Character(s) TheJackals Characters

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Character(s) TheJackals Characters


Man Of Mirrors, Sanctums Rebel and Wine Lover
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Your Subconscious
My Characters

*(All art is not mine and goes to their respective artist)*

*Adding main characters on main thread here, the comment below has my other minor characters.

Name: Queen Aureal Quinmeth

Age: 32


Height/Weight: 5 foot 6 and 153 Ibs

Race: Human




Universe: Irkalla


RP Status: Closed

Name: Crimson the Merciful

Age: 58 [His race can live to 500]

Height/Weight: 7 foot 5 and 570 Ibs

Grew up on Derith V [Dense Atmosphere] , a planet outside of the Milky Way...

Race: Darithian [Stronger/bigger than humans]




Universe: Irkalla


Supreme Leadership, Genius Intellect, Mastery of Strategy and Analysis, Expertise In Psychology, Interrogation Tactics, Hand-to-hand Combat Proficiency, Manipulation, Superb Reasoning Skills (both deductive and inductive), Tranquil State, and Enhanced Condition (Enhanced Speed, Strength, Duribility, Agility, etc).

With Cosmic Staff
Cosmic Manipulation

RP Status: Open

Characters For RPs

*Listed Here*

*Updates happen regularly, keep an eye out
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My Characters

*(All art is not mine and goes to their respective artist)*

Primordial Gods

: Jackal

Bio: A blues club owner who has what can be classified as Jekyll-Hyde behavior. His blues club known as Hyde is the nexus point of all universes and realities.

Jackal is the omnipotence of all universes, the author of that which was, is and will be.

Race: Primordial

Name: Chaos

Bio: Chaos despite being genderless in nature takes a female form as the mother of all creation. Chaos was in a state of random disorder existing in the primordial emptiness then Jackal impregnates Chaos and as such, a cosmic egg is made. When the egg hatched, out came the first generation of abstract gods. The first generation then made children of their own and the cycle continued.


Race: Primordial

Name: Erebus

Bio: The God of Darkness, creator of the nether beings known as demons and God of the nether realm/Hell. He is the first son of Chaos among the first generation.

Race: Primordial


Bio: The God of Light, creator of the ethereal beings known as angels and one of the creators of humans. Aether created a realm known as Heaven. Aether is the second son of Chaos among the first generation.

Race: Primordial

Name: Gaia

Bio: She is Earth, transformed herself into a planet to help create the humans and other life... Some of her children known as the Titans sacrificed themselves to help create life while the others where against such an act...

Race: Primordial

Ethereal/Nether/Cosmic Entities

Name: The Triple Headed One

Bio: A Cosmic Guardian of reality, temporal and spatial. TTHO is right under Jackal and makes sure the balance in all things stays balanced.

Race: Ethereal/Cosmic





Race: Ethereal

Bio: The four original angels of Aether...





Race: Nether

Bio: The four original demons of Erebus...

Name: Ereshkigal

Race: Ethereal [Fallen]



Dark Arts, Earth Manipulation, Necromancy, Soul Manipulation and Underworld Lordship.

Skyfather Gods/Titans/Others

Name: Zeus

Name: Odin

Name: Ra

Name: Morrigan

Name: Cerrunnos

Name: Oceanus

Name: Prometheus

*Above Is All My Universe [Irkalla]*
*Below Has Some*



Name: Damon DiCarlo

Bio: Born 1987 in Brooklyn, one of the boroughs in New York City. His father was part of the syndicate that ran Brooklyn back in the 60-70s and his mother was a drug addict. His father died when Damon was 2 years old by rival gang members. His mother would abuse him constantly and she was a prostitute. Damon ran away at the age of 16. Homeless, Damon had no choice but to dig out of trash to find food and at times steal what he could. One day he tried to steal from a cop named Henry by breaking into his car for the donuts inside. Henry looked at Damon who is 17 now and instead of arresting him took pity on him and tried to find out what could on Damon. Henry later found out where Damon's mom lived and took Damon with him. Henry would see that his mom is unfit to take care of Damon so he filed in the paperwork to take in Damon as his own.

It's now the year 2019...

Career: [Formally] Army Infantryman, [Formally] Police Officer/Detective, [Currently] Investigative Psychologist

Race: Human

Personality: ...


Universe: ...

RP Status: Open

Name: Zelphel Dawnstar

Race: Transcendent Demigod/Nephilim Physiology [Half Angel Half Human]

Bio: Born sometime in Ancient Sumer...



Wing Manifestation
Holy Fire
Primordial Lightning Manipulation
Size Manipulation
Supernatural Body/Absolute Body/Absolute Condition
Absolute Potential
Adaptive Regeneration [Flawless Indestructibility]
Indomitable Will
Indomitable Emotions/Tranquil Emotions

Ultimate Form: Origin Transcendence to Almighty Ascension/Supreme Observation.

Universe: Irkalla

RP Status: Open

Humans/Hybrids and Aliens are available for RP, anything above that is too OP.

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