MxF This Ain't Your Average Werewolf...

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MxF This Ain't Your Average Werewolf...


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First of all, apologies for the length! No pressure to match the length. It's only this long to provide information and context. I'm fine with any length from single paragraph, to multi. :)

So, the OC I've created is a character I've created named "Jingo". No one knows if that's his real name or not, and he always answers that it doesn't matter. Jingo is a hybrid between a human and …something else. He is fused with an incredibly old and incredibly feared wolf spirit (who has taken over his heart and permeated his blood with its essence, still living on inside him), and has been for several decades, with the Japanese government having tried (unsuccessfully) to kill him or turn him into a weapon. As a result, it has earned him the nicknames "Lykanthrop" and "Fenrir" (sidenote: the Wolf Devil is based upon a lot of Nordic mythology, and has a lot of allusions to it; btw, this is NOT ANY SORT OF FURRY sort of intimacy will happen AT ALL between Jingo and any of his forms, for that is reserved only when he is in his normal-looking, HUMAN form). He has three hybrid forms: a relatively human form with black eyes trailing down the right side of his face, fangs, unhinged jaws, a split along the right side of his mouth, claws, increased height, and increased muscle capacity; his second form resembles that of a traditional werewolf, with black fur and completely white eyes, and an even taller height; the third form is a giant, all black wolf with shaggy black fur and crimson eyes, with red smoke billowing from its eyes, and soot spilling out of its fur. All of the wolf spirit's abilities are physical, more or less. But the fusion did grant Jingo much occult and spiritual knowledge, adding on to what he already knew before becoming a hybrid. Jingo heals by devouring, specifically, human beings, as this is what the wolf spirit craves and gains sustenance from. He goes into the first transformation by breaking a tooth, the second by snapping a bone, and third by slitting his own throat. Infamously dangerous, many attempts have been made on his life, from Yakuza assassins, to government official and police investigators, to boastful mercenaries/bounty hunters, and all of then have failed horribly, ending in massive losses of life. To put it simply, Jingo is very strong. How he became fused to this wolf spirit is largely unclear, with the only confirmed details being that he saved a bunch of wolves, as well as the wolf spirit's incarnation itself, before becoming a hybrid. The nature of the deal that was made between them, he's stated, is that he must protect the wolf spirit's territory, namely the forests it and other wolves, call home at all costs, as well as give up his left eye. A request that Jingo was all too happy to fulfill. In exchange, the wolf spirit would grant the already strong Jingo with even more strength, as Jingo was deemed a suitable vessel for it to be contained (as Jingo wouldn't melt down and combust).

Hardly anything is known about Jingo's past, or where he comes from. Nor does he do anything more than allude to vague details of his origins. It's clearly a sore spot he doesn't like to talk about, and prefers to keep it under strict lock and key. Those who do ask about it are swiftly shut down, and those who happen to know anything about it…are on his shit list.

Here is a description of his appearance:

"His hair was long, running all the way down to the middle of his back. As dark as the feathers of ravens. Straight, without kinks or curls or waves, clearly thick and heavy. If one were touch it, it'd be rather soft…almost silky smooth. Of course, unless you were allowed, he'd likely have your head for touching his brunette locks. On the sides of his face were very short sideburns (his hair was shaved into a mohawk), which led down to a stubble on his chin that was trimmed damn near all the way to the skin, tiny hairs giving him the appearance of having a very faint shadow being cast onto his lower chin.

A single icy, dark, stormy blue eye, that sinister and yet strangely beautiful orb of his, held a captivating gaze, able to make whoever happened to look into it with their own eyes unable to peel away their line of vision. Intimidating, often containing wrathful indignation or immense sorrow, perhaps lighting up with joy or intrigue, but never simply neutral. A whirlwind of emotion, it was, saying what his face and mouth usually dared not convey. His cold expressions were frequently betrayed by the bewitching, oddly charming orb he possessed. The other eye? It had long been missing. Lost to time. And he didn't wear an eye patch, leaving the morbid, grizzly sight of the empty socket bare for the world to see. It was always so morbid and macabre how his only eye never seemed to blink very much. Constantly watching and observing. But then again, when one leads this kind of life, how could it ever stay closed?

Pale skin covered his body, adorned with blemishes that had healed over time. Enough to blend into his complexion, yet not enough to fade away altogether. Scars, bruises, burns, gashes, marks of all kinds. It came with the life he lived. The land he lived in, and cherished. The ideals he upheld, and the passions he followed. Tattoos of various kinds had been etched into his flesh, most of them sigils with meanings that evaded the minds of most. Or sayings and quotes from bygone times.

