Staff member
Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔

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- Today 10:58 AM
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- Try/Me

Welcome, new victims, to my coffin of shadows.
I am Mikki. In this sanctuary of the night, you will find yourself embraced by darkness. This world is filled with horrors and wonders alike, and you will become one with the shadows.
Roam freely, connect with your fellow victims, and let the darkness consume you. Together, we are stronger, and every tale here adds to our dark legacy.
The Wrong One
The Choice
Favored Genres
Come to me with any ideas.
I am Mikki. In this sanctuary of the night, you will find yourself embraced by darkness. This world is filled with horrors and wonders alike, and you will become one with the shadows.
Roam freely, connect with your fellow victims, and let the darkness consume you. Together, we are stronger, and every tale here adds to our dark legacy.

A case of mistaken identity lands a young woman facing a groom she was not supposed to have! For whatever reason, she decides to go through with it, and must suffer the consequences of the arranged marriage and the new man in her life.
Pairing Ideas: wrong bride x groom, bride x wrong groom, wrong bride and wrong groom
Pairing Ideas: wrong bride x groom, bride x wrong groom, wrong bride and wrong groom
A woman beset on two sides by would-be suitors has a difficult choice to make, however when her life is threatened by a new force in town, this can be whayever bbeg we decide, she must convince everyone to work together in order to survive.
Setting: Modern, fantasy, scifi-planet, etc.
Pairing Ideas: female x male x fe/male
Setting: Modern, fantasy, scifi-planet, etc.
Pairing Ideas: female x male x fe/male
Fantasy, Medieval, Paranormal modern, Romance, Dark, SciFi, Cyberpunk/Steampunk
Come to me with any ideas.

Artemisia strode down the length of one corridor, the Corinthian granite columns standing tall in the presence of the frigid morning. It was time. It had begun. She smiled. It no doubt had already brought revelers out into the streets and she had no further doubts that the rituals would soon begin. Offerings for her blessing. People in the streets would fuck in her name. Drink to her honor. Fight in her armies, and eventually die for her gain. It was how the wheel spun. And it hadn't ever changed in the near everlasting time of her dominion.
Despite her having a name, no one used it. She preferred the autonomy of the titles given to her. What better way to deny her humanity? What better way to stay high on her dais of godhood? She wasn't prepared to give an inch to her reign. She'd done so, so far without much question once the rebels had been put down some many many many years ago. It was legend now to them. A legend she had, of course, twisted to suit her taste. A benevolent grace who had freed the many and turned away the blasphemers to their deaths. It was an epic that was sung often in local watering holes. Something she enjoyed listening to if she could slip away unseen.
Though now, she had become content in her palace of glory. Every year she added onto its massive form. Using what she knew of her power to bend and form the stone to her wishes. And every year, her populace was reminded again of her absolute power. There was none that could naysay against her.
She stole a quick peek out across her courtyard. The snow was fresh and clean. Her handmaidens had all vanished. The guards were gone. Any that would normally have been around were gone. This suited her. She would have the benefit of a quiet morning before she opened her doors and her spell to her people.
Thick ringlets of black hair hung from her coronet, intricately woven into the heavy silver jeweled crown. Saphires sparkled brilliantly in the morning light, white diamonds accenting the harmony of the cool colors. Artemisia's skin was slightly pinked from the cold, her nipples taut in response, barely hidden under her pale chiton. It was trimmed in an excess of silver, weighing the ends down to hug her body with every move she made. Her sandaled feet strode quietly as she made her way to her galley. She would partake of breakfast and sit in quiet contemplation until she was ready for her session with the people.
She entered the galley, and perusing over its stores she chose a few strips of dried venison, a slice of cheese and a small persimmon. With her fare gathered in her arms, she made her way to her garden. She entered the area through an arched gateway, dead vines crawling up its side. During the spring the garden smelled at its sweetest, and her pool displayed her collection of colorful fish. Now? Everything was dead, her pool frozen over with the shadows of fish suspended in whatever states the cold had found them in. It was a reminder that the seasons turned. Ever so.
