MxF Trexler’s Request Thread

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MxF Trexler’s Request Thread

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Today 10:45 PM
Hello everyone! Trexler here and thank you for taking the time to check out my request thread! First a little about myself and what you can expect from me!

-Looking for 2-3 long term roleplay partners
-33 year old roleplay with lots of experience in various scenarios.
-I work in law enforcement, so although there will be many times I reply multiple times a day, there will also be days where I cannot reply at all. Any extensive absences will be sure to notify you.
-I have a very busy life, but always do my best to make time to rp and not leave my partner waiting forever for a response
-I don't post one liners. I give you what you give me, however I also don't post novel length either. You can expect 1-3 paragraphs from me depending where we are in the scene.
-Smut mixed with story. I enjoy lots of sexual themes but also want build up and it to contain more than just that.
-Love to chat OOC, really enjoy getting to know my partners, but this is not required of course

MUST's - please please be willing to have interest in at least a few of these, as these are my main interests

-Female (you must be female in real life, and willing to play a female character, under NO circumstances will I roleplay with another male)
-Eating(big meals)
-Oversized cum loads (that would actually make your stomach slightly bigger etc etc)
-Creampies(oral and regular, my two favorites, no non swallowers need apply)
-Romance(self explanatory)
-Stranger scenarios(where we meet for the first time, be new neighbors, a new employee at a job, etc.)

Absolute NO's (non negotiable)

Some basic pairings I'd be interested in
New Neighbors
Co workers
YC being a professional surrogate
Any medieval or Sci-Fi type setting

I'm usually very open to most suggestions so please if you think we may mesh well with roleplay don't hesitate to PM me! Hope to hear from you!
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Heya! I'm not law enforcement myself, but I do wear a badge (security detail lol) and I totally understand that unusual schedule. Sometimes it's pretty tame and uneventful, others you're running yourself ragged on overtime and bad food. XD I am female, by the way.

Anyway, how would feel about doing a combo platter RP? For example:

Pregnancy, oversized cum load, creampie, romance, stranger scenario (only at first, obviously), new neighbors, alien/human (you as the alien would probably work best, unless I'm a rather small alien female :) ), and some degree of Sci-Fi setting? Maybe said alien is in hiding trying to appear normal for fear of capture and experimentation by the government and perhaps rumors the eventual and unusual pregnancy (by human standards, anyway) send us on the run?

Let me know what you think! ;)
Intrested in Boss/employee and co workers if you're still looking
I'd be interested in Boss x Employee or Co-Workers. I kind of have a plot with those as base pairings if you'd be interested to hear it.
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