The "Visitor", looking for a roleplay partner for a plot idea I had

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The "Visitor", looking for a roleplay partner for a plot idea I had


Local time
Today 8:12 AM
WARNING: This Rp might contains drama, violence, and gore. This post contains gore and mention of murder.

Disclaimer :

The character featured in the introduction doesn't have to be... YOU.

Alright! First post (well, second if we count the introduction), first roleplay request. What is this? Well, I took the time to write an introduction and a setting for this plot, so I'll jump to my "requirement". I also want to say that it's my first time posting here so... tell me if I do something wrong.

In terms of post length, I can vary, but I'll usually go for one or two (sometimes more) paragraphs, but sometimes, for the sake of interaction, can require one liners which is, obviously, more than fine.

This is story focused. There can be some romance I suppose, it can happen, but it's not the point. The idea is for a long, open ended roleplay. We can focus on the current setting, jump to another one, change characters along the way... This is long term, is what I'm getting at. As mentioned before, there will be violence and probably a lot of gore.

I don't have any favorite pairing, but my character is technically female, so if it's important for you, here you go, the information is out.

I'm hesitating to post more about my character, featured in the introduction, but I think that discovering who she is through the rp is best, so that's why I will rather give a precision to the setting and say that this rp is mainly Modern-Fantasy, with the idea of world/dimension travel, and quite a bit dark. This is pretty much an experiment about a character / story type that I plan to explore, but is unsure about.

Your eyes open wide, yet all you see is the white ceiling of your room, dimly lit by the frail red light of your clock. You turn your head towards it to see that it is late, or early, depending on one's perspective, three in the morning. You eye the open window in your room and can clearly see darkness spread evenly outside. The sky is burdened with clouds, hiding any stars from view. It is a calm, if cold night, especially in the middle of the summer. You listen to the silence around, only broken by your own breathing, and the occasional nocturnal chant of insects. You come to wonder just what could have woken you up.

Just as you're about to close your eyes once again, the reason becomes clear. A calm, slow knocking on your door. This surprises you. It is late after all. You slowly get out of bed and walk on the tip of your toes on the soft carpeting of your room toward the window. You lean over the edge and look down to your porch.

A figure is standing there, barely illuminated by any of the street lamps, shrouded in a darkness that looks almost unnatural, preventing you from seeing any of its traits. You've been looking for a few seconds when the shape's head turns. Even though you can't make out any of their features, you feel certain that the silhouette is looking directly at you. It did not even hesitate a second.

You step back out of view, confused, yet, you hear new knocks at the door. Slow, calm. The same type of knock than a neighbor would use to ask for some favor. You hesitate. The person outside is alone. You had a full view of your front porch. No shady individual sneaking nearby ready to jump you as you open your door. Should you go down there? Would it be smart? You could just crawl back into bed and ignore it, since no one else in the house seems to be bothered.

The knock is heard once again. Whoever this is doesn't seems to get impatient. You sigh and decide to go see at least. You walk out of your room, walking as silently as possible on the cold parquet that stretches out of your room. You slowly step down the steep set of stairs and make your way toward the sturdy black entrance door of your house.

You stand before it, hesitant. What are you doing? Just go back to bed, you think to yourself. Instead, you lean on the door and move your eyes close to the peephole, while your right hand reaches for the light switch controlling the porch light. Outside, deformed by the glass of the peephole, you can see the figure, still hidden in shadows that should not be there. With a flick of your finger, you flip the switch, and light comes flooding on the porch, blinding you for a second and forcing you to move away.

You cover your eyes, cursing internally at them for being so sensible, then move over to the peephole once again. You simply cannot contain your gasp at what you see.

The person, or rather creature standing on your porch is feline looking, standing on its hind, feral looking legs, its feet are paws, with claws pointing out from them. Its arms are resting along its side, terminated by paws. It is covered in fur, white, speckled with chestnut patches over its hips, shoulders and flat chest. However, something red and wet is covering its paws, and face, which is similar to one of a cat, with a slightly longer muzzle. Its eyes are of a bright and light blue, its pupil, vertical, rendered thin by the light, were staring right at the bulb.