She sat on a small log, and tucked into her meal. She chewed slowly as the years' events rolled through her mind. The people were well happy with her. She'd freed several nations from tyranny, subsequently adding onto her vast Empire. She smiled, more ground this year. Perhaps this next will add more into her realm. More people, more goods, more trade, just MORE. She took some hours as the sun rose and began its' descent to think of her next moves. What new areas she would pursue. What new thing would she offer to her people? She was excited at the prospects.
Once the suns' rays began the stretch across the sky she made her way to her throne room. The lowering sun had begun to bring with it more cold, and a steady wind that bore through her chiton. She was cold. Not terribly so, but enough that she would relish the lighting of her hearth fire. She opened the large doors, closing them behind her. She engaged her spell. Anyone that would come through, would have to begin the ritual. She walked over to the hearth and with a few strikes of flint over the tinder, got it going. Soon she was adding logs to the flames. She drew a white leopard fur across her shoulders and took her seat on her throne. The crowning glory in all of her power. Manifested of crystal. It stood tall and unwavering, etched intricately with roses and swirling vines, it was a feat of magic that she had spent many hours on working. She slipped a pillow underneath her rear and satisfied began to wait. She was certain there would be some early birds this year.
Despite her having a name, no one used it. She preferred the autonomy of the titles given to her. What better way to deny her humanity? What better way to stay high on her dais of godhood? She wasn't prepared to give an inch to her reign. She'd done so, so far without much question once the rebels had been put down some many many many years ago. It was legend now to them. A legend she had, of course, twisted to suit her taste. A benevolent grace who had freed the many and turned away the blasphemers to their deaths. It was an epic that was sung often in local watering holes. Something she enjoyed listening to if she could slip away unseen.
Though now, she had become content in her palace of glory. Every year she added onto its massive form. Using what she knew of her power to bend and form the stone to her wishes. And every year, her populace was reminded again of her absolute power. There was none that could naysay against her.
She stole a quick peek out across her courtyard. The snow was fresh and clean. Her handmaidens had all vanished. The guards were gone. Any that would normally have been around were gone. This suited her. She would have the benefit of a quiet morning before she opened her doors and her spell to her people.
Thick ringlets of black hair hung from her coronet, intricately woven into the heavy silver jeweled crown. Saphires sparkled brilliantly in the morning light, white diamonds accenting the harmony of the cool colors. Artemisia's skin was slightly pinked from the cold, her nipples taut in response, barely hidden under her pale chiton. It was trimmed in an excess of silver, weighing the ends down to hug her body with every move she made. Her sandaled feet strode quietly as she made her way to her galley. She would partake of breakfast and sit in quiet contemplation until she was ready for her session with the people.
She entered the galley, and perusing over its stores she chose a few strips of dried venison, a slice of cheese and a small persimmon. With her fare gathered in her arms, she made her way to her garden. She entered the area through an arched gateway, dead vines crawling up its side. During the spring the garden smelled at its sweetest, and her pool displayed her collection of colorful fish. Now? Everything was dead, her pool frozen over with the shadows of fish suspended in whatever states the cold had found them in. It was a reminder that the seasons turned. Ever so.
She sat on a small log, and tucked into her meal. She chewed slowly as the years' events rolled through her mind. The people were well happy with her. She'd freed several nations from tyranny, subsequently adding onto her vast Empire. She smiled, more ground this year. Perhaps this next will add more into her realm. More people, more goods, more trade, just MORE. She took some hours as the sun rose and began its' descent to think of her next moves. What new areas she would pursue. What new thing would she offer to her people? She was excited at the prospects.
