The Cast of Extinction Horizon

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The Cast of Extinction Horizon


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Character sheets for the cast of Extinction Horizon are housed here.
Name: Zack Matthews
Status: TAKEN
Played By: @TheGreatG
Status/Occupation: Rookie Police Officer
Special Skills: Firearms/Stamina
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Sandy Blonde
Height: 6'1"
Weight : 180
General: Zack has a slightly lean, yet powerful frame, thanks to years of competitive swimming. He stays in excellent shape, and his muscles are toned and fit, but not massive like so many of his colleagues. While not overly exotic or handsome, he does possess a certain rugged, everyday good look about him.

Sexual Preference:
Sexual style:

Personality: A dedicated and hard worker, Zack is typically shy, timid, and sometimes of himself around members of the opposite sex. He is deeply dedicated and intensely loyal, sometimes stubborn to a fault.

Bio: A good ol' boy from Dallas Texas, Zack grew up a child prodigy and boy genius, incredibly gifted, Zack attended college on a swimming scholarship majoring in criminal justice, and in the months that followed graduation he found himself devastated after narrowly missing the US Olympic swimming team. Unsure of what direction his life should take, he eventually decided to become a police officer, and graduated near the top of his class from New York City Police Academy. After joining the 16th prescient he underwent the typical treatment that befalls most new officers and was slower to fit in than most of the other new officers, mostly because of his quiet nature. As a young patrol officer only a few months out of the police academy Zack couldn't believe his luck, detective Kayla Redding, THE Kayla Redding, had been assigned as his temporary training officer. Unfortunately that luck wouldn't last, the two were working what was supposed to become Zack's usual beat when tragedy befell him. The pair had been called in to detain a suspect in what they thought was a fairly routine assault case, figuring it to be a rather routine call and figuring the rookie needed some experience, Kayla had elected to stay in patrol car. As it turns out the suspect was actually a well known narcotics trafficker, and Zack was walking alone, into something much worse. During the subsequent apprehension, officer Matthews was shot twice and left for dead as the suspect fled.

Coming face to face with his own mortality, Zack was intent on making the most of his life and on a whim decided to take the trip of a lifetime. The only problem was that he didn't want to take the trip alone. With a new outlook on life, and with absolutely nothing to lose, he marched right down to the detectives' office and asked one of the few women he currently knew, detective Kayla Redding. All the officers thought he was absolutely nuts, but much to everyone's surprise, including his own, she agreed. Their co-workers were speechless, now the rookie that everyone harassed was going on a trip to paradise, with the woman they all wanted.

Special Skills/Knowledge: Strength, Stamina, Firearms, some basic hand to hand combat training. Zack is deeply loyal and completely trustworthy (particularly towards Kayla), and will stop at nothing to accomplish whatever he is told to do.

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Name: Kayla Redding
Model: Scarlett Johansson
Status: TAKEN
Played By: @Mia
Status/Occupation: NYPD Homicide Detective/SWAT Officer
Special Skills: Fighting/Firearms/Deductive Reasoning/Agility/Stamina
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Kayla is a natural blonde, but often dyes her hair red.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130
Kayla despite being a rather diminutive woman, Kayla posses impeccably formed cheek bones, broad shoulders, round, wide hips, a round, but perfectly toned and sculpted butt, as well as large DD cup breasts. Kayla has an athletic build and a fantastic figure. Kayla is known for her captivating green eyes, her buxom figure, full lips, her husky voice, and a pair of phenomenal natural breasts. 32DD-25-36

Personality: A heart of gold hidden beneath a bitchy, tough exterior is the best way to describe her. While she genuinely cares for other people, her softer side often has to remain to hidden from others; especially at work, its the only way she can avoid the constant harassment and infatuations of her male coworkers. Kayla is stubborn, not easily intimidated, and geniuely likes to be the one calling the shots. Kayla is efficient, practical, tough and independent. While she may be a woman of only average intelligence, her instincts and ability to read people are uncanny. Tough yet incredibly sexy; Kayla knows how to survive when things get rough, yet she also isn't afraid to dial up the charm and use her more feminine assets when she has too. An active runner and exercise fanatic, Kayla is very health conscious except for her addiction to cigarettes. It is the one little pleasure in life she isn't about to give up.

