This thread is a secret

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This thread is a secret

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Hi everyone! I'm another new recruit who stumbled here looking for a rping home. I'm in my early 20s and I've been roleplaying since I was a teen. My favourite genres are fantasy and mystery, the more surreal the better. I love epic adventures, tragic love stories, bizarre monsters and finding out exactly what does go bump in the night. I tend to put my characters through the wringer but I love seeing them muddle through, coming out stronger for it or perhaps a little rattled...

I'm no stranger to love I mean play by post roleplay so I'd love it if someone could let me know how things work around here. How fast do things move? What subforums do most players occupy? Whats the average waiting time to get a group or partnership together? I am looking to jump into both group rps eventually and maybe a few pairings to start! ^^

Wellp, it's nice to meet you all and I hope you'll drop me a line. I don't bite, at least not hard.
It all depends on the partner and rp type. Some are slow due to life, some are fast due to no life. As for how things work, you and a partner work out details of a roleplay(perspective, characters, theme, smut or no smut, etc). there's no one place everyone is, unless you count chat. If you'd like, we can RP
Hello Rainbow.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news... but the secret of this thread has not been especially well kept :D

How fast do things move?

Entirely up to you and your partner. We have everything from occasional repliers to people who reply multiple times a day

What subforums do most players occupy?

Depends on the type of story :)

Whats the average waiting time to get a group or partnership together?

Well that depends on how fast you can type up a request thread. Lots of new people looking around here. Odds are, you can find something pretty quickly
I'll drop you a PM, Jedipony! I haven't rped in a long time so I'm itching to sink my teeth into a good story.

JamesMartin - awwh shucks. It was the public billboard campaign I started running in central London to advertise the thread, wasn't it? Good thing this is only a Secret and not a Super Duper Ultra Secret. I would hate if one of those got out...
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