Once the suns' rays began the stretch across the sky she made her way to her throne room. The lowering sun had begun to bring with it more cold, and a steady wind that bore through her chiton. She was cold. Not terribly so, but enough that she would relish the lighting of her hearth fire. She opened the large doors, closing them behind her. She engaged her spell. Anyone that would come through, would have to begin the ritual. She walked over to the hearth and with a few strikes of flint over the tinder, got it going. Soon she was adding logs to the flames. She drew a white leopard fur across her shoulders and took her seat on her throne. The crowning glory in all of her power. Manifested of crystal. It stood tall and unwavering, etched intricately with roses and swirling vines, it was a feat of magic that she had spent many hours on working. She slipped a pillow underneath her rear and satisfied began to wait. She was certain there would be some early birds this year.

Sybil looked up at the neon sign that illuminated the night around her in a haze of pink. It was the closest thing to a club they had on this side of town, and Joey had insisted on meeting her there after she'd had her crappiest day yet. She made her way down the small line that had begun to form. It was close to 9pm already and they were getting in early so they could grab dinner after a few drinks and some dancing. Joey was already in line, and when he made eye contact with Sybil he began to wave her over.
"Sybil!" He smiled at her and took a step back. "Saved us a spot."
"Thanks Joey," Sybil joined him in the line and they stood shoulder to shoulder.
"Just you wait and see, this is going to be just the ticket you need to shake off a bad day. Besides, I heard that leech fucking deserved it."
"Joey! Hush!" Sybil looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one picked up on the term. Despite how vague it was, if the wrong person heard, they'd been in a world of trouble.
As it stood, the magical community was in a great divide. The mythical and magical creatures of the community all stood on opposite ends of a decision. Did they become public and break out from their hiding? Or did they stay in secret, keeping the humans none the wiser? For Sybil, it would just be better if they stayed in hiding. It kept the world from going into panic and there was a certain freedom with the anonymity it provided. If anyone knew, truly knew, what she could do then she'd be the first one the white coats would snatch up and begin experimenting on.
Sybil was a blood mage. Her power was derived from the essence and power that blood held. The more magical or robust a person was, the more power that could be derived and used. For Sybil, Joey was her anchor. Her consenting battery. They had long ago built this little partnership with the stipulation that Sybil would warn Joey if she needed to use it. If they were far apart, she'd send him a text to let him know. Joey always had to rest and eat to recover so she was limited in what she could do, but it also meant she wasn't a target. Most Blood mages she knew preferred a human anchor as it kept them from being manipulated by their anchor. The connection was generally a two-way radio. Both ends able to receive and transmit information, but with a human it was only a one way. Joey had no magic. While for Sybil, that meant she had a limited range of power, it also kept her from being forced to Anchor onto someone who could do more than she wanted. Without an anchor, Sybil would be in excruciating pain.
An anchor could only be released through death. So unless Joey was in harm's way, she was safe. There were ancient rules in place from the Council that kept anyone of the magical beings from harming a human.
Which is not to say it doesn't happen, but it was a rare occurrence. Most of the magically inclined had consenting adults in their entourage and that kept everything in balance. As it was, Sybil kept to herself mostly, and continued to keep her head down to avoid too much attention.
The doors opened to the little club, and the line began moving. Joey bounced on the balls of his feet next to her.
"I'm excited! This week has been crazy and I am so ready to let loose and maybe even meet my next mistake!"
"Joey, you really need to slow it down sometimes. I'm not picking you up from another one night stand because you got too drunk." Sybil looked up at him from the corner of her eye.
Sybil stood at 5'6" while Joey was a whole head taller than her, and much more muscle bound than Sybil was. Joey was hugely gay, and was always at the gym if he wasn't at work or out on the town.
"Oh come on, you're no fun! That's the point, isn't it? Besides, it wouldn't be a walk of shame if I didn't have someplace to go."
Sybil shook her head with a sigh. He really was going to keep her on her toes. The door security smiled down at her and nodded for the two of them to enter. Once inside, the club was blazingly loud and the bass was clearly powerful. She could feel the thumping of it in her chest. The room was clouded with smoke, a mix of a fog machine that had seen better days and the clientele smoking their cigarettes, making the air noxious in some places. Sybil went to find them some seats, while Joey made a beeline for the bar to grab some drinks. When he returned he held to beers and two shots.