Kayla has always tried to keep her love life separate from work, much to dismay of her co-workers, for a couple of reasons: The first being the fact that worries how her bisexual tendencies would be accepted within the male dominated culture, particularly since she tends to favor women. She always fears that her dating within the work place would give credence to the rumors she partially slept her way to the top ahead of her peers, and while there may some truth to the claims, she hopes to keep them only rumors. Finally Kayla is extremely submissive sexually with a penchant for rough sex and being dominated, and she knows that if her true fantasies were ever revealed , her image as the tough-as-nails, straight laced cop that she is would be ruined.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual with a slight preference for women
Sexual Style: When it comes to sex her personality completely changes. Kayla is very submissive and generally prefers rough sex. Kayla also loves giving oral sex almost as much she enjoys relinquishing all control and taking a hard pounding.

Bio: NYPD SWAT's only female member, Kayla Redding is more than just a pretty face -- she's one of NYPD's best officers. This intelligent, strong-willed woman fights for what she believes in and is an expert in close quarters combat. During her years on the force, she has solved numerous crimes and saved several victims, and will do whatever it takes to help a friend.

The eldest of two Redding children, Kayla was always looked down upon by her father, the older man wishing he had had a son as his first born. As a result Kayla received few breaks growing up, and learned at an early age that whatever she wanted she would have to work hard for.

One of New York City's finest and most decorated police officers, Kayla has had a somewhat short, but very distinguished career in an occupation typically dominated by men, a fact of which she is reminded every day. An absolutely gorgeous woman with undeniable sex-appeal, Kayla has found herself the almost constant object of infatuation and come-ons by her male co-workers since taking the job.

She started off working the streets like so many other cops, but quickly rose through the ranks, and is currently the department's youngest detective. She is also the first, and only, female member of the department's SWAT unit, where she has proven herself time and time again. Many of her male counterparts would say it is because she slept her way to the top; and while Kayla is certainly aware of her incredible sex appeal, and has even been known to occasionally flaunt her femininity for her own benefit, the truth remains that her success is due mostly to her incredible skill and natural instincts.

After Zack's shooting he was faced with the startling reality of his own mortality. He was intent on make the most of his life and enjoy time he had left, so he decided to take the trip of a lifetime. When he asked Kayla if she like would like to accompany him she said yes, much to the shock of everyone who knew them both. Kayla still isn't sure why she accepted the offer, perhaps she felt guilty for getting her young colleague shot, or perhaps she just needed a vacation for herself.

Special Skills/Knowledge: Stamina, agility, extensive firearms & hand to hand combat training, lock picking. Kayla also often finds herself as a reluctant leader, while she may not want to be the one in charge people often find themselves gravitating towards her.


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Name: Steven Redding
Model: TBD
Status: TAKEN
Played By: @Endac Korinth
Status/Occupation: Hacker
Special Skills: Computers/Technology
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Eye color: TBD
Hair color: TBD
Height: TBD
Weight: TBD
General: Steven can be best described by cute. He can't be described as being tall and muscular in fact he's quite the opposite. While he might be toned, it's more due to the lack of fat on his body then the size of his muscles. His one redeeming feature is a face that can be called cute or adorable. A face that makes people trust him and believe he's not a threat.

Sexual Preference: TBD
Sexual Style: TBD

Personality: Steven is your typical geek. He's good with computers, reads comic books, and has never even kissed a girl, before Ellen that is. Being a genius and thrown into classes with older students meant me wasn't around kids his own age that much since the second grade. His socially awkward and has no clue how to act, he wants to be cool but has no clue how to do it.

Bio: Steven's entire life has been influenced by one thing , the fact that he is a prodigy thanks to an IQ of 167. His teachers and family, especially his father, discovered it early enough to take advantage of his genius IQ and he advanced through school quickly. Finally happy that he had a son, Steven's father spared no expense in providing Steven with the finest teachers, tutors, and equipment that he could afford. It was no secret that of the two Redding children, their father favored Steven far more then Kayla.

By the age of 13 Steven had graduated High school, and he finished college with a Masters at 16. The only problem with that involved a lack of learning any social skills at all. When the people closest in age to you in your classes are half a decade older then you, and most of the boys you knew growing up were only there because of your sister, it's hard to make any friends at all.

