All The Walk Between Pages

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All The Walk Between Pages


Very Un-Ciri-ous
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 3:32 PM
alongside a bundle of sage
I will get straight to the point on this. I played a game called The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales and I thought the premise and potential of the game were far better than the game itself, so here I am, ready to steal that entire concept and use it to write a better story than the hours I wasted playing that game. So here we go...

The concept of Books as you know it has been lost to time. The Original Works, those Books written by those with new and exciting concepts have long since been tucked away, kept safe in hallowed halls. Today, written works must only use the ideas of those found in the Original Works, shaped and framed and rewritten over and over and over again. New ideas are not allowed, only new contextualization for what has already come before. Despite this, there are a multitude of successful writers who produce excellent work. How, though, would you keep track of every book ever written, every idea that springs forth from an author's mind, to ensure it falls within what is allowed to be published?

Enter the Bookwalkers, those with the ability to travel within the pages of a book and experience the details of a written world with their own eyes. Bookwalkers are a rare, but incredibly valuable breed of creature, able to use the very ink of the world they inhabit to create fantastical and unbelievable magic. This, of course, is strictly monitored by the Writer's Police, who understand just how dangerous something like a Bookwalker could be if left unchecked. If a Bookwalker is caught committing any of a long list of book-related offenses, the sentencing can be harsh to borderline inhuman. Lessons must be taught to keep others in line, and the punishment for authors that break the rules when writing suffer similar fates.

The job of a Bookwalker is simple. Enter the world between the pages, do their due diligence to ensure all things both in and out of the world of words is in order, and report any discrepancies to the proper authorities. Most Bookwalkers do their jobs to an almost pious degree, while some...carry other intentions. One may say the pen is mightier than the sword, but what if the sword written by the pen were removed from the book the pen wrote the sword into? Many would pay a fine price for such an object, and more than a handful of Bookwalkers understand this. An underground, criminal market of items taken from books always lingers in the mind of the Writer's Police, but what side can say they are objectively on the side of good? A world that demonizes originality, or the world that profits from the thievery of a written reality? One side ready to imprison any new idea, one side ready to profit off of items containing more power than the world can bargain for.

The Bookwalkers are that paper-thin line that keeps the world from falling into chaos.


Alright, so that's a bunch of nonsense that I spat out, thanks for reading it if you did. It's far from what I would deem a final draft, and something I'm willing to bend on in certain aspects, but you get the general idea probably. Time for the technical and boring parts:

I am a multi-paragraph writer, short of novella, far more than a line or two. My ability to write consistently is rather finicky, I have health problems and get stuck on things on occasion, so feel free to bother me with a DM if I'm taking too long to respond and I will prioritize it. I prefer to write male characters, though I am myself non-binary, I'm just better at writing men. I have no preference in partner's sex or gender, though I will always respect pronouns (as anyone should). I don't write smut, though if the plot ever escalates to that point, again, I'm willing to bend on certain aspects.

That's about it, I tried to keep this as short and sweet as possible. Sweet is a subjective term in this case, you can call it whatever you'd like. Let me know via DM if you'd like to expand further upon the concept and put something together, and thanks for sticking around to the end of the post.
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