"A Yuengling and tequila for the lady! Here's to better days ahead!" He raised his shot glass, clicked it against hers and the pair down the drink with a quick toss of their heads. Sybil chased the liquid with a slug of her beer and smiled. "Much better." Joey chuckled next to her, eying the dance floor. "We should really get started dancing if I am going to find someone to knock boots with before the evening dies down." He stood then and took Sybils' hand. "Come on, let's go for a few songs, and we can finish off a few more beers before dinner."
Sybil groaned, but relented, rising to take Joey's hand and the two headed to the designated dance floor. Sybil stepped into an easy sway as they began, preferring to stay fluid and loose in her dance, while Joey was a little more enthusiastic. Sybil could feel their tether, their connection thrum with his joy and found herself smiling and happy as a result.
"Sybil!" He smiled at her and took a step back. "Saved us a spot."
"Thanks Joey," Sybil joined him in the line and they stood shoulder to shoulder.
"Just you wait and see, this is going to be just the ticket you need to shake off a bad day. Besides, I heard that leech fucking deserved it."
"Joey! Hush!" Sybil looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one picked up on the term. Despite how vague it was, if the wrong person heard, they'd been in a world of trouble.
As it stood, the magical community was in a great divide. The mythical and magical creatures of the community all stood on opposite ends of a decision. Did they become public and break out from their hiding? Or did they stay in secret, keeping the humans none the wiser? For Sybil, it would just be better if they stayed in hiding. It kept the world from going into panic and there was a certain freedom with the anonymity it provided. If anyone knew, truly knew, what she could do then she'd be the first one the white coats would snatch up and begin experimenting on.
Sybil was a blood mage. Her power was derived from the essence and power that blood held. The more magical or robust a person was, the more power that could be derived and used. For Sybil, Joey was her anchor. Her consenting battery. They had long ago built this little partnership with the stipulation that Sybil would warn Joey if she needed to use it. If they were far apart, she'd send him a text to let him know. Joey always had to rest and eat to recover so she was limited in what she could do, but it also meant she wasn't a target. Most Blood mages she knew preferred a human anchor as it kept them from being manipulated by their anchor. The connection was generally a two-way radio. Both ends able to receive and transmit information, but with a human it was only a one way. Joey had no magic. While for Sybil, that meant she had a limited range of power, it also kept her from being forced to Anchor onto someone who could do more than she wanted. Without an anchor, Sybil would be in excruciating pain.
An anchor could only be released through death. So unless Joey was in harm's way, she was safe. There were ancient rules in place from the Council that kept anyone of the magical beings from harming a human.
Which is not to say it doesn't happen, but it was a rare occurrence. Most of the magically inclined had consenting adults in their entourage and that kept everything in balance. As it was, Sybil kept to herself mostly, and continued to keep her head down to avoid too much attention.
The doors opened to the little club, and the line began moving. Joey bounced on the balls of his feet next to her.
"I'm excited! This week has been crazy and I am so ready to let loose and maybe even meet my next mistake!"
"Joey, you really need to slow it down sometimes. I'm not picking you up from another one night stand because you got too drunk." Sybil looked up at him from the corner of her eye.
Sybil stood at 5'6" while Joey was a whole head taller than her, and much more muscle bound than Sybil was. Joey was hugely gay, and was always at the gym if he wasn't at work or out on the town.
"Oh come on, you're no fun! That's the point, isn't it? Besides, it wouldn't be a walk of shame if I didn't have someplace to go."
Sybil shook her head with a sigh. He really was going to keep her on her toes. The door security smiled down at her and nodded for the two of them to enter. Once inside, the club was blazingly loud and the bass was clearly powerful. She could feel the thumping of it in her chest. The room was clouded with smoke, a mix of a fog machine that had seen better days and the clientele smoking their cigarettes, making the air noxious in some places. Sybil went to find them some seats, while Joey made a beeline for the bar to grab some drinks. When he returned he held to beers and two shots.
