Outer Sanctum The Missing Princess

Currently reading:
Outer Sanctum The Missing Princess


Positivity Goblin
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 10:19 AM
At the writing table
Hey! Yeah you. Wanna help me out? I'm looking for someone and I could use some help.
It's above board, look, I've even got a writ from the Ravencloaks making this official business.
There's even a bit of a reward if we can help them out, and I'm willing to share it with you.
Here take a look! If you are interested meet me at the guard station on the corner of
BloodSilk Alley, its by the walls down by the port.

character image

Writ of Return

The bearer of this writ has limited authority to search for and identify the cause of the disappearance of the:

Princess Kafira. Long black hair, wearing green gemstone necklace, and accompanied by her guard. Princess Kafira has been missing since early morning, and was last seen entering BloodSilk Alley.
The Ravencloaks have imbued the bearer with limited association and authority limited to the ability to search and qeury citizens to determine the location of the named individual, and if possible to return them. The bearer is NOT imbued with any legal authority to restrain or hinder citizens and is instructed to report to the nearest Ravencloak should any activity beyond searching and questioning be required in order to ascertain the individuals location and secure their safe return.

The bearer of this writ will be presented with a 50 Gold reward for the information that leads to the whereabouts of the named subject.

This will be a short open RP for anyone wishing to just explore a little of the city of Khare in a fun little adventure searching for a missing person. It will run for a limited but not set time. Anyone with an Outer Sanctum character is welcome to join and help with the search or just pass on through. The opening post is here: The Missing Princess.

  • Short to medium posts, to keep things moving in a group RP pleas keep posts semi short, about 2-4 paragraphs.
  • Post as frequently or as little as you like, drop in drop out at will. The plot will continue inching forward every few days and anyone not around will be assumed to just be busy in a different part of the alley.
  • There is a plot afoot, we will make an OOC thread where information and clues will be posted as the characters explore the alley. I (Mephisto) will act as a limited GM in that I will provide the information for the plot and some of the location and NPC information and answer any questions. The players will still drive the majority of the story through their own interactions though.

    PM me with any questions. :) Come enjoy the wonders of Khare!
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