While he'd undergone much, living through enough major events to fill several lifetimes' worth of stories (you could say his life had been one long war for his very survival), his face, itself, was, well, rather young. Laddish. Boyish. One that, had he ever chosen to wear a different expression, might've depicted exuberance, like something off of a propaganda poster, exuding stoic confidence in the face of insurmountable odds. Wrinkles and signs of stress hadn't made their appearance. It was still smooth, round, not really all that angular or square, but not exactly feminine exactly. Androgynous, it was. His expression was neutral, as always, though his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, showing his concentration, him being lost in thought, not a rare occurrence for him in the slightest. Lips turned slightly downward, showing hints of a small, barely noticeable frown. Dark bags hanging under his eye.

Jingo possessed a physique that was certainly muscular and strong, but not bulky at all. Rather, lean, slender, toned, and defined. Legs that were sturdy and made to deliver brutal kicks with either shin or foot, tough and spaced just the right amount apart from each other, thighs and calves armed with the power to shatter bones. Strong and on the thicker side. Leading up to a small waist and flared out hips. Paired nicely with a curvy, perky rear. Arms that were showing clearly signs of belonging to someone powerful and possessing much might, ending in hands tough and calloused, knuckles maimed somewhat from vicious blows being delivered over many years; the arms themselves connected to sturdy, firm shoulders, themselves stood atop a smooth chest and a flat, athletic stomach, topped off with a lack of fat of any kind. Without any body hair to speak of.

One wouldn't expect much, going off of his short stature, a mere five feet, seven inches. Definitely not what one may be expecting from someone with such a fearsome reputation and, while slow to rise to the surface, notoriously destructive temper, when properly aroused. Don't be fooled. He could kill you all the same with little effort. Larger foes had had their egos smashed and their skulls caved in when poking and prodding, pressing for a reaction. They didn't walk the same ever again."

Jingo's outfit is more less the same all of the time: a black leather jacket, a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, a studded belt, and some black, steel-toed combat boots. In short, he looks like a punk rocker (and for all intents and purposes, is).

Personality wise, Jingo is an interesting case. One of his most noticeable traits is how elusive and shy he is. Preferring to stay way out in the wilderness during the day (he's a huge nature lover, and is homicidal towards anyone he perceives to be harming it), and wander the dead, still cities at night. Occasionally found sleeping on park benches, alleyways, in abandoned buildings, and even in other people's houses without their knowledge or when they're gone. Wary of humans, of course, with a strong misanthropic streak. In addition, he's quiet, soft-spoken. Rarely raising his voice, even when angered; preferring to let his rage be expressed through his actions, or his singular blue eye that often gives away his feelings instantly. Oddly enough, his temper isn't all that easily excited, and usually appears to be bored, tired, or just...content. Make no mistake, though…when his temper is roused, it's monstrously horrifying, and results in carnage, bloodshed, sadism, wide-reaching, and heavily uncontrolled (made all the more terrifying by how deadly silent and tranquil he is whilst "going nuts"). Nor is it a quick affair; it lasts a long time, so if he's angered, be prepared to move out of the way until it subsides. The wolf spirit's blood-knight tendencies have spilled over into Jingo's personality somewhat, so while he isn't one to start fights, he has come to enjoy fighting...a lot. Given all of this, it's no surprise that he's very socially awkward and not the best at human interaction. He's also known to be quite paranoid, with a mind riddled with a lot of deep-rooted trauma, which plays into his violent, self-destructive, and wrathful ways. Another thing to keep in mind: he is violently distrustful of authority. Oh, as a forewarning: sometimes the wolf spirit WILL take over...unprovoked. Despite all of this, he is very much capable of empathy, affection, gentleness, protectiveness, and kindness, and these aspects of himself come out to play much more often than most would imagine. Mostly towards the marginalized, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, as well as Nature and its inhabitants (people he finds attractive also fall on his good side; he's not straight whatsoever, and is into whoever he deems to be hot). Jingo is very creative/artistic, and highly intelligent, being very well spoken, knowledgeable on a vast array of subjects. Being as blunt, honest, and straightforward as he is, he'll never lie, and you'll always know where you stand with him. As for his motivations, they're ultimately cryptic, and oftentimes, his reasoning for doing anything at all often boils down to, "I want to" or "I felt like it". Intimidating is also a word that can be used to describe Jingo, often scaring most people he comes into contact with. Also, he's not above being whimsical, silly, jocular, and playful, carrying a carefree side to him that, when witnessed, throws others for a loop.

I'm down to adapt Jingo to a wide variety of fandoms. A few that I'm open to him being in are Fallout, Tokyo Ghoul, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, Doom, Marvel, DC, Resident Evil, just to name a few! I'm open to OC x OC pairings, and OC x Canon pairings. However, if you would rather this take place in an entirely original universe, I'm down for that as well. All relationships would already be established, since I'm not a fan of slow burns, and there would be romance, violence, and sexual content (so 18+ characters and partners ONLY). If you're into horror, that's a big bonus, but not a requirement at all. Lastly, I do have a fem-preference, just to let you know. Feel free to ask any questions or suggest anything! I am super adaptable :D
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