MxF Tukata's Prompt Library

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MxF Tukata's Prompt Library


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About Me
First of all, thanks for stopping by my humble abode! My name is Tukata and I'm a literate role player with a little experience under my belt. I used to write prolifically and I'm beginning to miss those good olé' days. As for my story telling credentials I am a forever DM to a group of misfit doofuses (whom I adore) and I am a sucker for every kind of TTRPG. I feel I've been exploding with creativity lately and now I need a new outlet. Currently I work a fairly taxing job and have a few social obligations so my presence may be a bit spotty but I promise I shall always try and respond in a timely manner. Outside of writing I am a very avid reader and I always love to talk books if you ever just want to chat. My guilty time consuming pastime lately has been CRPG's like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and endlessly rebuilding characters.

I tend to write 3-5 paragraphs and I generally expect my partner to do the same. Sometimes when the mood and timing are right I can bust out a small novel but I swear I'll keep it manageable. Of course if there's lulls then I understand if only writing a couple lines keeps it going. During writing I enjoy having a lot of communication so we can both lead the story to somewhere we like. I get a little bored if I have to drive the story all by myself so plenty of input and suggestions is preferred. I don't mind smut as long as it comes up organically and we can all be adults about it. As for posting schedule I will definitely try and reply daily however realistically it'll probably be more like every two or three. I don't really have a preference with your posting schedule just as long as you let me know beforehand.
I like to keep my stories varied and I tend to get carried away with world building. To help, I have my various prompts sorted by setting with character prompts below them. Right now I'll only have one or two of each but I'll update it as I finish writing them. If one of them interests you or you have a fun idea in one of my settings feel free to DM me to work out the finer details. I do ask you at least peruse the setting information before starting.

Settings and Prompts

Ruins of an Empire

Sci-fi, Space Opera

General Setting
For millennia the Seventus Circadium Consortium ruled the known galaxy with an iron fist. Since the invention of the Impossibility Jump Drive their influence was inescapable. It's only been a few decades since the first, and last, civil war of the Consortium tore it completely to pieces. After generations spending their entire lives fighting, the galaxy has been sewn into chaos. Warlords bicker for territory while planets struggle for survival among the collapse of infrastructure. Arithmeticians and Evokers run amok with the absence of the Red Inquisitors. While the tyrannous hand of the Consortium is gone, new terrors and threats await.

When the Consortium discovered the Jump Drive, they also discovered Arithmancy. If equipped with the proper equipment, one can tap into the Equation, a near infinite mathematical proof that describes every movement of each molecule throughout time in the universe, and change the numbers themselves. Basically it's hooking up to the code that makes reality operate and hacking it to do what you want. There are two types of Arithmancers, Arithmeticians and Evokers. Arithmeticians manually hook into the Equation either via wrist pad or console while Evokers are cursed with dreams of a long dead god, allowing them to directly influence the Equations with less control of the outcome. With these new techniques the personal shield was developed, introducing vibration melee weapons along with high energy ranged weapons in order to contend.


The Ronin
Knighted to a dead cause and retained to a slaughtered house, Junpei Shirokawa is alone in the universe. After scarcely surviving the battle that decimated the rest of his clan Junpei is disgraced and left drifting the galaxy. Keeping himself alive by taking low end mercenary work and babysitting warlords, he wanders system from system in an ancient interceptor scavenged from his old home. During a contract gone awry, Junpei is abandoned by his client and left to float among the corpses of dozens of other spacecraft, his own damaged vessel nearly indistinguishable from the wreckage surrounding it. With his jump drive destroyed and transponder melted, Junpei is forced to resort to his short range comm laser and hope to ping a nearby craft. However the vessel he contacts is one he least expects, and the occupants may just have a new cause for the warrior to devote to.

The Marauder
Sharpened by the gladiator satellites he was raised in, Quinn Yun now hunts the systems for those who perpetuated his enslavement. Using the skills the Grid gave him to survive the fighting pits, he searches inhabited planets for their operatives and dusts their vessels in the stars. Equipped with a highly customized breaching pod slap-dashed to a jump drive, Quinn has boarded countless Grid ships and wiped out their crew, leaving ghost vessels adrift and selling their fusion cores to maintain his tools. After turning another Grid transport into salvage, the crime syndicate finally upped Quinn's bounty to a small fortune. Now with hordes of bounty hunters and pirates now after his head, Quinn needs to become a ghost in the galaxy or wipe out the Grid and get rid of the bounty before it's too late. And for either option, he's going to need help.