It blinks a couple of times, while staring intently, then opens its mouth to utter a sound. No, a word. You could not make out what it was, or recognize it, but it was a word. Could this thing talk? You barely finish that thought that the creature's head tilts down and its eyes focus on the peephole. You once again have the feeling that it, whatever it is, is looking right at you, which you know is impossible. It is, right?

Just like the creature's body seemed to have been defying the light earlier, it's eyes appear to be defying the night, appearing brighter than they should be. Without even realizing that you took that decision, you reach for the lock of your door and turn it. The sound is loud enough for both you and the creature to hear it, yet, it doesn't move. Your hand reaches for the handle, grabs it, then pulls it down. The mechanism unlocks with a click, with which the door pushes open towards you.

You step aside, pull the door fully open, and stand on the doorway, facing the creature who still hasn't moved an inch. It blinks and tilts its head, eyeing you from head to toes, literally. It then straightens its head, and offers its paw, as another human would offer their hand for a handshake. You look down at it, almost drawn to take the offer, but staring at the red soaking its fur.

Yet, despite your best judgement, you reach and grab the paw, expecting to suddenly be pulled into a toothy embrace, claws burying in your skin. The creature doesn't however. Instead, it simply wraps its paw around your hand as best it can, without shaking it.

You suddenly feel the color drain from your face as a ball of pure anxiety fills your throat. The wet fur presses against your skin, causing some of the liquid to be squeezed out and drip along your wrist. You suddenly realize what that is, and the revelation immediately throws you back to reality, the reality in which you would not have walked down to see what was happening. The reality where you would never have opened the door to anyone in the middle of the night. The reality in which you would not have left your bed. What is tainting the creature's fur is blood.

You immediately try to pull away, yet are unable to. You open your mouth, but no sounds come out. You feel a tingling in your body, followed by a pinch inside your head, as if someone was pulling on your brain. The creature's eyes close as it takes a deep breath.

As suddenly as it started, all sensations disappeared. You manage to pull your blood stained hand without any efforts, yet are unable to follow through by simply closing the door on that creature.

It blinks, eyes haggard for a second, before it focuses on your eyes, staring intently. It tilts its head, a soft smile cutting across its face, revealing sharp teeth covered in blood as well.

"English... what a weird name for a language."

It giggles, as if finding its own words funny.

"Can I get in? I need a shower."

It's a morning like anyone would expect it in this 21st century. Humans around the world awake, prepare their breakfast or skip it. Things change, however, when they light their phone, TV's, computers, and see this:​

"The world is trembling. While the scientific community scrambles to explain the sudden changes in climates that happened overnight, middle of summer with temperatures reaching up to 120°F, barreled down to a frightening 48 °F, in an otherwise rather unremarkable city, local authorities try their best to solve two cases of brutal murders, where only blood and bits of bones and flesh are left of the victims, a hiker in the hills situated in the vicinity of the city, and an older women. The inspectors said that, if the case of the hiker might as well be due to a feral attack, the old woman's case is throwing doubts over the investigation. Results are showing that nothing was forced to gain entry to the house. Analysis seems to prove that the lady opened her door to her assailant. Two cup of tea where found in the house's living room, as well as fur on one of the chair. Analysis are still inconclusive on those. The police for now seems to believe that an actual murderer, maybe cannibalistic, is hiding in the city. All in this otherwise calm and peaceful city are waiting in terror, wondering who will be taken next. For now the investigation seems to try and recreate the trail followed by the murderer, who left the old woman's house after killing and possibly devouring her, and wandered in the streets. A wellness check team will be dispatched later today. Any unusual sightings are to be reported immediately. Stay home, and open to no one."
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