MxF The Paladin and the Rouge(Long-term, multi-para, Fantasy)

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MxF The Paladin and the Rouge(Long-term, multi-para, Fantasy)


The Cloud Walker
Local time
Today 12:18 PM
Hi there, I'm Nef. I won't bore you with a lengthy intro but I have been writing for well over ten years. I write multiple paragraphs with heavy detail so I am hoping to write with someone who has a similar style. I'm quite greedy and go for quality and quantity. I love reading as much as I love writing so I need a partner that can give me good content to get excited over. I like to talk OOC to make sure we're on the same page with things. We don't have to have lengthy conversations if you don't want to but I like to check in and discuss the story.

I'll break down exactly what I'm looking for and what I offer.
  • I write in third-person, past tense, and in multiple paragraphs
  • I don't have a preference for frequency of replies. I'm busy, you're busy, let's just write when we have time and not feel pressured. I'm usually on every couple days though
  • Long post lengths, anywhere from 2-10+ depending on the story and the scene
  • Heavy details, I'm a real sucker for details.
  • I'm fine starting us off if you don't disappear on me, I put a ton of effort into my intros and their size can be intimidating(Or so I've been told) so just talk to me
  • Literate and puts effort/pride into my writing.
  • My stories are plot driven, not sex driven. Sexual themes are definitely great and will be in the story, but it wont dominate the story.
  • Okay with 18+ themes such as sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, blood, swearing, ect... I don't fade to black in sex scenes, nuh-uh honey, I like those nitty gritty details that I can really sink my teeth into.
Okay onto the fun part! The plot! This is inspired by some creatures and classes in DnD.

Paladins are bound to the Church. Most were orphans taken in and raised to become loyal servants of God. They are known to travel across the land, easily identified by the helmets they wear that they can never remove in front of another being. Dark creatures lurk in places all across the land and Paladins are the ones who exterminate them. They don't simply slay demons and disperse curses though. With a high sense of righteousness, they will capture and punish criminals as well. But how complicated will it get when he is sent to capture a woman, a thief, a rouge. Known for stealth and thievery, rouges are often caught up in some criminal act. This woman he seeks though is more than just a common criminal. She is accused of stealing from the Church itself... an artifact from the grand library, a ritual dagger said to be blessed by the very Lord they serve. Its priceless, at least to the Paladins.

He hunts her down, though capturing her is no easy feat and the weeks worth of travel back to the city won't be simple either. Rouges are known for lock picking, for sneaking, for slipping away, so he needs to be alert. But the challenge he wasn't expecting during their travels is how she taunts him. Paladins are known to be righteous, strict to the rules, and unwavering from their duty. But this woman easily pushes his buttons, picks away at his resolve, and teases him in ways he never imagined. Deceptive minxes, thats what he was warned of, but he still wasn't prepared.

So, the basic idea is that this Paladin was sent to retrieve her and bring her back to the church to be punished. That means weeks worth of travel back to the City. He captures her but its keeping her caught thats the issue. Rouges are sneaky creatures known for escaping any sort of situation. So, a religious knight strict to the rules and his duty forced to travel with a rouge known for deception. I imagine her having quite the attitude but also being very teasing. Paladins are sticklers for rules and their duty, so I imagine her pushing his boundaries. Temping him, teasing him, trying to manipulate him. She is unlike anyone he has ever met before, and keeping his head on straight is a challenge. Will they learn the understand each other before they reach the city?

If you're interested shoot me a message!
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