it's to complain about your life, your troubles, etc, continuously... I take it to heart, and it just depresses me when this site should be all about good times. It's not that I don't care; it's that I might care too much, and I just do not have the energy for it. So, if you really are having a hard time, I hope you understand I am not your therapist and will never be able to give you the support you might seek. I do apologize.
Act It Out / Strike Breaker

1950s Hollywood. MC is a famous movie star, living the high life and being smothered in film proposals in which he is begged to take the leading role. YC is a new, up-and-coming actress who's been getting a lot of traction in the past couple of months and who has been catching the attention of MC, if only because of the tabloids and their incessant need to dig and divulge in any (upcoming) famous person's life.

The catch? MC is gay, and YC is also a gay man who never got any roles because of his feminine looks and who decided to change that negative to his advantage.

The plot would be that YC gets suggested to be either a supporting role in MC's new film or starts off as just having a cameo and ends up getting a bigger role because the director of the film likes what he sees. Throughout their working relationship, MC finds out YC is actually a man disguised as a woman, and they fall madly, deeply in love! That is if they both are willing to get off their high horses and give each other a chance.

We could add several hitches they must get through like them not liking each other from the start for who knows what reason and the director trying to make YC do things they don't want to because it's the 1950S and sadly, women who wanted to climb up the ladder had to face these types of things more often than not. (MC could come in and prevent anything from happening or find out about the director's loose hands and use his popularity to get the director fired. etc etc)

It's all up for discussion, but as always, YC needs to be fiesty and not take things lying down, and I want this to be an equal partnership in the way we create the world and its characters in it.

This story's a little bit of a rehash of an old story of mine that I absolutely love(d), but my partner for it has been AFK for a while, and I'm just craving it so badly.
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Waffle House

MC has a past he'd rather forget. The only problem is that no matter how hard and far he seems to run, sooner or later, that past catches up with him and attempts to end his life, time and time again.

When the story starts, MC is working as the cook in a diner along one of America's dusty highways and has been for the better half of almost two years. He finally is starting to allow himself to believe he has managed to slip through the cracks and nobody from his past knows where he is and what he is doing.

One night, near or during closing time, YC walks into the diner and orders food. Somehow, he can persuade MC to make it for him even though he is closing shop and the place is deserted. This happens a couple of times during a week or a month, or several months when YC walks in near closing time, and they start hitting it off, talking about anything and nothing in particular.

It all goes great until one night, YC comes in late again, has a seat, and tells MC he needs to pack up and run because that past he thought he had gotten rid of is right around the corner, ready to beat him to a pulp.

So I was thinking MC used to be part of a gang or a MOB. At one point, he can't do it anymore and runs, and with it takes all those horrible memories, secrets, and a couple of hundred grand with him in a bag to start his life over. Of course, that gang or MOB wants to take revenge on MC, but he always seems to be a step ahead of them, changing identity, towns, jobs, etc. as much as he can whenever he feels the heat licking at his heels.

YC is either part of that gang or was hired to find MC, but unsure if he has found the right guy, he takes his time in making sure the cook at Mr. Barkley's Diner is indeed the one he is looking for. In the end, YC starts taking a liking to MC, and when the moment comes when he knows the gang wants to get in and kill MC, YC warns him, and shit hits the fan.

What happens next we can discuss, or if there are details you'd like to change, don't hesitate to hit me up, and we can start plotting! I was thinking I'd take a more submissive approach to MC for this story, but it can also turn into switch, depending on who I will be writing this with.

Charlie Foxtrot
MC's a soldier for the big old American Army. Unfortunately, during one of his squad's weekly 20-mile run, he sprains his ankle pretty badly and is forced to pack his things and go heal up and serve as a guard at Camp Miller's medical facility where, as history has proven, nothing ever really happens. Until it does, of course, and becomes the cataclysm for the world's biggest shit show.

It's another rehashing of those age-old zombie apocalypse plots, where MC teams up with YC in order to first get out of dodge alive and hopefully with all their body parts still intact, and then try and figure out how to fix things before they get too out of control and the human race will be at the mercy of thousands if not millions of flesh-eating monster.

YC is solely yours to create, but in case you've got no inspiration, perhaps YC could be one of the Medical facility's laboratorian or something along those lines. He could be either in on the fact that the lab has been given an extremely dangerous virus to dissect and research or completely oblivious that some of his colleagues have been playing around with a dish of germs that should have never been allowed to see the lenses of their microscopes, let alone the light of day.

I imagine this story to be pretty boring in the beginning, but quickly evolves into something action-packed and exciting! This will require a bit of world-building and pre-plotting/planning, so please, do bring your own ideas to the table, and let's have some fun!
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