MxF The Elite Monster Slayer Guild

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MxF The Elite Monster Slayer Guild


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Today 6:17 AM
An invasion of perverse demons has swarmed into our home realm. They have been corrupting and destroying all the nearby realms they've conquered, and are now a scourge on our doorstep. The only way to save our realm is to stop them from gaining a foothold here and drive them out, back to the hellish realms from which they came.

We know they can be driven off because they did it once before, millennia ago, when our ancestors drove them out and sealed the portals. Unfortunately, the demons were able to reopen them. The demons are cunning and have already corrupted the minds and bodies of both men and beasts alike, making them a perverted, degenerate lot, easily tempted by the promises of power or pleasure.

We are the most infamous guild, The Elite Monster Slayers. Our success rate in eradicating these disgusting beasts is top-notch. Every mission we complete is successful in killing monsters and making this world safer, at least a little bit more for the next day.

Knowing this, the king has hired us to clear up the infected regions, to find the portals spawning these hellions, and for us to then shut down the portal itself so no more can enter and corrupt our world.

A task easier said than done, especially when there's more than what meets the eye.

You are the newest member. You've found it hard to make friends and earn the trust of your peers, who do not think you belong in a guild such as this, but due to the recent death of a member, they've decided to let you take his place for a mission and see how it goes.
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