Challenge Submission The Remedy

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Challenge Submission The Remedy


your touch lingers
Local time
Today 5:36 AM
Knife Play
Sexual Violence
Strong Language

And since James doesn't like that one word, an increase of cuntage occurs in its stead.

Fluorescent lights flickered overhead. Three figures loomed—a fourth figure huddled, trembling in a chair. A woman sat, naked and quivering, with a hood over her head. One of the men standing at her side ripped it off. Disoriented, she blinked, whimpering against the soggy gag in her mouth. Tears caked her cheeks and drool slimed down her chin.

"Hello, Fifi," I said, taking a step forward. I stood before the cowering dog, showcasing my own nudity. My creamy, pale skin glistered in the light, slick with oil. The woman's eyes widened in recognition and let out a muffled sound of surprise.

"You didn't think I knew your name, did you?" I asked, hands on my hips, tapping my fingers. "You live right above me. It wasn't hard to figure out," I leaned in before straightening back up. "And you give out way too much information on Facebook, my dear—but, don't worry. Unlike you, I'm not coming after your daughter."

She jerked in her seat. The two men reached out to steady a hand on her shoulders.

"You're probably wondering why I summoned you here today, huh?" My eyes glinted with a dark ferocity. "It's time to act like the 'fat fucking heifer' you keep treating me as. Remember when you called me that, multiple times? Fat Bitch seems to be one of your favorite phrases. Funny, coming from someone named after one."

Fifi stiffened.

"You do, don't you? You remember every little cunt-ass thing that escapes your rancid mouth," I said, approaching one of the men. Reaching out my hand, he placed a small knife in my palm. I stepped back to show it off. Pressing the tip of my finger onto the tip of the blade, I twirled the hilt with my other hand. "You know what this is?" My eyes snapped up from the blade to catch her gaze. Confused, she nodded.

I frowned, "No, you don't." I took a step forward and bent down, my breasts unapologetically dangling in front of her face. I showed her the knife, "This…is your new name."

The cunt looked at me, mystified, but I could see the dread in her eyes.

"But first…," I said, smirking. "It's time to tell you mine."

I stepped back and twirled the blade once more before pointing it toward my stomach. Looking down, I dragged the point of the knife across my belly, cutting into the soft flesh. Then, I dragged it down, diagonally; again and again until the word F-A-T was etched into my upper abdomen. Blood oozed and trickled down.

My eyes snapped up again, "Let's see if you know how to read—I didn't want to assume, or anything." I pointed to my pudgy pouch, "Eyes right here, please. What does this say?"

The two men on either side tightened their grip on Fifi's shoulders. She maffled something against the gag that resembled a short 'a' sound.

I smiled, "Very good. Now, let's try this one." I took the knife to my stomach and carved another word into it. This time, following along the curve under my navel. I looked over at the woman, my grin creepy, "What…does this say?"

All the two men had to do was shift their weight a bit and Fifi uttered another indistinct noise. It sounded remarkably like the new word.

"Let's spell it out. B-I-T-C-H," I smirked, using the knife like a pointer to go back over the two words. "Fat Bitch. Very good!"

I walked over to a nearby stool. Upon it rested another knife, a mirror, a roll of athletic tape, and a portable electric razor. Setting the knife I used on myself to the side, I picked up the razor and clicked it on. Fifi startled. The effervescent vibration buzzed like angry bees swarming the room. I clicked it off, then grinned. My voice came out smooth and crackling, like honey poured over a flame.

"Now it's time to learn your new name," I said, flicking two fingers outward. The men jumped into action. They grabbed hold of the woman's legs with their free hands and spread them wide.

"First, let's get a nice clear canvas with which to work from, yeah?" I switched the razor on once more and approached the woman's crotch. Eyeing the patch of swampy pubic hair, I scrunched up my nose. Fifi tried to squirm against the men's hold, but they held her steady. I looked up at her, then switched off the razor, amused, "Relax. I'm in control. I won't go any further than I intend to."