"A Yuengling and tequila for the lady! Here's to better days ahead!" He raised his shot glass, clicked it against hers and the pair down the drink with a quick toss of their heads. Sybil chased the liquid with a slug of her beer and smiled. "Much better." Joey chuckled next to her, eying the dance floor. "We should really get started dancing if I am going to find someone to knock boots with before the evening dies down." He stood then and took Sybils' hand. "Come on, let's go for a few songs, and we can finish off a few more beers before dinner."
Sybil groaned, but relented, rising to take Joey's hand and the two headed to the designated dance floor. Sybil stepped into an easy sway as they began, preferring to stay fluid and loose in her dance, while Joey was a little more enthusiastic. Sybil could feel their tether, their connection thrum with his joy and found herself smiling and happy as a result.

She is dead, alive and moving only for the seething rage and anger that brought her spirit back. She knows that there is nothing after this. She traded her afterlife of peace to tie a few loose ends. She didn't breathe, didn't blink the white eyes of hers, merely stared at the cross stuck in the ground next to hers.
She let in a wheeze of a breath and groaned. She could smell herself. She was rotted in parts, limbs somehow still moving despite the clear age of her bones, old flesh clinging like moss to a tree. She could feel the writhing of maggots in her flesh, could feel the beetles make their feast. Yet, it didn't bother her. She had one task. One thing to do.
Kill them. All of them.
Then and only then would she spend the rest of her unlife serving the needs of her master. She would do so with a smile, knowing that revenge had been meted out for her husband.
Dark tendrils of hair stuck to the part of her face with a cheek, the opposite side bared, showing white teeth, through torn and rotted flesh, canines elongated into something more vicious than she could remember having when she was alive. She grunted, words weren't necessary anymore. She disappeared into the shadows, her gait staggered and unbalanced.
I grinned, taking a drink of my mead and setting the mug down. We were celebrating another succesful drop. Coins filled our purses, and drink flowed freely. A momentary hitch had caused our plan to go awry for a mere moment. Once it was taken care fo we were able tog et back on track and continue with the trasport of stolen goods and Dream Weed. Dream Weed was a rising favorite for the local elite and wealthy, using the herb to smoke and derive a sense of euphoria. They traded their coin for a moment of complete and utter happiness. I had never partaken myself, but tonight a small tincture of the stuff was being passed around. Each man in my crew, Julian, Aronaus, Kalosio and Breven, stoppered the vial with a finger before upturning the liquid and dabbing the very small circle of the fluid onto their tongue. Finally the vial passed to me and I couldn't help my curiosity anymore. I flipped the vial over my forefinger and righted it, placing the pad of my finger on my tongue. I corked the small vial, and set it down on the table beside me, waiting for the drug to take full effect. Slowly, the world became hazy and a rush of utter bliss curled through my body. It was intense, and I could feel my cock harden at the feeling. It was as if everything was right with the world and I had achieved the happiest level I could ever reach with a mere smear of liquid Dream Weed.
The world warped around us, Breven was singing terribly, and the other boys were clashing their mugs together, spilling mead across the floor and their laps in victory. Tonight was about our success and the amount of coin we had gained for a job well done. My head turned toward the doorway, eyeing it as the wail of a wolf nearby echoed across the sky and vibrated the windows ever so slightly. Our hideout was in a small grove of trees that had broken off of the trail some miles north of the nearest town. A haven for us to relax and enjoy our triumphs. I took another swig of my drink and stopped suddenly when a screech like a blade being drawn heavily on glass caused my partners to stop their revel. We sat quietly, each eagerly listening.
"Bruv, that was too close..." Breven slowly set his mug down.
"You're just hearing things Bre, the wind must have brushed a branch against the window." Julian smiled, waving a hand in a gesture that was nonchalant and unconcerned. Kalosio merely pulled his dagger from it's sheathe at his side.
"Not any trees near this house, and that had a very distinctive sound."
