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MxF The Dark, Devious, and Taboo~ (FxM)


Zombie Slut
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Today 1:52 AM
Hello Lovelies~
My name is Necrona! 🐈‍⬛

I am currently looking for a roleplay partner that enjoys hashing ideas back and forth.
I, honestly, do not have too many solid ideas currently, but I have been itching to roleplay. I haven't roleplayed in a long time, but I have been doing this
for over ten years now. I am 24 years old. I've been ERPing for about 6 years now.
It's my main form of roleplaying, however, I do enjoy plot to my smut. I'd say I prefer a good plot to smut to be either 45/55 or 30/70!

I would like my roleplay partners to be literate. That means using correct grammar and punctuation. Your spelling must be good as well. I don't think there's much excuse when autocorrect is a thing.
I would like my partners to try and mirror my roleplay length. You don't have to, but I prefer 2-5 paragraphs with lots of detail and action to branch off.

I would like partners that also like to build up the character development and story development before rushing into smut. Normally, I like communicating this.
I prefer partners who enjoy communicating about the RP and where it's going OOC. I'm fairly collaborative.
I would like my roleplay partners to roleplay in the threads.

I would prefer active partners. 2-5 responses a day would be nice :)
I consider myself to be a pretty literate roleplayer. I tend to mirror my partner, but on average, I write about 2-5 paragraphs and would like my partner to be able to do the same.
I tend to prefer to play females or effeminate males, but I can play males and other genders as well. I have no problem doing so and can enjoy it!
I do not have many limits. I love extreme kinks, hardcore roleplays, and dark themes that would unsettle most. I love roleplaying incest, dubcon, noncon, rape, stalking,
kidnapping, etc. I'm sure you get the gist of it.
I am quite active online throughout the day, and can send 1-5 posts a day, sometimes even more if I'm on a roll with someone. I like when I'm able to write back and forth with someone. I enjoy a lot of different themes and genres like romance, dark romance, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, supernatural, etc. If fxm doesn't appeal to you for any of the plots, I can definitely change it up to fit mxm or any other pairing.
I only write in third person. I will not write in any other POV, sorry.
I make detailed characters with either anime or real life photos for references.
Alex walked through the forest. There was a faint breeze that rustled through his auburn hair. It was night. Deep blue was cast in the sky above the young man as he slowly made his way through leaf litter. He did not want to be seen sneaking around the young lord's manor so late in the night. With his auburn eyes and soft features, Alexandrian knew that he would be able to get out of any trouble he found himself in, especially being the imperial mage, but he didn't want to take the chance, nonetheless. With a small, loud click of his fingers, the mage found himself able to climb the young master's castle with ease. I cannot keep doing this he thought to himself, just as he lugged himself through the prince's window. There he was, like every fortnight when they meet, the chiseled, stoic features of YC strike Alex as blessings. If he looked like him, his life would have been easier. "I'm sorry, I'm late, You're Highness." he said, bowing his head in submission.
🐈‍⬛My plots 🐈‍⬛
updated frequently
Red = don't want to do it
Yellow = I'd be interested in trying it
Green = I've been dying to rp it

All my plots will have plot

Original Plots

None yet.

Fandom Plots

None yet.
Original Plots
Beast breeder rivals
• MC and YC have both been breeding the same kinds of beasts. They're always the two top bidders at the black auctions, fighting more amongst each other than for the beast. MC had specialized in dragonkeeping, dominating the market until another young up and coming bred a new dragon morph that skyrocketed their hatchery. Now, competing against this new breeder, MC has branched out to other beast avenues, weirdly noticing a pattern where YC will always buy the same beasts MC acquires. Angered and, embarrassingly enough, slightly curious, MC decides to try to find out what YC scheme is.
Worship or else. . .
YC is either a god or a demi-god, cast from their throne from another dimension, crashing down in downtown New York City. YC finds themselves lodged in a tall building that is taller than anything they've ever seen before. Unsticking themselves, YC finds the first humanoid creature to question which happens to be MC, hanging out on their skyscraper balcony, watering some plants. YC believes that MC should be at their beck and call since they're a mortal, helping YC get through the turmoils this great land will bring. MC is too stubborn and free-will to bow down without a fight first.
• YC is a mad scientist who had lost his wife in an accident. They were unable to have an open casket for her body was too unrecognizable. YC has been slowly slipping deeper and deeper into madness. Hiding away in an old, stone mansion the scientist slowly created a recipe for disaster that he couldn't wait to bring. The need and lust for his wife was immense. The need to have her in his arms once more was intense. His plan was simple. Kill the prettiest woman he could find, for they must be freshly dead. He would reanimate the corpse with the use of a concoctin of ammonia and chloride, electricity, and a few other elements to create the perfect wife. A reanimated corpse whose only purpose is to be at her husband's beck and call. I would be the reanimated bride.
Bloody Reintegration
YC is an abandoned vampire. Their coven had abandoned them, not having enough mentors to train the new fledglings that were converted, so some were just simply abandoned during one of their migrations. YC can be vengeful or not, they could have been mistreated, used as a blood-slave first. MC is an ex-vampire hunter who is now a veterinarian who found YC beaten and battered. MC fixes up YC and decides to try to help them integrate themselves into society as a vampire since their coven couldn't.

