MxF Winters haiku to romance

Currently reading:
MxF Winters haiku to romance


Slytherin Princess
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:41 PM
Ink flows like warm light,
Pages whisper tales of hearts,
Love blooms in each line.

Hi and thanks for stopping by! Welcome to my small corner of the Sanctum, take a seat and stay a while. Here you'll find my current craving of plots that I'd love to share with you. Don't be afraid of the length of them, they simply serve as outlines and elements can always be changed while we work out specifics.

About me
I've been roleplaying for about 11 years, probably younger than I should have but what can I say? I was a kid with unlimited access to the internet. Outside of roleplay, I've been writing for just as long, if not before. I took creative writing electives in high school where I fell in love with it more. I first came across roleplay sites around 2014/2015 when I joined Guilty Pleasures. When the site went down around 2019, I found myself here! My new home for writing and finding partners and friends. I am a mom to a one year old son Luca and I work nights as a barista so you will find me most active early morning/afternoon and very late at night.

What to expect of me and what I look for
I'm normally on every day, so replies will be no problem unless I reach out and tell you otherwise. I normally write 2 to 3 paragraphs but lately have been putting out between 600 to 1000 words posts. You can expect 1 to 3 replies a day depending on how fast or slow my partner replies. Regarding smut, I'm sure, in any of these, it will come up. I don't rely on smut to make the story interesting or to further character development unless absolutely needed. I like to keep the ratio at a 70/30, but we can always talk about it. I don't expect my partners to match me in post lengths, but please no one-liners, unless it is impactful to the story. If you're no longer enjoying the roleplay, please reach out and tell me instead of completely shutting down and stop replying. I'm always willing to work around things and even end one story to start another. All I ask if you reach out.

✨ Plots ✨

Best friends since childhood here and there, they would have a one night stand, but never really allowed themselves to progress into anything more than just friends. Now, as adults who are figuring out the dating scene isn't as easy as their parents made it seem, MC and YC are seeing each other more and more frequently. Eventually, MC starts seeing someone new, and has less and less time for YC. YC realizing maybe they've had feelings for MC the whole time, MC having to make tough decisions — either continue dating this new person and hurt YC or stop seeing the other person and explore things with YC

close childhood friends reunite except MC was in love with YC growing up, and YC became MC best friend's high school sweetheart. MC concealed their feelings all throughout their friendship, in high school & college, although both definitely had feelings & felt sparks for one another long before YC started dating the best friend. Despite the connection they'd felt, neither wanted to jeopardize any of the friendships between the three, and ultimately, YC ended up married to MC bff… except now, years later, the two reunite at the best friend's funeral. Imagine the hurt of losing a loved one but having the comfort of yet another loved one?

one an agent, and the other a spy. They must pretend to be in a relationship to save their lives. But where does pretending end and real feelings begin?

Given the chance out of a modeling career she hates, MC agrees to marry YC for five years. Play the happy house wife in person and on social media so that MC will get their inheritance while YC works up the ladder in the family company. Four years in MC and YC are certain the other hates them and both are ready for the marriage to be over, however, things take a turn when YC father (the one who created the contract) says the two of them have to move across the country as part of a promotion on YC end to run a new branch of the company. They prepare for the last year of their marriage to be even colder now that they're stuck in a new town/city with no friends. New sides of each other are revealed as both characters slowly start to find comfort in each other. but their time is running out. Will the marriage still end at the end of the year or will it blossom into something more?

MC and YC, while best friends, are on total opposites of the spectrum – YC is a total ladies-man, while MC is incredibly awkward and fumbly around the opposite sex. they go out to bars, to clubs, to dinner or to brunch – it doesn't matter, YC finds it hard to leave without getting the waiter/bartender's number while MC tries to figure out if the human body will ever be capable of controlling the blush response. after witnessing the millionth strikeout during a night out at the bars, YC decides to give MC some pointers – except MC has never felt more comfortable flirting, even if just for practice, with anyone else before

give me sparks flying, YC seeing a totally new side of MC they didn't think existed. staged, practice dates; YC teaching MC how to win someone over, teaching them all the ins and outs of relationships - Only for MC taking everything they've learned and showing up at YC doorstep anyway - taking all the advice they've learned and turning around to use it on YC because the only reason any of their teachings or advice ever seemed to work anyway was because they were with YC the whole time.

Enter in "'i was in love with you the whole time and had no idea until you taught me how to give a proper kiss, and now your lips are the only ones i ever want to kiss again' type of love

If you have any questions, always feel free to PM me! Hope to hear from you soon! xx​
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