After graduating college with a masters in Computer Science, Steven went on to write several programs and worked his way into hacking and defeating cyber security. In order to help and steer her brother away from a life of Cyber crime, Kayla mentioned he should visit the place she was traveling with Zack, and even offered to pay for her brother's trip. Steven didn't have any other summer plans So he decided to go along, unfortunately even while on vacation he shouldn't stay away from his calling, it was at that moment that his life got really interesting.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge:
Computers, hacking and electronics. Steven is also a genius with an IQ of over 140.
When he hacked Catalyst's systems Steven wasn't actually after company secrets like Ellen originally feared, although he easily could have accessed them. Instead he was after her personal (and inappropriate) files, of which he obtained quite a few.

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Name: Ellen Chambers
Model: Lauren Vickers
Status: TAKEN
Played By: @Phoeniana
Status/Occupation: Vice President of Catalyst/Model
Special Skills: Manipulation/Negotiation/Seduction/Speaks English, French & Italian
Language(s): English
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Hazel
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130
General: Ellen Chambers is a stunningly beautiful woman, with an ample bust and very shapely hips, she's absolutely gorgeous and she knows it. A tall, incredibly beautiful woman with killer curves, a stellar pair of legs, shapely hips, and a large, perfect (although surgically enhanced) set of breasts, that she maintains through yoga and running. Measurements 35DD-26-35

Sexual Preference: Openly Bisexual
Sexual Style: Generally dominant, but very versatile and can adapt any situation

Personality: Manipulative, the word sums up Ellen Chambers perfectly. Manipulative and controlling she is a woman out to get what she wants, when she wants it, and has no qualms using every resource and considerable talent at her disposal to do so. Her success as both a model and corporate executive has brought Ellen a certain standard of living that she greatly enjoys.

Even though she may be a bitch, Ellen is not completely devoid of any feeling, realizing that her company is behind the outbreak and that she was manipulated and doped in the process (she keeps this knowledge closely guarded and has not shared it with anyone) Ellen is determined to survive so that we can right her wrongs, and more importantly reclaim her position on the board at Catalyst (and of course the wealth and prestige and comes with it), should she and the company ever recover from what happened.

Ellen craves power and control; and while she may not always be the one in charge, you can bet she is the one working feverishly behind the scenes to pull the strings of the one who is.

Bio: Originally from Australia, Ellen came to America to attend university and further her modeling career. It was there, while studying business at college, that she met a young Alex Davenport, one of the heirs to the sizable Catalyst fortune. The two were instantly smitten with each other and two this day have continued an on again-off again relationship.

It didn't take long for both Davenport brothers to realize what an asset Ellen would be to the company and they offered her a spot on the board. Under Ellen's guidance Catalyst's growth exploded as it struck numerous business deals, and quickly consumed competitors. The business world was shocked by the company's aggressive growth and while Ellen has never said exactly what happened in many of those secret business meetings not even the Davenport brothers could argue with her results.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge:
Seduction, manipulation, negotation & leadership. Ellen craves power and control; and while she may not always be the one in charge, you can bet she is the one working feverishly behind the scenes to pull the strings of the one who is.

Ellen is certain Catalyst and the release of Xeres is responsible for what is taking place, although she she will stop at nothing to keep this a closely guarded secret. While not a scientist or doctor, like her sister, she still might be the closest thing the group has to an expert on what exactly is going on.

When it comes to her older sister Katherine, the two women do not get along. Ellen sleeping with her husband has every bit as much to do with her failed marriage as did catalyst's research.

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Name: Katherine Chambers
Played By:
Model: Kate Beckinsale
Occupation: Doctor/Physician former Senior Vice President of Catalyst
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown, almost black.
Height: 5'7"
Weight : 115

General: With a beauty and body that makes younger women jealous, Katherine possess a timeless beauty. Her skin is nearly flawless and slightly pale. Her face is characterized by high check bones, a small nose, and pair of haunting, piercing brown eyes. Katherine Chambers stands 5'7" with graceful and athletic curves. She is a very feminine woman, petite and pretty, with dark hair, slightly pale, porcelain skin, a small, fine nose. She is slender and yet still has shapely curves. Measurements 34B-24-34

Personality: A single mother of a 9 year old daughter, Katherine has a motherly instinct that is impossible for her to shed. While generally kind hearted, the well being of her daughter is never far from her mind, still she is generally fun loving and possesses a killer combination of wit, humor and charm. She generally dislikes alcohol and will never turn down a good cigarette. Kind and caring, Katherine originally became a doctor in order to help people, however her time at CyberTek has forced to become somewhat skeptical of other people and what they promise. She is a kind and loving mother, and her daughter's welfare is always her main concern.

