Twisted Wonderland

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Twisted Wonderland


Where the World Ends...
October Challenge Participant Happy Birthday!! 1000 Likes! Chat Monster
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Today 1:51 PM
In the Dark places of your mind....
You may call me by whatever name you wish. Some here know me from a previous homeworld as Cry or Crytohm. Mal'Reth is a character I made and adore from that other homeworld whom I now adore and is a permanent fixture among my muses... (evil drow b****** that he is)

I prefer to play in fantasy settings, though I do not care what the time period is for them, and I only play MxM where relations may develop. (Sorry to those who have fem chara's but MxF and FxF bore me rapidly in most cases.)

I am a parent of 2 wonderful children who are both autistic, and I work from home- so I may have bouts of time where I go silent. I am usually on from somewhere around 5 or 6 in the morning eastern time to about 8 or 9 at night. Occasionally this differs, but not very often. I also tend to leave my R/P site tab open as well so I may appear to be here but actually be attempting to get sleep.

I am an artist (YAY!! I got my bachelors in Video Game Art Feb. 8, 2019!) and a writer (I do have books published on the Nook).

I am very friendly, am trans (FtM) who have not yet started the process but do intend to as soon as my family and I can move somewhere that it will not risk the loss of our children to do so. This is a big reason I only play males- I have to endure the constant feeling of being ignored IRL because the person most people talk to doesn't exist... they just think she does... and the real me underneath gets treated like I;m the hallucination... :/ so when I come here I am looking to at least, in part, be seen for the correct gender. :)

I do not judge because I have been judged my whole life... and I do not feel it is fair. Even if we do not end up R/Ping, it doesn't mean we cannot become friends. My life is crazy... with a lot of crap people wouldn't believe having happened to me and mine even if I told you.... so Wonderland is a great description for me. :)

I have 300+ original characters so if you want to check out my seeking thread, or my art thread, or even my "will be growing as soon as the muses quit arguing over who is next" character thread, feel free to do so!!

Have a very Merry Un-Birthday!!

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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