Both Needed The New World (Group RP)

Currently reading:
Both Needed The New World (Group RP)

Unknown Person

The Lost Soul
Local time
Today 11:41 AM
Unknown, USA
Disclaimer:All Characters must be 18 or older

Several people are forced into a new world. They must work together and figure out how to escape as well as find out who forced them into the new world and hopefully return to their home worlds if they wish to.

The world would be fantasy with some modern and sci fi aspects.
Is this still an rp you are interested in continuing? I think the premise would be fun to experience.
Awesome, could you tell me a little more about it?
Just a little more fleshing out of the world they get sent to, like if they landed in a inhabited area or not or if they can understand the native speakers or not (Or even each other for that matter since they are all going to be from different worlds as well).
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