Both Needed The Graveyard - Sci Fi Mercenaries

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Both Needed The Graveyard - Sci Fi Mercenaries


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Where Gypso 2TF used to be, is now a Graveyard.
The planet was destroyed in an intergalactic conflict over a thousand years ago. It has since become a mass of ships and debris, crashed together. It is a massive hazard, with unskilled pilots loosing their ships and their lives within the mess. As a result, it is outside the jurisdiction of the Coalition of Planets.
As a result, the Graveyard has become the home of those who wish to avoid the Coalition, such as mercenaries or criminals.
You are one such nefarious individual who has moved to The Graveyard to escape the Coalition, for whatever reason. You have taken up home in the wreckage, along with several others in the large mess of crashed ships.
Teleportation is a relatively new invention for most species. It isn't really common place within the Coalition.
Personal Teleportation Devices are unpractical as they have a relatively high chance for complications.
The main form of teleportation are devices that are built either into bases or starships, similar to Star Trek, though they still can fail.
There is a stigma around this technology as many don't trust it, and refuse to use it.
Faster Than Light travel is broken into two categories. Wormhole Warheads, and Jump Gates.
Wormhole Warheads are pretty standard for most factions not affiliated with the Coalition. They function by inputting the required coordinates into a Warhead. Then firing the warhead, so it detonates in front of the ship. The ship is sucked or flown into the wormhole, where it will then traverse sub space to reach its destination. Capital Ships sometimes require more than one warhead to travel.
Wormhole Warheads aren't the most smooth ride. Due to the bumpiness of Wormhole Warheads, the Coalition developed the Jump Gates. They are smoother and faster than Warheads. However, they are a network of stabilised Wormholes. They don't have a choice where they go, as it is a two part system. One space station holds each opening open, and stabilises the Wormhole.
Blasters are any type of ranged weapon that fired bolts of intense energy, often mistaken as lasers. Operating under the same principles as laser weaponry, blasters convert energy-rich gas to a glowing particle beam that could melt through targets. The energy type varies from each manufacturer, with Laser Energy being red bolts, Plasma Energy being blue bolts and Maser bolts being green bolts.
Blaster bolts have little kinetic force behind them by default, although some people have combined blaster technology with slug weapons to add that kinetic kick.
Slug Throwers are sometimes called old weapons. They use some method of propulsion, with the most common being chemical or magnetic, to fire a solid metal projectile. They are typically used for punching through energy shields, or energy diffusing materials.
Melee weapons are a rather broad category, with each culture having its own approach. Whether it be vibrating the blade insanely fast, or a monomolecular blade or plasma blades, it is rather hard to define any common link between melee weapons. Other than that they are used to kill at close quarters.
Ship shields are typically a combination of a reinforced hull, coupled with an energy field. They are typically powerful enough that they will protect against most handheld weapons.
Typically by polarising the Hull, Ships become practically immune to physical projectiles. Most large ships have deflector shields, especially those designed for Wormhole Warhead use. The upside of these deflector arrays is that they will reflect physical projectiles. As a result, most ship-based weapons are energy or explosive based.
Personal energy shields are relatively new technology.
Personal field emitters are small devices, normally worn on the belt, that spread a small protective field around the individual. These are typically preferred by mercenaries as they are effective from every angle, and are normally pretty concealable. These field emitters have questionable efficacy, with most only being able to take a single hit before having to recharge, due to overheating.
There are handheld energy shields, that function similar to riot shields. They tend to be more durable than personal field emitters.
Energy diffusing materials are a much older form of protection.
Due to a lattice structure, woven throughout the material, the material can become more effective at dealing with energy-based attacks.
It has become able to be used in fabrics, with most combat personnel wearing this material as their uniform. It isn't foolproof, but it is better than nothing.
Nanotechnology is a rare and expensive technology. The Dise are the only mainstream race to have been able to create nanotechnology on a commercial level.
Nanites regeneration is tricky and rarely seen, as they have been hacked in the past. Having turned the people using it into a puddle, shaking most people's confidence in the technology.
Since cybernetics can be hacked, they have fallen out of mainstream us. Instead, biotics are becoming more popular. Using genetically engineered material, and specially grown neural tissue, people have found organic variations of most cybernetic augmentations.
Despite the various alien races, humans are still the most numerous within the Coalition. Some of the other races include...
Dise are a multi-armed race from the planet Dadus 97.
They are known for their large head and significant intelligence. They are typically gifted with Psionics and were the first race to scientifically master Psionics, and gave that information to the Coalition.
The air of Dadus 97 is sulfur based. As a result, Dise cannot breath common air, and wear filters over the lower half of their face. Technological advancements mean these filters can look the same as a cloth mask.

