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- Today 12:16 AM
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- 55
- Age
- 26
"He was the most amazing person I had ever met in my lifespan. When he looked at me with those beautiful green eyes it was like the world stopped just for him. The first time we met I knew I would do whatever it took to be in his atmosphere. He was the other half of my soul. And as the years went by I lived in his shadow watching as he became a legend. The greatest hero to ever grace the earth, Just as I always knew he could be. But now that he was the best I couldn't find any excuses to hang around him. He was always surrounded by his fans and getting awards. They all blocked me out, kept me from him. It was then I realized I would have to up my game. To be near him I too would have to become the greatest....The greatest villain. If I did that he would have to come running whenever I showed up. It was flawless he would notice me. And just like that Eclipse was born. I made a dark, sleek suit. Hired henchmen and planned crimes that would put me on the map. I climbed the metaphorical ladder of success defeating lesser heros, and becoming the richest girl in the world. And it worked, oh how it worked I would leak my plans and there he would be ready to stop me. We became locked in an unending battle. I never won, cause I didn't want to take his joy away. I got rid of any of the lesser villains who's plans to take him away from me could actually work. I protected him from the sidelines and fought him in the spotlight. He got medal after medal and even a statue. It made me so happy, I got to do just what I had done when we were younger. Help him succeed, as the years went by I imagined he loved me too. He never paid attention to anyone else, he spent his time with me. It was absolutely perfect until that day on the bridge when I realized the truth."
The flaxen haired man towering above her red stained body cocked his head. "Really, Villain? What's that?"
She smiled sadly, coughing as the blood made its way into her lungs. Her hands gently gripped the knife stuck in her chest. As she looked up at him, her hero with those amber eyes dimmed by his hand sparkling with tears. "It wasn't love that kept you around. Because the second you found someone I would have given up. No, it's sad really. It took you killing me to realize... You aren't capable of love. You don't even know what love is. Only glory, you've chased it your whole life and I realize my mistake was helping you achieve it." Her hand reached out towards the hero and he took it kneeling beside her. "Glory is what you live for, it's all you live for. If they didn't worship you, you would have found another way to get that thrill. And that…. that is sadder than me dying just to hold your hand. It is my dearest hope for you, hero in my death. That you retire in all your glory and become capable of love. I hope you find someone that encapsulates your every waking moment. I hope she is the only thing you can think of and then…. then I hope she rips your heart out literally and figuratively like you did to me. Then you will join me in whatever is beyond this and tell me how much it hurts, cry to me as the pain eclipses your heart in a crushing cage. And then this all this… my death will have been worth it. Because no matter what I did I have never stolen a life. And that- that makes you the villain in this tragedy.
She said her voice, getting softer and softer, her hand growing cold in his grasp. Her eye's growing dimmer and dimmer. Her hand dropped from his warm one as he stood up and looked down at his fallen nemesis. Not the slightest hint of sorrow or remorse in his eyes as he turned his back to her and walked back into town, a dark smile crossing his face as he heard the people chanting. "Hero, Hero…. Our Hero."
The flaxen haired man towering above her red stained body cocked his head. "Really, Villain? What's that?"
She smiled sadly, coughing as the blood made its way into her lungs. Her hands gently gripped the knife stuck in her chest. As she looked up at him, her hero with those amber eyes dimmed by his hand sparkling with tears. "It wasn't love that kept you around. Because the second you found someone I would have given up. No, it's sad really. It took you killing me to realize... You aren't capable of love. You don't even know what love is. Only glory, you've chased it your whole life and I realize my mistake was helping you achieve it." Her hand reached out towards the hero and he took it kneeling beside her. "Glory is what you live for, it's all you live for. If they didn't worship you, you would have found another way to get that thrill. And that…. that is sadder than me dying just to hold your hand. It is my dearest hope for you, hero in my death. That you retire in all your glory and become capable of love. I hope you find someone that encapsulates your every waking moment. I hope she is the only thing you can think of and then…. then I hope she rips your heart out literally and figuratively like you did to me. Then you will join me in whatever is beyond this and tell me how much it hurts, cry to me as the pain eclipses your heart in a crushing cage. And then this all this… my death will have been worth it. Because no matter what I did I have never stolen a life. And that- that makes you the villain in this tragedy.
She said her voice, getting softer and softer, her hand growing cold in his grasp. Her eye's growing dimmer and dimmer. Her hand dropped from his warm one as he stood up and looked down at his fallen nemesis. Not the slightest hint of sorrow or remorse in his eyes as he turned his back to her and walked back into town, a dark smile crossing his face as he heard the people chanting. "Hero, Hero…. Our Hero."