Character(s) Travelling Duo

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Character(s) Travelling Duo

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Nickname(s) : Eli, Beth
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Race: Empath
Species: Shapeshifter
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'0"
Skin Color: Mocha
Eye Color: Dark brown to caramel
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Middle of back, thick
Hair Style: Braided, curly or natural
Nail Type: Naturally long, lightly manicured
Body Type: Short, thick, petit
Distinguishing Features: Amethyst pendant around her throat
Personality: Loyal, caring, prudent
Location: Currently travelling
Mentality: Perceptive, anxious, alert
Likes: Music,
Dislikes: Boredom, stupidity, assumptions
Hobbies: Singing, reading, poetry
Clothing Types: Favors snug and loose-fitting, dependent on the occasion
Dominant or Submissive: Switch
Patience Level: High
Family: Travelling partner, Jenn; no children
Occupation: Low-tier Adventurer
Class: Healer & Combat Mage, Water-based attack & support move-set
Rank: Current: F

Usually one to travel only for necessities or remain home, Eli finds herself trekking outside of the sleepy little fishing village she calls home. Things had grown stale and way too predictable that the bookish girl packed up and decided adventure was for her. At least until it became too hairy or she was satisfied with the outcome of this spontaneous idea. With no notable or alive family to tie her down and few to little prospects of jobs or anything worth her time, she felt it was best and walked away hopeful but mindful of the dangers. What she hadn't thought of occurring was encountering a fairly feisty and dangerous travelling companion whom she considered like a sister at this point. One misunderstanding and a few injured bandits later, she was more or less attached to the obviously dark and careless woman. It raised her anxiety a little but also provided her with experiences she wouldn't have had on her own, as well as emotions. This was both a good and bad thing since the woman was insistent on doing things her way, no matter the circumstances or cost it would have on the pair. Eli tried to no avail to leave the woman behind but she followed her instead and made her own good points. It was odd but a warming sensation to be in the presence of another that was similar to her in some ways but vastly the opposite on so many other levels. It reminded her that there were so many different personalities and walks to life then the one she knew and had been surrounded by for so long. Resigned to her fate but not feeling trapped as she decided that the pair would become full out adventurers since her companion always needed money and she was aware of some organizations that needed entities like them to complete trivial tasks. At least until they worked on their synergy and grew into adventurers worth taking note of.


Nickname: Jenn
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Race: Lupine shifter
Species: Demoness
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'5"
Skin Color: Mocha
Eye Color: Obsidian, sometimes crimson
Hair Color: White
Hair Length: Short, bob cut
Hair Style: Curly, wavy or straight
Body Type: Curvy, limber, busty
Distinguishing Features: Ivory hair & pointed ears
Personality: Loyal, brash, wild, reckless, opinionated
Location: Constantly found in the woods or forests
Mentality: Hungry, determined
Likes: Meat, money, danger, unknown
Dislikes: Predictability, being broke
Hobbies: Hunting (whether monster or food)
Clothing Types: Favors clothes that hug her curves but provides flexibility
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant
Patience Level: Mid to low
Family: Dead; no offspring; Eli, travelling companion
Occupation: Low-tier Adventurer
Class: Berserker/Warrior, Wolf based attacks
Rank: Current: D

Jenn has always been on her own since she was born into a small pack that quickly died out less than a year after she was born. Even when she had been with the pack, she quickly learned to depend on no one else but herself due to the "guidance" of her violent mother and the absence of her father. Often enough she found herself fending for herself at too young an age due to the mixed breeding of her lupine mother and the carelessness of her roaming, demonic father. Who knows if she was supposed to have been created in the first place. Shortly after the demise of her pack due to overhunting and confusion of which wolves were supposed to be dealt with, Jenn left the area permanently. Remaining in her lupine form for most of her life until she wised up by way of a fellow shifter guiding her to live both lives as animal and other. Granted demons aren't too uncommon but there aren't that many in the current population pool. Once she learned to straddle the line, she only seemed to become more opinionated and liked to live outside of the society just enough to retain her freedom but also enough to be known and able of procuring whatever she couldn't find or hunt down herself. She never cared for anyone or anything, until Eli crossed her path and aided her when there had been an annoying complication what with some bandits and their leader wanting her to contract with them. Her demonic lineage getting out to the wrong sources and from there, well it was obvious what she had to do: break their limbs as a warning and message. From there, the two talked and became closer, Jenn imprinting unintentionally on the fellow shifter and finding herself pairing up with the younger and more naive individual. Plus she seemed to have a great and interesting way of looking at things. Which led to interesting debates to say the least but she liked her. When it was decided to go hunting and make money off of it too, she knew she wanted to keep her around and protect her only if she really needed it. So far a mutually beneficial and fun partnership had been struck up.

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