Acaks are native to Cragua 07Q. In the past, they were at war with the Pheledioms.
The Acaks are insectoids.
Due to Cragua 07Q having an above-average gravity, coupled with their insectoid physiology, they have vast strength for their size. Additionally, the main star of the Cragua system was found to be a rift within the Cosmic Void, making most Acaks Weave Wielders. Although their normal way of practising this gift is different from other races, as they have tied it more to their spiritual beliefs. Attributing their gifts to the "All Queen" instead of the stream of energy that flows beneath the surface of the universe.


Pheledioms are native to Cragua 05S. They are humaniod, though with a few extra abilities, from their world and culture. Pheledioms used to be a warrior race before joining the Coalition. In fact, Pheledioms were relatively late to join the Coalition when compared to other races, but they mostly hold military careers within the Coalition. That isn't to say they are savages or are unintelligent, there are many Pheledioms who work as scientists, developing new weapon technologies within the Coalition.

Cragua 05S is similar to its sister world, Cragua 07Q, in that it also possesses an above-average gravity. They aren't as physically strong as Acaks, but are slightly above average.
Pheledioms are also Weavers, with a more aligned view than the Acaks, understanding the universe for what it is, and looking past any religious pretence.

If you wish to add your own Alien Race, feel free to post it, and I will add it to this post.
Where Gypso 2TF used to be, is now a Graveyard.
The planet was destroyed in an intergalactic conflict over a thousand years ago. It has since become a mass of ships and debris, crashed together. It is a massive hazard, with unskilled pilots loosing their ships and their lives within the mess. As a result, it is outside the jurisdiction of the Coalition of Planets.
As a result, the Graveyard has become the home of those who wish to avoid the Coalition, such as mercenaries or criminals.

The Graveyard is a mess of ships crashed together, with most people living in their own ship, which they docked to the mess, adding to the wreckage. The centre of the wreckage is an old jump gate that has been shut off from the Coalition Network. This jump station is the central living area of the Graveyard, where everyone typically goes to interact with each other.
The Cosmic Weave is what the Coalition has called the stream of energy that exists beneath the universe. It wasn't discovered until contact was made with the Acaks and Phelediom.
While technically any can LEARN how to become a Weaver, it is especially rare in races that show psionic tendencies. Even without Psionics, many races can study their entire lives, and still struggle to manifest any sort of effect. Most people who present any form of real power, are normally found to have been exposed to a rift, either directly, or indirectly over time. The Acaks and Phelediom have developed Weaving because their race has been exposed to the Weave for generations. Many other races kind of pick it up through wormhole accidents, with the most common, yet most dangerous being detonating a wormhole warhead in a jump gate.
Psionics are more common then weavers but vary greatly in power. Empaths are pretty common compared to other psionic powers, with telepathy being pretty basic. Touch telepathy is usually registered with the Coalition, by law. The Coalition has a registry that you must register with by law if you start developing psionic powers. However, as we will mostly be playing criminals, the likelihood of our characters being registered is low.
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Hiya! I'm interested in joining this group if you'd allow me to participate
Sure, still open, just had it on hold for a while, but still looking to get it back up and running.

Weaver/Psionics: (is neither just say n/a)
Ship/Living Quarters:
Reason for Leaving the Coalition:
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