Turn on, tune in, stay awhile.

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Turn on, tune in, stay awhile.


Live and direct from an infernal machine near you.
Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 7:44 PM
Hello lovely people,

Siren Radio rep, Serena here.

Returning to the RP airwaves after a bit of a hiatus. An extended ad break did get in the way of my imagination's joyful jaunt, but I am returned with renewed vigour and a bucket of vim.

Hoping to get to engage with some kindred beings and maybe find an elusive twincubus, with whom to write bittersweet everythings.

Our playlist is mostly sci-fi, mythology, historical and fantasy both pre-fab and brand new, but call-ins according to more varied themes are always welcome.

If you are looking to banish the static from an idea burning a hole in your keyboard, do let me know. My tastes are pretty varied and 'exploration' is Siren Radio's word to live, laugh (at/with) and love for September.

This is Serena at Siren Radio signing off.

Good morninaftereverything and good night.
As a fellow newcomer, Welcome! I hope your signal reaches far and wide.

Welcome (back to the craft and) the Sanctum! I've been here for just shy of a month and can say its a great community so far. I hope you enjoy finding amazing partners and weaving tales here!
Hello and welcome! I hope you find what you're looking for!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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