MxF tilucki's partner search! (fxm, fxf)

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MxF tilucki's partner search! (fxm, fxf)


a sleepy artist
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Today 5:10 PM
silly town
|˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙​
hiya and thank you for clicking on this thread! i go by tilucki on here but you can also call me moo, and my pronouns are she/her. i am a sleepy (and lazy) artist and have been roleplaying for over 9ish years now! i'm from ontario, canada so my timezone is est and i'm pretty well online most of the time for replies.​

a few ground rules and preferences i have for my partner and the roleplay:
-you MUST be over 18+ for me to write any smut/erotica with you.
-i always rp in the past tense and in the third person, i'm usually very descriptive (or at least try to be) and would like if my partner was the same with writing.
-i write an average of 500-700 words for a post, but if i'm very inspired i can write up to 1000+ words. i'd prefer to roleplay with someone who can match that length!
-a long-term rp partner would be wonderful. someone who is down to start multiple rp's!
-i love drawing my own face claims for my roleplays. my art account is found here!
-i love getting to know the person i'm roleplaying with! feel free to talk to me about fandoms, video games, or anything else, i promise i'm super friendly!
-i will be linking my f-list here. please don't force anything that i'm not okay with into our rp. a quick overview would be sexual assault, anything bathroom related, extreme gore or torture, forced character death or any characters under 18 involved in sexual acts.
-i will try to have a post for you every other day or so- but if i'm ever not keeping up i'll try give you a heads up on why. if i ever don't feel free to poke me!
-i enjoy talking and planning ooc with my rp partner on discord! i love and encourage sharing ideas and any concerns with me. i also just reply quicker there. if i feel like we'd be suitable enough partners i'll share my discord.
-lastly i write without caps ooc. i keep my posts looking nice and pretty though!

thanks for reading that list- now for my interests & plots/pairings!


-romance always;

any kind works for me. i can do arranged marriage, childhood friends to lovers, etc- any sort of trope i'm into. or something darker too! a personal favourite is a slow burn with mutual pining.
anything star wars, mass effect inspired or more existential and thought provoking plots. sci fi horror tends to be a favourite of mine as well!
whether it's dark, high, modern- i'm into it!
-post-apocalypse settings;
fallout, zombies, anything really! i'm very interested on the post bit- what happens after the apocalypse.
-interpersonal drama;
i feel like this one is pretty self explanatory- i love love this.
-time period pieces;
right now i'm really into the wild west or the regency era. i maybe could delve into pirates?
-fandom rp's but only with oc's;
any series i've already mentioned in this list i'd be down to rp, but i also love writing in the percy jackson universe, soul eater, pokemon, final fantasy xiv, harry potter and x-men- i might add more later on.
-anything supernatural;
werewolves, vampires, demons, faeries etc.
queens, kings, princes, princesses- the whole shebang.

keep in mind with these plots; all of them are subject to change! i like discussing and creating with a partner. i get the most out of plots i write when they're collaborative!

pairings with plots;

mayors daughter x mafia boss

[film-noir, corruption, hedonism, violence/action, possessiveness, possibly cyberpunk]
the mayors daughter has seen her father's corruption of the city first hand. she's grown up watching his greed and hunger for power ruin not only the city itself but also their own relationship as a daughter and father. the man has done worse than the crime syndicates in the city. he exploits the poor, ensuring only the rich grow richer and consistently gets away with it through bribing, lies and deceit. his daughter had been compiling stacks and stacks of information about him, though when she went to the police they ignored her- paid off by her father to look away from his wrong doings. having no choice she approaches the largest crime syndicate in the city, hoping to convince them to take out her father for half of the large sum of money she would inherit when her father died.

human turned fae x knight
[high fantasy, medieval, faeries, whimsical, torn between two worlds, childhood friends]
character A and character B were childhood friends who lived together in a safe guarded city state filled with only humans. they weren't rich, nor poor, living comfortably with parents who made a living off decent manual labor. Both were curious of the world outside of the city's large walls despite being warned of the dangerous magical creatures that lurked, happy to kidnap any unsuspecting child. they travelled outside of the walls secretly, playing happily and exploring with child like wonder. this continued up until a trip when they were 17, the two now assuming such magic was made up to keep humans inside the city walls since they had never seen anything magical before. they were proven wrong. wandering into a forest occupied by faeries, B disappeared from A in the onslaught on tricks the faeries played on the two- A was the only one to make it back to the city.

time passed and character A conscripted themselves to the knights guard to join on expeditions outside of the walls, convinced that character B hadn't died. finally, 7 years later, character A happens to stumble upon a changed Character B. they had been taken by the faeries and turned into something magical and not quite human anymore as a punishment and a blessing. their demeanor completely changed but their memories never faded. forced to live among the magical creatures, B grew to love the freedom they had been gifted, and when found by A they drag them into their new mysterious world- wanting to share the wonders with their old friend.

pairings without plots;
italicized are my preferred role

-force user
x smuggler (star wars)
-alien x human
-hero x villain
-republic politician x sith (star wars)
-royalty x royal guard/maid
-demon x cursed human
x vampire
-ghoul/raider/bounty hunter x vault dweller (fallout)

current cravings!!
-forbidden love during the regency with a fantasy twist
-retelling of greek myths
-either a percy jackson rp or a harry potter one :)
-modern fantasy
-a reverse harem

so if any of my interests, plots or pairings from above have sparked any ideas feel free to message me here with any ideas, pairings or even plots and we can discuss further in a pm!

for now this is all i have! please let me know if you're interested by sending me a pm!
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bump! i'm looking for partners still o/

i'd like to write something light and fluffy, something easy going without too much hassle! maybe a romantic comedy? message me if you're interested : )
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