"It's alright, Breven and Aronaus will go check it out and it will be nothing surely." I chuckled, laughing off their paranoia. Aronaus hadn't spoken up, but he was already drawing his blade and getting up, making his way to the door. He opened it and turned to look at Breven.
"Come on you chik- Gauughkt!" Aronaus paused, a sickening sound curling from his voice. He blinked, and looked down. I followed his gaze, watching as a blossom of red began to soak his shirt, covering a bulge. The bulge moved and I could hear the sickening crack of ribs as it retreated into his body again. Breven, Kalosio, and Julian all stood in front of me, drawing blades as they caught up with what was happening. Aronaus collapsed to the floor, dropping to his knees before slamming face first with a solid THUNK! Behind him a figure stood, sheathed in a familiar dress. Where had I seen it before?
"FUCK! Run!" Breven and Kalosio both bolted towards the back door and I looked up at the form in the doorway, silhouetted by a faint light from the fire outside. Realization hit me and I turned to run as well. Julian growled fiercely, drawing his sword out to slash at the creature. Flesh met flesh and Julian was screaming, the form covering his body as he fell backwards to the wooden floor. It was vaguely female, but it was hard to tell with her face attached to Julian's neck. A sickening tearing sound echoed in the room, and I could hear distinctly as Julian took in a ragged and wet breath. The whites of his eyes showed as he reached for me, the creature tearing at his throat.
Instinct kicked in then and I turned and ran towards the back door. Kalosio and Breven were well away from me. I grunted and hit the forest floor from the back deck, but instead of continuing to run I fell. I stared lamely as the earth met my face, my eyes watching Breven and Kalosio's backs as they ran, shrieking. Pain lanced through my ribs and spine, causing my hands and feet to curl in on themselves. The world warped again for a moment, the Dream Weed fighting to keep me awake and without pain. I let out a ragged breath, feeling the heavy form of something on my back. The creature? The woman? Was it? I groaned, feeling a tug against my back, my breath quick and hot. What was she doing? A large sound of flesh and wetness met my ears, followed by pain as it shot through my body, red-hot and angry. I screamed, my voice echoing off of the surrounding wood. Something dropped and hit the forest floor with a wet sound. Then in my view were a pair of feet. Then a gown and calves, but they were rotten, the cloth old and ragged.
Breven and Kalosio ran, their bodies highlighted by the high moon shining above and laced with the shadows of branches and leaves. I watched as their forms disappeared down the path. One by one they disappeared, their voices high and keening in the air. I grunted, feeling a coldness settle over my back and unable to move. She walked back, dark blood covering her dress, sticking to her rotting corpse of a body. She was... smiling? It was hard to tell with half of her face missing, but one side stretched over white teeth. I watched helplessly as she approached, her eyes on me as she drew nearer.
"Finally." She rasped, drawing in a deep breath to make the sound. "Peace."
I looked up at her, her feet inches from my face. White eyes peered into mine and I could see her. The smiling woman we had found with her man, hidden in our lair and fucking each other. The man had been tortured while she watched, then we had our fun with her before dispatching both of them. It had been fun, the shrill cry of her voice as man after man took their time, pumping into her small soft body. I remembered. Nearly a fortnight had gone by, and I had all but forgotten. Now? I knew exactly who she was. I knew why she had come back. I snarled, collecting what saliva I had left before spitting on her foot.
"Ugly bitch. Your cunt was wide as a keel and dry as sand!" I gritted out, blood coming up between words. Fuck her and fuck her mate. I propped my arm down against the ground and shoved against it to look up at her properly. Around her shoulders settled a heavy laced fabric, the pale skin of two hands alighting upon her. Following the limbs, a male appeared at her side, with a smile that reached ear to ear across his face.
"Come my pet, you have finished." He whispered, and chuckled down at me. She shuddered in his grasp.
"One left." She moaned softly, her voice light and raspy. The male over her shoulder, a solid head taller than her, looked down at me.
