MxF The Lord Demands Entertainment

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MxF The Lord Demands Entertainment

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Tomorrow 4:32 AM
Greetings one and all!
This is my official request thread for this site and U hope to find some people to enjoy roleplaying and having fun with! :)

About Me
I'm a twenty-two year old history major who likes to read ridiculously long series of fantasy fiction. I enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning and I workout 4 times a week. If you feel like I missed anything just ask I'm happy to share!

My Expectations
I'm here to enjoy and have a good time with my partner when roleplaying. However, there are somethings I like my partner to understand before they hit me up with an rp proposal, and they are the following:
  • Long posts (at least two to three paragraphs long) whoever is searching for one-liners, not my things sorry.
  • Reasonable grammar (I know English can be difficult, and it's not my first language, but I find that without proper grammar I just can't understand and enjoy a story.)
  • I myself am a heterosexual male, and I prefer to play as such. (Straight male.)
  • Communication is key (Plotting and planning is obvious, but also in the case of something one finds wrong or uncomfortable with the plot-line or characters, please talk to me about it. I don't bite.)
  • Mutual Respect (I'm usually a nice guy, please don't lash out rudely with unnecessary dramas. Everything can be talked about and sorted out :>)
  • And, most importantly, HAVE FUN!
What to Expect of Me
  • Long posts
  • Reasonable grammar and spelling
  • Posts most everyday after I'm done studying
  • Talking about life and fun stuff
  • Having lots and lots of fun

As of the posting of this thread I have no constructed plots, but fear not! As soon as I build something up I'll update the thread right away.

Additionally, I'm up for any fantasy setting or historical period imaginable, so if you think we could build something on that, don't hesitate to pm me.

Lastly, if you're interested in me as a partner, and have an already built plot, hit me up! I'm all for new ideas and creating new characters to play and have fun with.

Hope to see you all soon!
I have an idea, it is that my character is an enforcer to the demon king (MC) who is your characters father or brother Your character was sent to earth to take it over but fell in love with humanity, your characters father or brother sends my character after yours and your character ends up falling for her.
I'm not usually one to come up with plot lines for new stories, and you seem like a great rp partner! If you come up with anything nice and fantasy related, hit me up in a PM and I'll see what we could do!
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