Bio: The eldest daughter of Dr. Nicholas Chambers, Katherine is well educated like the rest of her family. Fluent in at least four languages,( English, Spanish, German, and French.) Katherine excelled in both college and Medical School. After college she began her medical career as a doctor with the Australian Army, and the things she experienced caring for wounded soldiers helped form her into he strong woman she is today.

Eventually she was persuaded to join her father's company, and went to work at the family business, becoming one of her father's leading researchers. Still as her father's health began to fail, and his grip over the company began to weaken she often found herself at odds with the companies board of directors over their often "morally questionable" business practices.

Originally she had been the other half of Catalyst's's power couple, but after becoming one of Catalyst's lead researchers, she finally left the company after a series of heated arguments and a falling out with the directors, including Charles Davenport and her sister Ellen. Still needing to work to make sure her daughter had a place to live and food to eat, Katherine took a job as a part-time physician.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge:
Medical knowledge and science, above average IQ

While Katherine was kept in the dark about many of Catalyst's secretive projects, she isn't stupid and while she wasn't directly involved, she still might know more about what is goi g n from a scientific point then anyone.

When it comes to her younger sister Ellen, the two women do not get along. Ellen sleeping with her husband has every bit as much to do with her failed marriage as did catalyst's research.

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Name: Natalie Bennett
Status: Taken
Model: Alexandra Daddario
Played By: @TravelingScribe
Occupation: Nurse
Special Skills: Medical proficiency/Sarcasm/Focus under pressure
Language(s): English
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130
General: She has an average frame but is well proportioned with a lean look, with large breasts and beautiful, piercing blue eyes. She maintains her visage with cardio, yoga, and cross fit when she can fit it into her hectic schedule. The life of a nurse is never ending, and the days and nights tend to blend together in a blur. Her measurements are 34D-27-34.​

Sexual Preference: TBD
Sexual Style: TBD

Personality: Natalie is an active spirit and is always ready and eager to learn. She's a go-getter, loves a good challenge, especially one that forces her to become better or helps her take another step forward.

Nat doesn't let setbacks get to her, but uses them as a learning opportunity. Granted, losing a patient always gets to her, as she's not able to simply expect death as an outcome sometimes. While she can seem all butterflies and sunshine, she is also a competitor. She doesn't let others push her around at work when they are going head-to-head, but behind closed doors she tends to be a lot softer. She's charismatic, quirky, sarcastic, and moody at times, but she is nothing less than a competitor with a soft side. She doesn't really do relationships, as her time is mostly spent at the hospital, but that just leaves the door open for her to have a few bunk buddies while on rotation.

Bio: A Lone Star state native, hunting, fishing and shooting were what her family loved to do, but Natalie had other ideas. While she did enjoy the family time and the bonding that those activities brought forth, she had her eyes set on being a nurse. She's not sure when or why the idea struck her, but she just knew that that's where her heart was leading her. Her family was what she would call "Privileged couch potatoes", her father having inherited a great deal from his father, who had from his father, and so on, the lineage having struck it great in the oil business. They wanted for nothing and surely acted like it, but it just wasn't the life she was trying to live.

