Character(s) Meet the crew! (Shootin' Stars characters)

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Character(s) Meet the crew! (Shootin' Stars characters)

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Resident alcoholic werebear.
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My character:

Name: Thomas Freeman.
Alias/nicknames: Free Bird.
Age: 28 years old.
Height: 5'11.
Weight: 185lbs.
Occupation: Outlaw and space pirate. Leader and co-founder of the Shootin' Stars.

Physical appearance:
Thomas has a stocky, muscular build obtained from a life on the run and all of its stresses. He has a pale complexion, most likely obtained through the time spent in his ship, The Celestial Song. His most notable injury is the exposed steel skull graft he has on the left side of his head. He also has a prosthetic eye on that side which is constantly whirring quietly as he takes in his surroundings. It has a red glow to it. Thomas typically wears a purple leather jacket with sharp spiked shoulder pads and torn, old jeans obviously inspired by the designs that were birthed on earth long ago. He has long black hair that hangs at shoulder length, except for on his steel dome peice. Thomas wears a golden Federation fighter pilot ring on his pointer finger. There was a Federation tatoo on his chest at some point before his criminal life, but he crossed it out with a blade.

Thomas is a wild and free spirit who seems to despise authority no matter what shape it takes. He's proven time and time again that he's tough as nails and has nerves of steel, though even his own crew mates worry about how unstable he seems to be. Thomas is compulsivly a smart ass to everyone he knows and holds his feelings very close to his chest. That being said, he loves his crew like family. Thomas is a raging alcoholic who walks with a signature lazy saunter. The man seems addicted to danger and seemingly has no concern for his own health, though he's gone out of his way to protect his crew many times in the past. Nobody knows whether the bastard is lucky, or if he's more intelligent then he let's on. As the captain of the Celestial Song Thomas is the most skilled pilot of the crew.

Thomas was a Federation fighter pilot before his life of crime, but something happened and he spent six years locked up in one of their death camps. He escaped with Brutus and together they founded the Shootin Stars. What happened to Thomas to get him imprisoned is unknown and he never talks about it with anyone.

Thomas is wanted for hundreds of crimes, some violent. His worst offense was destroying a Federation super transport ship, but he was never placed at that quadrant of space during the disaster. Some speculate about what Thomas is actually guilty of, and what is Federation propaganda.

Thomas is a revered pilot and despite his ship being old tech compared to most Federation patrol cruisers, he has out flown and out fought them consistently with very little effort.
Thomas typically carries a golden zippo lighter, a trinket he collected from a small market ship he may have robbed.
Thomas also carries a Solar Compass, a digital device that always points him to the nearest star and aids his crew I navigation.
Being an outlaw is a dangerous job and Thomas stays armed though most of his adventures. He carries a large bore revolver on his hip that he calls "Demonia". It's a handcannon rated for animals much larger then your average Federation officer. If things get too close for comfort, he also pocket carries silver knuckledusters, also obtained from a merchant ship.
Thomas takes a flask with him everywhere.
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Name: Brutus Pavel. (Member of the Shootin' Stars.)
Alias/nicknames: Tin man, Soldier boy, Tin can, Chrome, Sgt Steel, Rusty.
Age: 58 years old. (His current robotic body is a little younger then he is.)
Height: 7'0.
Weight: 300lbs.
Occupation: Outlaw and space pirate. Co-founder of the Shootin' Stars.

Physical Appearance:
Brutus once was a dashing man with dreamy features and beautiful long, blonde, flowing hair. Nowadays there is nothing left of his human body and he is instead a massive mountain of metal and pistons. He is by far the largest and most durable member of the Shootin' Stars. His face resembles a metallic mannequin head with a thin speaker where his mouth used to be. The steel on his chest and legs has scorchmarks from misadventures with fire and his chasis is riddled with bullet holes. Brutus now has two crystal blue cybernetic eyes that also double as flashlights in dark enviorments. Brutus in this state intimidates even the toughest of outlaws. His new body is a chasis borrowed from a heavy assault automaton the federation abandoned.

Despite his intimidating looks and nightmarish size, Brutus is a level headed tactician who often acts as a counter to Thomas's wild and unhinged energy. Due to his calm mind Brutus has in recent years become a pseudo father figure to the Shootin' Stars and is quick to offer any wisdom he can to somebody struggling.

Still Brutus is a very real threat in a gun fight, able to carry heavy weaponry and survive damage that would render most organic beings lifeless. Before he ended up imprisoned with Thomas, Brutus was a privateer offering himself as a mercenary for any ship that needed a few extra guns on board. It was his willingness to work with the Maurauder Corp that got him in trouble with the Federation. When the death camp he was being held got raided, Brutus and Thomas saw an opportunity to steal a personal transport ship and leave. They built up the Shootin' Stars and the rest is history. During a particularly dodgy job Brutus was hit with gunfire and almost lost his life. Thomas rushed him to a Psychoteer to have his consciousness placed into his current metal chasis.

Brutus is incredibly durable. He's able to shrug off bullets like fleas and is totally immune to asphyxiation or heat exhaustion. He is vulnerable though to EMP based weaponry and even advanced hacking.
Brutus carries on his back a rotary machine gun that was initially designed to be fitted on Federation ground vehicles. His immense strength allows him to wield it with ease and he's even slapped a homemade stock on it to fire it from the shoulder.
Brutus is an expert at rigging up IED's and other explosives, and carries a satchel bag with him at all times full of the components necessary to make them on the fly. He is also the only member of the gang willing to carry such a bag.
Brutus isn't exactly slow but his chasis makes it hard for him to keep up with faster characters at a sprint.
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Name: Susan Farview. (Member of the Shootin' Stars.)
Alias/nickname: Alley cat, Evil eye.
Age: 23 years old.
Height: 5'3.
Weight: 150lbs.
Occupation: Outlaw and the acting ship repairman of the Celestial Song.