The Revenant
For his entire childhood all Yui Elswyr knew was the teachings of the Red Inquisition, an archaic remnant of the Consortium sworn to keep Evokers in line. Now with the Consortium gone, the Inquisition has regressed to a phantom of its former organization, now lead by zealots who spur the Inquisitors in cult-like frenzies to eliminate all Evokers among the stars. Indoctrinated at a young age to fear those who could see the dead god in their dreams, Yui quickly became a prodigy Arithmetician, mastering the use of Arithmancy in combat to counter those who can alter reality. However he was trained too well by the Inquisitors and discovered that his life was a deception. The story he was given, a war orphan found by the Inquisition and given a home, was a falsehood. In truth, Yui's mother was a powerful Evoker who helped in the rebellion against the Consortium, leading the Inquisitors to hunt her down and massacre the family in retaliation. Yui was discovered in the ashes of the destroyed home and fostered by the Inquisition to turn him into a weapon. Betrayed by the revelations, Yui now dedicated his life to the wiping out the Inquisition and the threat they posed. Unfortunately Yui only was taught a false visage of the galaxy and might need some help traversing through the cruel and chaotic systems.

The Daredevil
Dishonorably discharged from the Federation Marine Corps, hotshot pilot Ryu Kusanagi now scrapes by a living racing rock-hoppers through asteroid fields. Subsisting in a seedy recreation station on the outskirts of the galaxy, Ryu begins to wish for something more than a tiny living compartment barely larger than a broom closet. Opportunity comes knocking when a Grid agent offers him a courier job to take a package seven systems over. With the possibility of more credits than he would've ever made on a veterans pension Ryu agreed without hesitation. However the situation becomes complicated when he finds his package was actually a passenger and the heat they carried would prove far more dangerous than initially promised. Now forced to polish off his CQC skills with his under kept officer's sword and worn hold-out pistol, Ryu has to keep this stranger safe if he ever wishes to see those credits in his personal account.

Urban Arcana
Based on the D&D 3.5 campaign setting of the same name
Urban Fantasy, Horror

General Setting
Since the beginning of time creatures from another world have been appearing on Earth from a strange parallel world called Shadow. These beings have no memory of their home, forced to assimilate into human society since its inception. Due to the fact most "Mundanes", or average humans, don't believe in Shadow they perceive the Shadowkind as Mundane. Throughout civilization dragons run boardrooms and dwarves lead construction crews, monstrous creatures prowling alleyways for unsuspecting Mundane. The mysterious Department 7 keeps most of the dangerous Shadowkind at bay and keep their existence a secret while mages and paladins battle for dominance in the streets. Looming over all Shadowkind lies the Fraternal Order of Vigilance, an ancient organization quested with their complete eradication.

While all Shadowkind have a connection to their home world and have innate supernatural abilities, Mundanes who obtain the ability to see Shadowkind inherently grow a connection as well. Because of this, most "Shadowtouched" have some control of Shadow here on Earth. Depending on the individual these abilities may manifest as magic that can be learned through further study or physical enhancements that allow a Mundane to keep up with Shadowkind. It varies wildly on the person, with some Shadowtouched obtaining completely unique abilities after their first encounter. Most of these abilities rely on the users stamina and can only be developed by rigorous training.


The Hunter
Alex Shinawatra was exhausted. A devote member to the Ranger Enclave and the Goddess Chauntea, Alex swore to uphold the balance between the Mundane world and Shadow when he turned sixteen and has had little time for much else. Assigned to a small college town deep in southern Oregon, Alex was the only ranger in a hundred miles. For the past eight years he's defended the Mundanes from violent Shadowkind alone, using his cover as a private investigator to keep the townspeople as far away from Shadow as possible. Unfortunately, Shadowkind have been pouring in the last couple months and people have started to go missing. Desperate to find the perpetrators, Alex has been juggling leading new Shadowkind to the proper resources and prowling crime scenes to find some sort of connection. Finding a new lead, Alex follows the trail to someone who knew the latest victim and may have some answers to where these people might have gone. While everything points to a gruesome conclusion, Alex discovers something that could help solve his growing problems. A new potential Shadowtouched.