"No, that is dinner my sweet silver light." He bent low and his pale bloodless lips brushed against the ragged shell of her ear. She groaned, dropped to her knees next to me, cold dead hands cupping my jaw on either side of my face. I worked my throat to throw more obscenities but found them dying on my tongue when her mouth caught my lips. She tugged and sucked, and the taste of dirt and rotted flesh cause me to gag. Her mouth moved to my jaw, my ear and finally settled on my neck. I felt the sharp pang of pain when her jaw worked into my skin there and I screamed. She was...drinking! She was. I was. Dying. Cold. Then darkness.
She let in a wheeze of a breath and groaned. She could smell herself. She was rotted in parts, limbs somehow still moving despite the clear age of her bones, old flesh clinging like moss to a tree. She could feel the writhing of maggots in her flesh, could feel the beetles make their feast. Yet, it didn't bother her. She had one task. One thing to do.
Kill them. All of them.
Then and only then would she spend the rest of her unlife serving the needs of her master. She would do so with a smile, knowing that revenge had been meted out for her husband.
Dark tendrils of hair stuck to the part of her face with a cheek, the opposite side bared, showing white teeth, through torn and rotted flesh, canines elongated into something more vicious than she could remember having when she was alive. She grunted, words weren't necessary anymore. She disappeared into the shadows, her gait staggered and unbalanced.
I grinned, taking a drink of my mead and setting the mug down. We were celebrating another succesful drop. Coins filled our purses, and drink flowed freely. A momentary hitch had caused our plan to go awry for a mere moment. Once it was taken care fo we were able tog et back on track and continue with the trasport of stolen goods and Dream Weed. Dream Weed was a rising favorite for the local elite and wealthy, using the herb to smoke and derive a sense of euphoria. They traded their coin for a moment of complete and utter happiness. I had never partaken myself, but tonight a small tincture of the stuff was being passed around. Each man in my crew, Julian, Aronaus, Kalosio and Breven, stoppered the vial with a finger before upturning the liquid and dabbing the very small circle of the fluid onto their tongue. Finally the vial passed to me and I couldn't help my curiosity anymore. I flipped the vial over my forefinger and righted it, placing the pad of my finger on my tongue. I corked the small vial, and set it down on the table beside me, waiting for the drug to take full effect. Slowly, the world became hazy and a rush of utter bliss curled through my body. It was intense, and I could feel my cock harden at the feeling. It was as if everything was right with the world and I had achieved the happiest level I could ever reach with a mere smear of liquid Dream Weed.
The world warped around us, Breven was singing terribly, and the other boys were clashing their mugs together, spilling mead across the floor and their laps in victory. Tonight was about our success and the amount of coin we had gained for a job well done. My head turned toward the doorway, eyeing it as the wail of a wolf nearby echoed across the sky and vibrated the windows ever so slightly. Our hideout was in a small grove of trees that had broken off of the trail some miles north of the nearest town. A haven for us to relax and enjoy our triumphs. I took another swig of my drink and stopped suddenly when a screech like a blade being drawn heavily on glass caused my partners to stop their revel. We sat quietly, each eagerly listening.
"Bruv, that was too close..." Breven slowly set his mug down.
"You're just hearing things Bre, the wind must have brushed a branch against the window." Julian smiled, waving a hand in a gesture that was nonchalant and unconcerned. Kalosio merely pulled his dagger from it's sheathe at his side.
"Not any trees near this house, and that had a very distinctive sound."
"It's alright, Breven and Aronaus will go check it out and it will be nothing surely." I chuckled, laughing off their paranoia. Aronaus hadn't spoken up, but he was already drawing his blade and getting up, making his way to the door. He opened it and turned to look at Breven.
"Come on you chik- Gauughkt!" Aronaus paused, a sickening sound curling from his voice. He blinked, and looked down. I followed his gaze, watching as a blossom of red began to soak his shirt, covering a bulge. The bulge moved and I could hear the sickening crack of ribs as it retreated into his body again. Breven, Kalosio, and Julian all stood in front of me, drawing blades as they caught up with what was happening. Aronaus collapsed to the floor, dropping to his knees before slamming face first with a solid THUNK! Behind him a figure stood, sheathed in a familiar dress. Where had I seen it before?