Fandom Plots
Pokemon trainer x pokemon trainer
Original Plots
Summer's Mark
• MC has lived on Estaria her whole life. Estaria is a world once full of humans, until a mysterious white rain started flowing from the cloudless, sunny sky started to cause them to get sick. Most humans died, but those who didn't, grew mutations familiar to features of animals. Some humans turned predominantly animalistic similar to lycans or anthropomorphic animals, while others only gained small mutations like wolf ears or a bunny's tail and whiskers. There is a caste system that ranks these new beasts, needing some form of civility to guide them, and soon genetics made it known that this is the way it must be. There are Alphas, the charming and ambitious leaders that lead their packs and families to success. After them, there's the Betas who are the second in the caste ranking often times are below the alpha but above omegas, betas cannot mate amongst themselves. They can take omegas as mates but cannot have kids, nor can they take on leadership positions. Betas can only have kids with other Betas. Omegas are at the bottom of the barrel. They are used to breed, to further the species. MC is an omega. She tries to hide the pheromones by taking pills to stop her cycle. Everything goes well until she decides to solo vacation to a beach. She lies about her name and why she's there, and finds herself trapped in YC's grasps before her vacation is over. They could own the hotel or casino, they could be a stalker or killer, they could be an alpha who just couldn't control his urges when it came to MC. It's up to you!

In your dreams
• Our characters have been having reoccurring dreams where they're always together, having sex in different ways. They're not lucid dreams. Our characters can only watch and think about things as they have these wet dreams, always waking up hot and bothered. YC believes these to just be dreams, but MC's friends have convinced MC that its a sign from the universe that MC's soulmate is out there waiting for them. YC has gotten to the point to where these dreams have gotten to be a hindrance to their life. They're not able to get MC out of their head, even though they don't think MC is real. YC's sleep schedule has been wrecked, and they find themselves seeking out women who look similarly to the one in their dream. That is until YC happens to spot someone who is a split image of MC while out (or online), not knowing that it is MC at the time.

Fandom Plots
none yet
Original Plots
Destroy the Mage!
• The kingdom is Keenirae, once a magic filled hub that all other countries vouched for, but times will change fast. With the death of the late emperor Descule, and no heir to take over (at least that they know), the Empress Gravdiere, took the throne and began a crusade against the mages that once lifted up Keenirae and the surrounding countries. Many of their allies turned their back on them, now having to fend for themselves. A few neighboring lands went down themselves without Keenirae's aid. MC was just a simple mage apprentice when the crusades first began, but now they were fully grown and well-versed with their magick. Unfortunately, they cannot use it like they once were now that they are being hunted. MC narrowly escapes death, being thrown in a brothel, or used as a soldiers toy almost every day. It's been over a fortnight since they've been able to sleep well. Every now and then, a kind soul would lend them a bed, or sometimes they'd get away with staying in a warm bed for the cost of their body, but they haven't been so lucky recently. You may pick what your character is and how it ties with the mage. I would prefer this to be a pretty smut heavy RP since it's a darker fantasy setting.
Fandom Plots
none yet.

// TWs ahead //
These have plots even if completely smut, I require character development between YC and MC.
Original Plots
• Welcome to the world of TechnoERO!! You have just finished your full body scan and have entered the "commercial district". It's the main hub of TechnoERO. This is where all players come, new and old, to get new gear, equipment, collars for their slaves, and even new slaves! TechnoERO is an erotic, open-world MMORPG. The players' character bodies are exact replicas of their bodies in real life. The game models' faces are slightly animated but resemble the player enough. Diamond players may pay a hefty price of in game currency to change this with mana reconstruction, but there are currently only 3 diamond players in the world. There is no goal to this game other than to release all your carnal, twisted desires onto one another to climb to the top of the food chain. In a cyberpunk-inspired world, the players are able to fight each other, fuck each other, enslave each other, and so much more. Quite truly, anything goes! Players can change their familial statuses to fulfill incestual desires, drink potions or learn spells to morph into anthropormorphic animals, and own establishments to force others to do your biddings. I do not have a specific character plot for this as I can play so many different characters. I simply just want to play the setting, but to give you some ideas. . .
1. MC is diamond player, your character is an old party member fanboy who has managed to stalk down MC IRL. They start treating them like a sex slave in and out of game.
2. MC and YC are brother and sister who both started to play TechnoERO without the other knowing. They meet in game and decide that there's no harm in playing with each other since it's only in game. We could branch out to them doing stuff outside of the game too.
3. MC is a new player who was taken by a guild to either use in their brothel or as a new mercenary since they're low on members. They decide to add sex to the list of training.
4. Monster-fucking hehe
5. The ideas are unlimited!

Don't get caught
• Our characters are brother and sister, adult age. I would prefer college to post-college age, so think 22-28. MC is the younger of the two and is staying at their parents house either due to schooling and the cost of commute/campus living, or she had just moved back to get a new job and needed time to get back on her feet. We can always come up with another idea as well. YC is the older of the two. They had a falling out with their longterm partner and was told to move out for a little bit. You can control if they break up in the future, but I think it'd be interesting to have a third person the two characters have to sneak around at first, so I'd like them stay together for a bit. Goal is to not get caught by the parents and girlfriend.
Fandom Plots
none yet.

If none of these are good to you, we can always come up with something that we both would be into.

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