She studied hard in school, skipping a few grades in the process, and from there it seemed the sky was limit and got her nursing degree.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge: She was in the top 3 of her class at #3, and that being said, her medical know-how is exceptional. Her stamina is above average, as is her focus and the steadiness of her hands under pressure. She has also learned that if her exceptional medical can't get someone's attention, then her more feminine assets usually can.
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Name: Daniel Pruitt
Status: TAKEN
Model: Josh Holloway
Played By: @Square One
Status/Occupation: Former Convict Turned Mechanic/Handyman
Special Skills: Tinkering/Mechanical
Language(s): English
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190
General: He is a tiny power house. Well, I say tiny, he's the same size as most everyone else. But the nature of his occupation is very physical.​

Sexual Preference: TBD
Sexual Style: TBD

Personality: After a brief stint in prison, Daniel is trying to turn a new leaf. So, that means working hard keeping his anger management problem under control. He now works two part time jobs, one as a mechanic, the other as a handy-man and repair technician.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge: Strength, tinkering, construction, and repair

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Name: Heidi Alicia Anderson
Model: cara delevingne
Status: Taken
Played By: @TravelingScribe
Status/Occupation: Socialite/College Student
Special Skills: Seduction/Charismatic (She is literally the most charming person in the room)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 112
General: Heidi is young and hot, and she knows it. A true one of a kind, a stunning natural beauty in a diminutive frame. Heidi has perfect, tiny barely-there, tits that fit the definition of perky perfectly. She also as a pert little butt that countless teenage boys have lusted over. Her blonder hair falls in waves past her shoulders, and frames her wonderful smile perfectly. Measurements 32A-24-34​

Personality: Simply put she is rather carefree, reckless and fun-loving. She lived a pampered, yet sheltered life growing up and since going to college and being on her own, she has cut loose and done many of the things she was sheltered from at a younger age. She has a great desire for fine luxury items, and obsesses over many things, including her appearance and lifestyle. When it comes down to it, Heidi gained her fame by being somewhat of a party girl and doing it all in the spotlight. While she hates the paparazzi, she loves the attention they give her.

Bio: The daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur and an actress, Heidi was born into a life of luxury, wealth, and privilege in the Los Angeles suburbs. Growing up she and her family were constantly in the spotlight of the news media and tabloids, but aside from a minor incidents her family did their best to shelter her from the fate shared by so many other famous socialites. An outstanding student in high school, Heidi went on to attend college at her parents alma matter, and found herself free of the sequestered life she lived growing up.

While being away at college Heidi fully embraced the college experience and lifestyle; partying, skipping class and other activities. She even joined a sorority. Since then her lifestyle has become much more carefree, adventurous and risqué, and Heidi found herself creeping back into the tabloids. Due to her outwardly social and blithe disposition, Heidi quickly became one of the most popular people on campus while only a freshmen, particularly among the male population.

When an illicit sex-tape staring Heidi appeared on the internet, her family began to distance themselves from disruptive antics of their youngest daughter in an effort to preserve their image, cutting her off from much of their considerable resources. Not one to be deterred, Heidi turned to her own skills in acting and modeling to find the work she needed to preserve her coveted lifestyle. In fact her publicity has steadily increased over the past few months, due largely to being named to the "Top 25 sexy women" list for a popular men's magazine for the first time.

Now, school being complete for the year, and her overly protective parents away on vacation in Europe, Heidi decided to take a trip of her own.

Sexual Preference: TBD
Sexual style: For Heidi sex is all about having as many orgasms as she can, and however they come, she likes them a lot.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge:
Despite how is often portrayed in the media, Heidi is exceptionally smart and her IQ likely rivals that of Steven.

Heidi is deeply determined to survive this catastrophe,and While she may not posses the raw survival skills of a women like Kayla, she is also very aware of the assists she does have and is willing to use them if it will help guarantee her survival.

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Name: Magnus Thorson
Status: Taken
Played By: @Elvarien
Status/Occupation: Behavioural economist.
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Copper brown
Height: 190
Weight: 115
Magnus Thorson at first glance resembles something depicted in old viking legends. A large barrel chested man who's sizeable bulk has been squeezed to fit within the thin confines of a suit. The suit, even if tailored to his size looks a bit small on him muscles straining against fabric forcing his movements to have a certain measure and precise quality to them lest he literally rip free. This is intentional, his life built around structure and discipline his suit an outward reflection of his internal.
Every morning he does his training routine. Structured, calculated. He eats his planned breakfast and takes his scheduled ride to work. Everything has a place, a reason and a function. This sense of discipline and structure he applies to every facet of his life. Work relationships and all, a measured man. Some would call it obsessive, if anyone ever got close enough to him to find out that is Magnus being a rather private individual.