The Sage
Nestled on the cliff side above the beach rested a quaint bookstore furnished with bookshelves full of leather bound tomes and dark wooden tables facing a full view of the shore. Filled with the smell of fresh coffee and newly ground tea leaves, it's owner, Yan Feng, could regularly be found sitting behind the counter with one of the many books tucked in his hands chatting with one of the locals. To the Mundane, the unnamed bookstore was simply a hidden gem with a pleasant atmosphere. In reality it was a safe haven for Shadowkind, a place for them to relax among their own under the watchful eye of its purveyor. A powerful elven mage, Yan Feng dedicates his life to protecting the local Shadowkind from the Mundane, sheltering mermaids during extensive fishing seasons and taking in new Shadowkind while they sort their place in their new home. Towards the end of another standard day of gossiping with the selkies Yan Feng sees a new face in his store. At first believing them to be Mundane, the mage catches their glances to his Shadowkind customers, watching as they observed features they shouldn't be able to see. Intrigued, Yan Feng sets out to discover the nature of this stranger and, more importantly, uncover whether or not they posed a danger to those he held dear.

The Vagrant
Deep in the heart of the Cascade forrest, a sleepy town called Plymouth rests near the mountain range. With the endless trees just outside their doorstep, superstitions of the woods spread among the residents like wildfire, with new stories and lore being created by the local youth almost daily. Tales and rumors soon turn to horrific reality as townspeople begin to turn missing with witnesses claiming the victims walked out of their homes of their own volition in the middle of the night and walk deep into the forrest. Tensions aren't helped when a stranger enters town, a wanderer claiming himself to be a monk and giving the name Fei Luwang. Asking strange questions about those who wondered past the trees and carrying an odd object hidden in cloth strapped across his back, the residents can't help but see a connection between the two mysteries. After weeks of people catching glimpses of Fei entering the woods at strange hours of the night, he now stumbles from the tree line, beaten and near dead. With a shining silver glaive dripping in blood gripped loosely between his fingers, he collapses on the road outside of town. While whoever stumbled across him may find answers, there was no telling the danger those answers might bring.

The Agent
Armed with a glamoured sword disguised as a document case and a much too short apprenticeship to a madwoman, Desmond "Dez" Chevalier is sent on his first assignment alone by the obscure Department 7 into the heart of desert country California. Newly promoted to field agent, Dez is tasked with uncovering the truth behind a series of gruesome killings that could only been done by something with inhuman strength. When rumors begin to spread that the victims were all exsanguinated Dez begins to fear the worst. Vampires. After weeks venturing out into the Mojave alone to search for their den, gossip starts to spread around the local towns about the sharply dressed man riding an ancient dirt bike deep into the sands. Most speculated which three-letter-agency he belonged to or that he himself was the perpetrator. Soon realizing his forays into the desert without any plan weren't going to bear fruit, Dez turns to a desperate final resort. If he was to find where the murderous creatures were hiding he would have to enlist the help of a local who knew the desert better than him, even if it might put them in the beasts' crosshairs.

The Ravaged Isles
Fantasy, Post Apocalypse

General Setting
Centuries ago there was a great and powerful Kingdom that reached all corners of the land. A wise and humble King ruled over this Kingdom, loved by all of its people. Wanting nothing more than to make his Kingdom more prosperous, the King began to lead his scholars on a quest to grant the King a magic more powerful than ever conceived before to make the mortal plane a paradise for all of its inhabitants. Tragedy befell as the King and his sages attempted to breach the border between the mortal plane and the plane of magic, causing a cataclysm to shatter the land to pieces. Entire continents fell from the plane and into the endless void below, leaving scattered pieces of earth floating above a constant roiling storm cloud. Its people now struggle to exist on the remaining few pieces of land, with new civilizations rising from the ruins. The Principality of Ilsenkin rules to the west, its High Prince and his psions preserving the remaining royal houses of the Old Kingdom. To the east lies the Estelan City States, a group of loosely organized islands that formed as a defense against pirates. Between them slavers known as Pactmakers combat the ancient knights of the Draconic Order in the untamed Wild Country. Tensions are growing between the factions as new territory becomes more and more scarce and resources begin to dwindle, with some predicting another catastrophe as inevitable.

