The Cast

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The Cast


Shooting Rubberbands At The Stars
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 5:31 AM
Upcountry, Kauai
Dalila Dolor
The Oracle
"Hunting Not Hiding" with Kane Marrok
"Dalila and The Bard" with Endac Korinth
"The Gods Have Their Tricks" with Kane Marrok and Inarie

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Ivy nic'Oram
"Reign of Chaos" with JamesMartin

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Victoria Dracanus
"Reign of Chaos" with JamesMartin

Love Tolliver
"Welcome to The Machine" with JamesMartin


Bess Stein
"Swimming in his Azure Eyes" with Endac Korinth


Erin Bromley
"Fresh Blood" with Asher Davian
Erin Bromley.jpg

"When In Rome" with TheGreatG



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Avnas Son of God (First Brood) ****Photo Not Available
Name: Avnas
Age: Timeless
Hair Color: Dark Red
Complexion: Golden, Caramel Colored
Height: 7'0
Build: Muscular and Strong. Like A God
Role/Title: Hell's Fire
Skills: Navigator of Stars, Thief of Souls​
Backstory: Avnas is one of God's first brood of sons. He and his brothers; "Shaitan" or "Satan" as humans call him but known amongst his kind as "The Shining One", and "Helel", "Lucifer" as Humans know him , but known amongst his kind as "The Cunning One", were born/created millennia before Christ or humankind.
When Helel, Lucifer, became upset about The I Am's decision to create humans, Shaitan and Avnas, and several other angels, were banished from heaven into the new world, Hell, because they were so bold as to try to change God's mind about the banishing.
When the fallen angels reached Hell, it was Avna's blood sacrifice of his wings that created The Lake of Fire. He can no longer fly.
However, Hell is not just a desolate place of nothing but suffering, as the human Christian bible states. It is a world very similar to earth. There are mountains and valleys....rivers and streams....and a whole host of animal life. Which Avnas is Quite fond of.
For Avnas to travel through time and space as a navigator, he employs the assistance of the dragons that like to call Hell home because of its temperate climate.
Avnas is not only fond of animal and plant life, he has a fascination with the humans that his father created on the planet named by its people, Earth. Avnas has made countless trips to earth over the years to study its people. He has made friends with a select few over the years; even siring a race of dark people in a place called "The Summerlands" in a desert region of earth;
unlike his brother, Lucifer, who sees humans only as toys, and pawns in his game to battle their father. Leading down paths of ultimate destruction, and ultimately claiming their lives and causing them to spend their eternity's in Hell, subjected to all sorts of torture and lasciviousness in the world below.
Do not be mistaken however, many of Hell's human inhabitants love it there, and have made lives for themselves in service to King Helel and his brothers......
Avnas has used his skills as a star navigator over the years to visith his father's pet planets and attempt to do good things in an attempt to be allowed back to The Seventh Heaven, to take up his rightful place beside his The I Am's throne, but as of 200 years ago, has only been denied. Perhaps one day, his father will change his mind. Or, at least, Avnas hopes.....
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