Either Needed The Rogue's Gallery

Currently reading:
Either Needed The Rogue's Gallery


White Knight extraordinaire.
Local time
Today 4:32 AM
Mists of Avalon
Elite assassin/espionage agent, answers to the throne only(kingdom type optional)
Contact is through the throne, has many aliases, owns 3 houses in different parts of the city, employs multiple outfits and settings
has a pet gyrfalcon named Grimalkin

This is the basic idea I have for my character.
I am looking for 2 more players that might be interested.
What I have in mind is we three meet at a nexus point disguised as a tavern by the name posted above.
Each of us comes from a slightly different world or reality.
MC would be based off Assassin's Creed character.
Players 1 and 2 maybe a sell-sword and a mercenary; but can be whatever
I would recommend finding my original that I transplanted from the original site and reading it over
Cool found and read that. I personally prefer shorter and more frequent postings in rp is that alright with you?
I also wanted to see if you wanted to keep those characters and have me pick one of them up or start fresh?
A call has gone out for an unusual mission.
Individuals summoned from their own realities to meet up at an extremely unique location; The Rogue's Gallery. The Gallery sits in the midst of a warp nexus, accessible to those types it harbors but not plotted on any map. Three individuals have been summoned. All three of questionable reliability, and of methods better suited to nighttime and shadows. The only way for the three to recognize each other is an odd token, resembling a coin, that each will have.
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