Special Skills/Knowledge: Psychology, manipulation and the human psyche.
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Name: Dominic Valdes
Played By: @sparxx
Age: 24
Current status: Survival mode, doing whatever he can to survive.
Personal belongings: The clothes on his back, he wears fingerless gloves in order to protect his hands.
Money: None
Assets: His ability to stay positive, and willingness to work through any problem. Before the apocalypse he was a vehicle mechanic, and as such is always seeking ways to tinker with things, trying to fix them or make something, anything that will make his life easier.
Name: Tyler James "TJ" Kincaid
Played By: @CyanideRamen
Occupation: Thief
Skills: Lockpicking, Hotwiring, Pickpocketing
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175

General: Having spent the better part of his life running from the cops, TJ is in great shape. Growing up in a particularly rough neighborhood he is quite good at defending himself, never shying away from a good fight.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Personality: TJ is extremely full of himself, bordering on narcissism. He is also very cocky, which occasionally gets him into trouble. He is, however, fiercely loyal to those whom he considers friends.

Bio: His mother having died during childbirth, TJ was raised by his father, notorious thief Malcolm Kincaid. Malcolm raised him to follow in his footsteps, teaching him all the tricks of the trade; how to pick locks, hotwire a car, spot a mark. It was no surprise to anyone when he got arrested for the first time, stealing his principals car and driving it into a ravine.

When he was 16 his father was killed, gunned down by police during a botched robbery, leaving TJ alone. Rather than let himself be taken in to foster care, he left his home and took to the streets, stealing to survive. He wound up running with a gang calling themselves "The Zealots" becoming one of the best pickpockets in the crew

Name: Jeffery "Jeff" Wilson
Model: Bertie Gilbert
Played By: @Phoeniana
Occupation: Intern or Student Teacher for Advanced Mathematics
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Physical Description:Eye color: Blue-green; Aquamarine
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Height: 5'10"
Weight : 161 lbs

General: Jeff has a body of a man who tells himself that he's going to work out and get buffer, but never actually does. His body type is fit, just not as tone as he would want it to be. Muscles upon muscles would make him appear more serious and foreboding than he actually is. He is tall, not too lanky, but enough but just shy of it it. He is constantly clean shave due to the fact that hair refuses to grow anywhere on his visage, maintaining a baby face despite the age. His eyes are the striking similarity of the waters of the Caribbean, and the glasses just make the colors amplify.

Personality: School was his priorities and his priorities were his life. Growing up in with a sister 12 years younger than him, Jeff took it upon himself to make something of the life he was to have ever since his little sister came into the picture. From being the only child to being the eldest, Jeff felt an overwhelming since of responsibility, but with no need to take it. No one used words like "forceful" or "spoiled" to describe, Jeff. In fact, regardless of Eilene coming into his life, Jeff still stayed on the quiet, simple side of things. With his massive intellect, he Jeff is the epitome of an "underground geek", a term he created for himself to express his sophistication coupled with his desire to not attract attention to himself. He doesn't do well in crowds, and he most definitely doesn't do well with women. Jeff has a fear of saying something wrong in a conversation with anyone, getting anxiety to the point of trying to calculate his way out of an awkward situation.

Bio: Jeffery grew up in a modern house, in a modern suburbs, with a modern family, dog and everything. He received everything he needed, and though he didn't want much, he was rewarded for just being an all around good kid growing up. Once he turned 15, however, his mother and father surprised him by making an addition the family: his younger sister Eilene. Adjusting to the new lifestyle, Jeff helped out his parents well enough for him to realize that he wanted to help a lot of people, not just family members.

This is what took him to school for Mathematics. Although he excels in Literature and History, everyone said that he had a gift with numbers. Jeff took that gift all the way up to his Master's degree, becoming an student teacher for a High School. Before he had the chance to pursue his career a s a full blown teacher, his parents got a divorce, distorting his vision of what he thought be truth, loyalty, and love. With the tilting of his life hanging on his head, Jeff begrudgingly left his sister to move into the city in hopes of finding a therapist who could help him sort out the scattered puzzle pieces of his current life.

Special Talent(s)/Knowledge:
Advanced in Mathematics, Literature, and History

Regardless of being quiet and "low key", Jeff has a very distinct, British accent, a voice which many professors at his college believed could (along with his looks) lead him to an acting career.

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