The look of fear and contempt in her eyes almost made me laugh. I turned the razor back on and proceeded to shave her mons, the curled clippings falling to the floor. I clicked off the razor and stood up, taking a moment to admire this newly created canvas. Rejoining the stool, I placed the razor down and grabbed the unused knife. As I walked it over, my grin contorted into another wicked shape. I held it up in the light, then dragged the spine of the blade down her body, stopping right before reaching her mound.

"Second, let's show you your new name."

Squatting, I settled between the woman's thighs and began to slice into her skin. She jerked against the men and wailed into the gag in her mouth. If I had cared to look, I would have seen tears welling in her eyes. But I was busy concentrating like a little kid with an art project.

"There," I said, sitting back on my haunches with a proud grin on my face. "It's perfect."

Hopping to my feet, I padded my way to the stool, dropped the knife, and snatched up the mirror. Walking back to the woman, I held it out to her. "Can you read backward?" I adjusted the reflection so she could see her bloodied, cut up cunt, wynorrific in its display:

ᗡ A M
T И U Ɔ​

"Here, let me help you," I said, as if speaking to a dim child. "M-A-D C-U-N-T spells what?"

Fifi, quaking, bleated against the gag. I grinned, then bit down on my bottom lip like I was holding in the suspense, "Your new name is…Mad Cunt." Pointing to her crotch, then to my stomach, I said, "Mad Cunt, meet Fat Bitch." I lowered myself in front of her face, tucking the mirror between my thighs. My voice was low and dangerous, "It's time to make good on your threat to punch my teeth into the back of my skull."

I took a step back and with a flick of my wrist, the men released their grip and shoved Mad Cunt off the chair. She landed on her knees, catching herself as the rest of her fell forward. I hovered.

"See, the funny thing is, you speak like someone who has never been smacked in the fucking mouth," I said, my words dripping with venom. "That's okay, we have the remedy."

Sauntering over to the stool, I set the mirror down and picked up the athletic tape. I began wrapping my wrists and hands. Puffing up my chest, I started in on my obligatory anti-hero monologue:

"I don't care how mad you are—you don't get to talk to people the way you do. You said you were two days away from burying me and my family in a hole. Because why? Because we exist? Because our existence sometimes produces normal levels of noise? See, it's not okay for you to bully people like this—scream down at them—threaten their lives, health and safety—call the neighbors 'faggots' and 'Mexican bitches.' This country was built on the backs of brown people—with their own hands—you waste of white flesh. You wouldn't have food if it weren't for them…or a place to live. If you can't handle living in reality, I suggest you dig your own hole and bury yourself in it—leave the rest of us in peace—away from your nasty existence."

Finishing up the wrap job, I walked over to Mad Cunt and squatted. I pressed a finger to her forehead and leaned in, "It must be real torture living inside that head of yours, huh? Everything you say is a projection of some kind or a gaslight." I stood up, looking down my nose at her repulsive form. "You speak like someone who has never been knocked the fuck on out," I added, spreading my arms out wide. "But we have your remedy."

The cunt looked up at me, fuming and shaking, still on her hands and knees.

I laughed, "Not so fun to be on the receiving end, is it? Get up. And don't fucking touch that gag in your mouth. I don't want to hear your fucking voice."

She refused to budge. I stepped to her side and grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling up until she followed with her feet. We stood face-to-face, a somber chittering electrified the air between us. In a low tone, I said, "You're in my house now, bitch."

With force, I released her hair and threw the first punch. It cracked against the side of her face. She bumbled backward in a daze then lunged at me, grabbing onto my slick shoulders. Her fingers slipped against the oil as they tried to dig in. I reached out and latched onto her shoulders. We pushed against each other in an arm-locked embrace, our foreheads knocking together.