Physical Appearance:
Susan is a shorter woman of Asian descent with a petite build. She has chocolate brown eyes and long black hair she usually keeps tied back in a ponytail. Her hands are calused due to the constant maintenance work she does on the crews ship and the "upgrades" she tries to talk Brutus into. She typically wears a white tank top stained through with crease stains. She also wears black cargo pants with a toolbelt that holds all manner of wrenches and tools. She has a small scar on her cheek caused by a knife wound after a game of dice gone wrong.

Susan is a major league hard ass who seems to have a quarrel with the world. She's loud, vulgar, and bossy. Despite her rage and evident caffeine addiction the Shootin' Stars are the closest thing she's ever had to a family. Her parents abandoned her young on the streets of Devin 5 and she did what survival demanded of her. Upon being imprisoned for a petty crime during her younger years, she was sent into a Federation training program. There she gained perfect scores in marksmanship, sabotage, and of course vehicle repair and up keep.
She was deployed to the jungle planet of Nimak where she worked as a Federation mechanic. Well, she worked as a Federation mechanic until she was caught stealing ship parts and selling them to criminal elements. She was jailed again and once she'd served her sentence turned back out onto the streets, homeless again. That's why the crew calls her Alley Cat. She signed onto the Shootin' Stars crew after the Celestial Song was critically damaged and in desperate need of a mechanic.

Susan placed top of her class in marksmanship while training with the Federation. Enemies have nicknamed her Evil Eye due to her incredible accuracy, and of course her less then lethal cruel shot selections.
Susan is a capable mechanic who can work on everything from deep space craft to land cruisers. She loves getting her hands dirty with labor intensive builds and is addicted to the process of engineering something beyond its natural ability. She's to thank for the Celestial Songs abilities.
As a trained sniper Susan often caries a scout rifle slung over her shoulder. She also carries a small semi automatic pistol on her hip as a back up.
She always has a belt fool of repair tools and energy supplements.
Name: Theigh (pronounced 'Tee-g') Netley
Alias: Clementine; The Savored Sting; The Lady in the Room
Age: 31
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 148 lbs
Occupation: Ex-Shooting Star, Baroness of 'The Emporium', Professional Sneak-Thief

Physical Appearence:
Theigh has charm in spades, backed up by her good looks and self-confidence. Long dirty blonde hair the shade of a sandy beach, it travels down to the curve of her back. Mostly when not on the job, she keeps it swept backwards away from her features by a well worn leather strap. She's not known for any one particular 'look' as her tastes in outfits differ from day to day or sometimes even mood, and range from revealing gowns to tight jeans and a t-shirt. She's built like an athlete, and always seems to wear an expression akin to the self-assured or flirty.


There are very few people in the system who know Theigh's actual identity. That being from a noble warrior house called The Hightowers. Her actual name is one Brylet Veronica Hightower and she is the youngest Scion of that house. As such, she was destined for a much different fate from the one she chose.

At a young age, she left her family and thus her name behind. Since then she had taken up a life of skulking, pick-pocketing, and cat-burglary. Relying on her quick wit, fast talk, and alluring charm. But when push came to shove, she wasn't afraid to show fangs either.

During this time, she met with a fellow conartist named Warren Crysanthos. After a brief but fiery fling, she was given a daughter whom named Marissa.

She joined with the Shooting Stars soon after the pair of Brutus and Thomas made their legendary escape, and quickly became an asset to the men and invaluable team member, picking up quickly to life on the hunt and on the road, and the crew became a surrogate family to her child. However, after a particularly reckless job, she hung up her hat with the Stars and went on her own again.

She had a fortunate string of good heists since leaving and acquired a small-time thieving guild that she lead to fame and fruition.

Recently she's fallen on harder times. A series of brutal raids upon her shipping lanes combined with a sudden invasion of the Federation into both her public assets as well as hidden clientele has seen her returning to a former line of work that she had abandoned, and reuniting with former crew that she had left behind.

Skills/Equipment :

Being a well trained theif, Theigh's ability for scouting and recon is second to none. She's been fortunate enough to has established a name and reputation the 'Baronesse of The Emporium', having taken a relatively no-name smuggling and trading ring and elevated them as the go to in all things back alley or blackmarket dealings.

She's a good face, combining her natural good looks with a fierce tongue and former upbringing in the upper class. There's also not been a lock made that she hasn't been able to get around. That combined with her sticky fingers means she usually walks away with more then the fair share of any possible loot.

In an age where guns and ranged armaments are the norm, Theigh prefers a more hands on approach. As such, she's kitted out to maximize mobility and melee combat. She eschews firepower for close combat, she has a man portable power generator that she uses as a veritable 'shield' and her armaments is a highly sophisticated close combat unit called C.L.A.Y.M.O.R.E that can arrange itself into any configuration of melee weaponry.

She 'owns' her own ship named 'The Valkyrie' having liberated it from a Federation shipyard a couple years previous and as such boasts many if the latest innovations that that organization has come up with recently.
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