Challenge Submission The one hundred Cacti.

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Challenge Submission The one hundred Cacti.


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 9:03 AM
Jo was driving her van to the outskirts of town, filled up with boxes upon boxes with ordered cacti for some project she didn't know much about. It was summertime and very hot which left her to blast the vans AC unit even though it still felt like she was melting away into the warm seat underneath her. Jo was a common florist working in Miami, sure it wasn't her dream job really but still it put food on her table and clothing on her back so there was little she could complain about in that aspect. The radio station informed her that it was about to be another hot Miami day with blue skies and blasting sunlight , which to be honest wasn't too uncommon where she lived but the thought about the long overdue rain did however strike her brain at that very moment. It had been warm for a longer period of time making the grass she passed look yellowed and thirsty. The leaves on the palm trees to her looked fragile and starving for liquids and could use a good trim as well. Even though the environment screamed for a desperate taste of water at this point it still wasn't anything uncommon for this time of year and she still had her hopes for the rain to fall at any time now.

The white paneled van with the florist logo on the sides turned into a large, private property which made her honk the horn once as they had asked her to do when she arrived before she continued up to the main building. The van slowed down until she stopped it fully followed by her grabbing her water bottle as she turned off the vehicle. It instantly felt like she had entered a sauna as the AC stopped blasting which made her step out from the van to greet the family that for some reason needed one hundred different cacti. A reason she didn't know anything about yet. They exchanged common words, she thanked them for the opportunity, they talked a bit about the weather before the unloading of the many cacti began. It helped that they were ready for the delivery and had sorted out options for transferring the plants to their proper location which was more rare than you would think. Commonly the clients were totally unprepared even though they had chosen the time and place but with this family it almost felt like a breeze. That and she finally got to know about why they needed so many cacti of all plants.

At the edge of the propertyline they were well invested in doing a stunning cactus patch and these one hundred different sized cacti was the last they needed to make the project complete. Jo's job was to deliver the plants, put them where it was requested and head back into town but as she stood there in the radiating heat of the sun, sunhat casting well needed shade on her face she couldn't help but to just adore what they were creating. How long had this taken them in total? The cacti looked like a perfect piece of art, color coded and size fitted in magical patterns that she had no idea where they had come up with the design. As she soon delivered the last box of cacti to the right location a cooler type breeze made her flowery, sundress flutter as she took off her protective gloves with a last look at the gorgeous art they were making. It was at this moment she truly understood the value in her work. Before this point she had just seen it for the paycheck without really thinking what her help could result in. Now, standing at this place, she felt for the first time in her career that her flower delivering actually made a difference. Thanks to her help they could create this artwork and the world was truly better for it.

After Jo complementing the work they were doing and accepting praise for her being able to find the cacti they needed in a timely manner she got back in her car and started the drive back to her workplace with the newfound passion of her work within her. She had felt her life to be pretty stale at this point; work, home,work, home and back to work again. She really hadn't seen or felt like she had accomplished anything the past years but this day was different. The artwork had filled her with a new found desire to be creative and she felt like it truly was a fantastic world she lived in. This was her re-starting point of the passion she had as a kid; the re-start of her art walk of life.
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