Any Unwanted Sex Slave (Interest Check)

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Any Unwanted Sex Slave (Interest Check)

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Today 5:16 PM
I wouldn't know if anyone is interested in the opening to this scenario here:
The clone was brought inside the isolated enclosures, away from the hustle and bustle of the market, and commanded by a man to stay until someone wanted him. The obedient clone obeyed and observed the activity of the market from the enclosure. The market was arranged into sections each section for each different type of clone for sale. Buyers of all different shapes and sizes were milling around the enclosures, deliveries of new clones were constant, with trucks and carriers all over the place. Potential buyers were walking around looking, touching and commenting on the various clones being sold and auctioned off. All the clones were designed to be exceptionally beautiful, and many of the buyers were all having a good time. Plenty of the buyers were sampling the goodies that the clones offered, and the noises of there pleasurable moaning penetrated every corner of the market. The isolated clone watched a nearby enclosure where another clone was being touched and kissed by a potential buyer. He observed in envy as the clone and buyer moved each other tongues inside their mouths, and how the buyer enticed mewling sounds from the clone as he touches him between the thighs. Desperate for the same attention, the clone leans out from his enclosure and stuck out his tongue in hopes of being kissed from a passer-by instead someone commented: "Someone accidentally left behind an old man!" they sniggered and left. He couldn't understand since he believed he was just as beautiful and attractive like all the other clones were. Throughout the day he was ignored due to his much older appearance, despite the enticing sign above him which read: "NOT NAMED YET, THIS ONE IS FREE."

What is the setting?
Futuristic Science Fiction, located somewhere in a popular city on a overpopulated earth.

What would it involve?
Sex and literally anything else we can managed to brainstorming together!

Who is your character?
The unnamed clone, his development pod malfunction and he has a older appearance.

What is the story?
Basically my character, the unnamed clone is wanting to be claimed by someone who wants him -- after that we can expand the story from there via brainstorming!
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