I reached behind her head, fisted her hair again, then yanked, hard. Throwing her to the ground, she landed on her back. Hastily sitting on top, I reached down to her throat. She kicked, bucking upward. I grabbed hold of one of her legs with a free arm. She continued to kick. Letting go of her neck, I took hold of her other leg and stood up, holding her limbs flush against my body. I stared down at her angled form. Coiling my foot back, I spread her legs and punted her straight in the cunt. She screamed against the gag, her body convulsing.

"That's for threatening my daughter's life," I said, spitting on her.

Mad Cunt lurched upward to flail out at me. I dropped her legs and scrambled behind, cinching up against her on the floor. Pressing into her back, I wrapped my arms around her neck in a headlock. Struggling, she moved to kneel on both knees, forcing my hold to weaken. I moved to stand up again, curling my back like a cat to keep my hold taut. She clawed her arms around the backs of my slick thighs.

Increasing the pressure around her neck, I leaned into her ear and growled, "And this is for threatening to have her taken away. She never did a damn thing to you except be excited over her new room. Fuck you for being such a cunt over a child's happiness."

I uncurled and threw my weight backward toward the ground, dragging the whore with me. I wrapped my legs around her hips in a scissors hold, squeezing the breath out of her sides with my thighs. Rasping, I sat up and reached down the front of Mad Cunt's body. I shoved my fingers inside her. Pulling out, I brought my hand to my face and licked her juices from my fingers. My expression soured, "Bitter. Just how I thought it would be."

Mad Cunt managed to pry my arm from her neck, then twisted away, wriggling on her back like the worm she was. Swiftly, I mounted her and shoved my glassy chest in her face. Reaching behind the back of her head, I seized a fistful of hair. I curled her head up, pressing my breasts downward in an attempt to suffocate her with them. My arms began to shake.

Her hands found my neck and pushed in deep trying to find a choking point as she struggled to find air. I let go of her hair and sat up, then reached out to choke her back. Lifting her head by the neck, I slammed it into the floor. Releasing an arm, I balled my fist and pummeled the side of her body. Then, with a flat-fingered palm, I jabbed my fingers between her ribs, over and over, until bruises formed.

Wincing and floundering, her grip around my neck loosened. I wanted to bring this fight back to our feet, so I rolled away. As I did, her flailing arms slapped at my pendulous breasts, her body slicked up from my oil-soaked form.

I scrambled to my feet and allowed the swine to do the same. I sprung forward, bringing my arm back and slapping her hard across the face. My other hand; a fist into her torso, breasts and sides, wherever it would land. Mad Cunt slapped back. I punched her in the nose. Blood gushed out. She stumbled and lost her footing, falling on her ass. Her body retched as she choked for breath, reaching to remove the gag.

Arching my back, I thrust my hips forward and pissed on her. I jumped on top and dug my fingers around the gag, pulling the gloopy thing out and tossing it aside. With my thumbs in her mouth, I stretched wide the sides of her cheeks. I hawked a giant loogie directly into it. She heaved.

"That's for making my life a living hell."

With bloodied hands, she reached out and tried to claw at my face and eyes. I let go and wrapped my arms around her torso, flipping her onto her stomach. I cupped my hands under her chin and yanked upward. She gasped for air. Her blood pooled around my fingers.

My arms slinked around her neck and head, forming a stiff chokehold. I squeezed, hard. Mad Cunt's eyes bulged. Her face began to turn purple. Foam started seeping out of her mouth. Her body shuddered and pulsed against the frantic rhythm inside my own veins. Then, she went limp.

Panting, I released her, letting her body slump to the floor. I looked over toward my two helpers and nodded, hot and flushed from the exertion. I gathered my remaining strength to stand up, admiring the blood stains smeared on my glossy skin.

"She's all yours, boys," I said, walking away. I noticed one of the men adjusting the bulge in his trousers. My voice trailed behind me as I called out over my shoulder, "Make her bleed."
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