MxM To Break a Dom

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MxM To Break a Dom

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Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxM
  2. MxMxM
  3. MxMxF
Content Warning
  1. Gore
  2. Kink
  3. Graphic Violence
  4. Sexual Assault
  5. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Fetish
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Medieval
  6. Supernatural


Unbridled Chaos
Local time
Today 10:33 AM

Put simply: I pretty much always write dom characters; the guys I create just end up that way, and it's fun! But I'm forever teased with not experiencing the other side, and I'm also curious about what it'd take to break the type of character I usually create to make them submit.
With this in mind, what I'm seeking is a dynamic to test this and to scratch that itch of mine. A typical slave/master plot would fit, but I'm open to anything where this would work.

I gravitate more towards fantasy or wuxia/xianxia genres, but if an idea sounds fun I'm usually down no matter the setting.
I've written up two plots that have been sitting in my head for a little while below, but if you have something else that would work, feel absolutely free to send me them!

Pairing (MxM)
MC will be a natural dom, forced into a sub role. YC will be the one to break them (or to try).
Expect violence, brattiness, and attempts to turn the tables.

  • Since this is in-large an experiment on my part, I'm open to practically anything (including noncon/dubcon), my only no's are below, and are probably standard. Threat to life is absolutely expected.
  • Regarding the dynamic, YC will have the upper hand undoubtedly, but not too overpowered - I want MC to test YC too.
  • I love talking about my characters and about how the plot is going. Not a requirement if you're the quiet type, but I do welcome the out of writing chatting!
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Writing Style and Replies
  • I only write in third person past tense.
  • I like longer responses for setting and introspection, but when things start moving faster I'm happy reducing down to a few paragraphs to keep with the pacing and natural flow of dialogue if that works better for us. I don't like that awkward phase where we have too much to respond to and the flow feels wonky or my character can't naturally respond, so for that reason I'm comfy adjusting down when there's more of a to and fro between our characters.
    In short: I'm flexible, length preferred, min length: not shorter than 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Good grammar and spelling appreciated to keep me invested.
  • My replies can be infrequent depending on real life burdens and my muse. When I'm in the zone, I can reply within a few days, otherwise it can be up to a month (or longer if stuff happens). You'd need to be okay with that! And of course I'd give the same patience in return.
  • I can't (and won't) force my characters to act outside of what they naturally would do. I'm happy to add outside influences and new plot elements if we find ourselves hitting roadblocks or want to play with an idea that my character would resist, but we'd need to discuss them. I'd always do the same for you too!
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Off Limits
Non-humanoid characters
Under age
Abuse of children or animals
Sexualisation of animals

Plot Ideas
There's definitely scope for the two plots to develop into romance, and if we vibe (and they vibe) I'd be very interested in pursuing this to develop it.

A Pact (Plot A)
MC is used to getting his way, he has the ability to be persuasive thanks to a pact made with a magical being (demon/fae) when a teenager. He has the power to manipulate another's thoughts into doing what he tells them to and has used it over the years to gain considerable power and reputation. However, it's been less reliable lately, he can only use it infrequently, and he's increasingly becoming aware that it was originally given with a price. Each time he uses it he draws closer to a limit upon which his body is forfeit to the being he created the pact with. His power is waning, his influence held be a tenuous thread. He's getting desperate…

This is where my plot splits down two paths:

>>Mage/Mage (preferred)
YC is a magical user with their own reputation. They may be aware of each other, but they've never met. YC lives remotely in a once abandoned tower or keep with only a few guards and servants. One thing stands out to MC though and it's that YC likely holds the answer within their magical research/materials to breaking MC's pact. Not wanting to risk using his power unnecessarily, MC breaks in to find it. But he's caught. His first would-be captor takes the brunt of his power in an escape attempt (alerting YC of his ability and its potential threat), but he's overpowered when more arrive and is captured.

Same setup for MC as above, except that YC is the being to whom the debt is owed.
When MC unwittingly reaches the limits of the bargain, YC comes to collect the new addition to their House.
- - -
A War (Plot B)
A war between two kingdoms has been waging for years and both lands are being destroyed and its people brought closer to poverty in result. There was a duel between the two kingdom's champions – their princes – in an effort to bring the war to an end. However, the loss of their most loved royal only stoked the flames of vengeance instead, and the fighting renewed. It's two years later, and a tentative but much-needed ceasefire is being discussed – the bargaining chip being MC, the warrior and younger prince who was victorious in the duel, sent from his kingdom to serve the other's crown prince (YC). The only condition: he lives until peace is negotiated and can be returned.

If you're interested, or have a different idea or questions, please message me!
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