Character(s) The Spymaster's "People of Importance"

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Character(s) The Spymaster's "People of Importance"

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As a spymaster I have made two oaths. One to the nameless ones who taught me the skills that I have today - To gather as much information and knowledge about all things and keep track of it as honestly and meticulously as I possibly can. Then before I die turning said knowledge over to the guild to store in a safe place for the future generations to have unadulterated stories of events from my point of view. The second is to my king the same that all guild members make to their king. No matter our opinions, that can even be based on information we gather, we will remain honest and wholeheartedly loyal to our ruler. To counsel him when he asks, and to give him nothing but truth as we know it. We will not answer to anyone except the king himself. We will only give the knowledge that is asked for and anything we may deem important for the well-being of the ruler.

History is not written by the victors. History will be written by the honest spies of the 4 kingdoms.
Drahko - Prince and Champion of the Kingdom of Alicha, Heir to the throne, Murderer of King Vladik
Status - Deceased
Cause of death - Chest crushed by a blow of the mace swung by Stizzos the Dragonkin, Brother of Drahko, after the death of King Vladik
Father - King Vladik
Mother - Queen Aglaya
Siblings - Stizzos the Dragonkin
Description - 6' tall, Silver hair, grey eyes, rather thin
Personality - Cocky while fighting, but had great ability. Very quick and agile fighter using a longsword as his preferred weapon. Enjoyed laughing and making jokes whenever possible. His lack of seriousness bothered his father. Loved his best friend/pet Hazuul. When put into a fight with allies, was fiercely loyal and protective. Would take it very hard if anyone died while he was with them, always claiming he could have saved them. When Hazuul died, he broke. Blaming himself at first then becoming angry and shifting the blame to his father. Anger and sorrow makes people do terrible things. He is the perfect example.

History(short version)- Growing up he was very clever, yet not wise. His tutors beat him when he conversationally outmaneuvered them when claiming they were inadequate to teach him. Clever to outsmart a teacher but not wise enough to see he would be beaten. Eventually his father offered him a gift. A new friend to train with him and go to classes with him. Giant Gorillas were said to be very smart and of course strong. He and Hazuul took to each other immediately. Hazuul would smack Drahko as soon as he got out of line because his friend wanted him to learn as much as possible, to keep him safe in upcoming conflict. Hazuul outgrew him by far, reaching to four times Drahko's size. By that time Drahko had learned not to speak out against his teachers. The bruises from Hazuul hurt more as time went on. Being the firstborn son of the king he was named champion as soon as he was deemed fit to fight in the name of Alicha.
Soon after, his father sent him to war. He won the initial fight of the war in a fight of champions. He told stories of creatures he had fought with Hazuul in the mountains and the forests when marching away from the army. These will be listed in "Stories and Legends" in my histories. Drahko was seen meeting with a young lady from time to time in secret. I believe this woman to be Amaris, daughter of the enemy General Ousay After multiple battles the army arrived in the city where the final battle would take place. The army of Alicha were set to lose this battle and when Drahko was surrounded and General Nevir of Alicha killed, Hazuul, somehow, summoned open the magics of this world and grew to much more monsterous size. Hazuul was then attacked by a dragon. After the fight the dragon had fallen as well as Hazuul and Drahko broke. I cannot account his thoughts but I believe this along with poison words from his secret meetings with Amaris turned him to return to the capital and there he murdered his father then was killed by his brother.

This ends the short History of Drahko the Prince and Champion of the Kingdom of Alicha, Heir to the throne, Murderer of King Vladik
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