"FUCK! Run!" Breven and Kalosio both bolted towards the back door and I looked up at the form in the doorway, silhouetted by a faint light from the fire outside. Realization hit me and I turned to run as well. Julian growled fiercely, drawing his sword out to slash at the creature. Flesh met flesh and Julian was screaming, the form covering his body as he fell backwards to the wooden floor. It was vaguely female, but it was hard to tell with her face attached to Julian's neck. A sickening tearing sound echoed in the room, and I could hear distinctly as Julian took in a ragged and wet breath. The whites of his eyes showed as he reached for me, the creature tearing at his throat.
Instinct kicked in then and I turned and ran towards the back door. Kalosio and Breven were well away from me. I grunted and hit the forest floor from the back deck, but instead of continuing to run I fell. I stared lamely as the earth met my face, my eyes watching Breven and Kalosio's backs as they ran, shrieking. Pain lanced through my ribs and spine, causing my hands and feet to curl in on themselves. The world warped again for a moment, the Dream Weed fighting to keep me awake and without pain. I let out a ragged breath, feeling the heavy form of something on my back. The creature? The woman? Was it? I groaned, feeling a tug against my back, my breath quick and hot. What was she doing? A large sound of flesh and wetness met my ears, followed by pain as it shot through my body, red-hot and angry. I screamed, my voice echoing off of the surrounding wood. Something dropped and hit the forest floor with a wet sound. Then in my view were a pair of feet. Then a gown and calves, but they were rotten, the cloth old and ragged.
Breven and Kalosio ran, their bodies highlighted by the high moon shining above and laced with the shadows of branches and leaves. I watched as their forms disappeared down the path. One by one they disappeared, their voices high and keening in the air. I grunted, feeling a coldness settle over my back and unable to move. She walked back, dark blood covering her dress, sticking to her rotting corpse of a body. She was... smiling? It was hard to tell with half of her face missing, but one side stretched over white teeth. I watched helplessly as she approached, her eyes on me as she drew nearer.
"Finally." She rasped, drawing in a deep breath to make the sound. "Peace."
I looked up at her, her feet inches from my face. White eyes peered into mine and I could see her. The smiling woman we had found with her man, hidden in our lair and fucking each other. The man had been tortured while she watched, then we had our fun with her before dispatching both of them. It had been fun, the shrill cry of her voice as man after man took their time, pumping into her small soft body. I remembered. Nearly a fortnight had gone by, and I had all but forgotten. Now? I knew exactly who she was. I knew why she had come back. I snarled, collecting what saliva I had left before spitting on her foot.
"Ugly bitch. Your cunt was wide as a keel and dry as sand!" I gritted out, blood coming up between words. Fuck her and fuck her mate. I propped my arm down against the ground and shoved against it to look up at her properly. Around her shoulders settled a heavy laced fabric, the pale skin of two hands alighting upon her. Following the limbs, a male appeared at her side, with a smile that reached ear to ear across his face.
"Come my pet, you have finished." He whispered, and chuckled down at me. She shuddered in his grasp.
"One left." She moaned softly, her voice light and raspy. The male over her shoulder, a solid head taller than her, looked down at me.
"No, that is dinner my sweet silver light." He bent low and his pale bloodless lips brushed against the ragged shell of her ear. She groaned, dropped to her knees next to me, cold dead hands cupping my jaw on either side of my face. I worked my throat to throw more obscenities but found them dying on my tongue when her mouth caught my lips. She tugged and sucked, and the taste of dirt and rotted flesh cause me to gag. Her mouth moved to my jaw, my ear and finally settled on my neck. I felt the sharp pang of pain when her jaw worked into my skin there and I screamed. She was...drinking! She was. I was. Dying. Cold. Then darkness.