Magic is incredibly varied. It ranges from the arcane magic of wizards to the divine might of clerics, with druids bending forces of nature to their will. Some are also blessed with psionics, allowing them to influence the world with their mind. Travel between islands is accomplished mostly by flying vessel, either zeppelin or sky ship. Sky ships are powered by captured elementals to keep them afloat and rely on the wind to sail. A few factions use flying mounts to travel, the most famous example being the dragon riders of the Draconic Order.


The Runaway
Swan Bajrakiti's has been taught to follow his father's footsteps since he was born, trained as soon as he could lift a sword to lead his family to honor. The Bajrakiti have served as the right hand to the current High Prince for decades, tasked with keeping the other houses in line. Their symbol, the Crimson Ruby, became notorious among Ilsenkin nobility who dared stand against its current ruler. After discovering the horrors his own family committed in service to the High Prince, Swan refused to accept his cruel inheritance. Fearing fatal retribution from his father if Swan disobeyed, he quickly gathered his few possessions and hijacked his family's sky skiff. After his mentor was killed helping him escape, Swan now finds himself in the middle of the treacherous Wild Country with little knowledge of the world outside of his walled home and a furious clan desperate to take him back.

The Scholar
Gemini Era-Dawn fell in love with magic the moment he cast his first spell. Born into a close family of mages, Gemini grew up surrounded by the arcane in his parents workshop. Since he could stand he spent most of his waking moments accompanying his mother in her laboratory and observing her experiments. He wished to follow in her footsteps and master the astral magic she pursued. Her dream was to restore the shattered continent and fill the endless void below them. When he finally came of age to formally practice magic, his mother was on another journey to the ruins of the Old Kingdom, searching for lost knowledge. However it's now been months since her last message and her arrival home should've been weeks ago. Desperate to have his own adventure and to discover the fate of his mother, Gemini sets off alone to the Old Country. While eager and gifted with magic, Gemini was inexperienced in the world outside the lab and needed a guide to ensure he wouldn't be picked off by a Pactmaker man hunter vessel.

The Bloodhound
Vespera "Ves" Thorn was a self proclaimed reformed scoundrel searching for his place across the islands. Using his skills as an Estelan street urchin in the port town of Delphore, Ves now prowls for thieves and murders causing enough ruckus to gather considerable prices on their heads. When asked about his profession, Ves would tell people he believed greatly in justice and ensuring wrongdoers met their proper fate. If pressed further after a few cups of wine he would later admit the high pay of hazardous contracts didn't hurt either. While desperate to leave his past behind him, Ves is offered a lucrative job from a former employer that could fund the extravagant lifestyle he'd always dreamed of. However as he begins his hunt on the new mark he realizes something is amiss and his target may not be who he was told. Forced to make a choice between his new sense of morality or the biggest payday of his life, Ves digs deep into a mystery that could potentially prove fatal.

The Initiate
Briar Kelsatra knew from the first moment he witnessed the Dragon Riders save his village from a Pactmaker raid what he would devote his life to. Moments after the Riders left Briar begged the village Draconic Order wyvern rider to take him on as an apprentice. Years later Briar has graduated from his training and formally initiated into the Draconic Order, gifted his own wyvern to raise into a fine war-mount. Now a hardened warrior and first-class rider, Briar is sent on a routine patrol with a few other initiates to check on the nearby villages. With dreams to eventually win the honor required to become a full Dragon Rider Briar accepts the mission eagerly. However things go awry as the patrol is caught in a trap set by the Pactmakers leaving Briar the sole survivor on a desolate floating rock far from civilization. Realizing the ambush of the scouting parties could only mean an offensive on the Draconic Order base of operations, Briar must make it out of Pactmaker territory and warn the Order of the impending danger. Equipped only with his lucerne hammer, arming sword, and a juvenile wyvern that lacked to stamina to fly very far, Briar was going to need someone to watch his back while they made their way back home. Hopping from island to island, Briar hopes he can find help before the Pactmakers come and finish the job.
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