Both Needed USS Caelian

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Both Needed USS Caelian


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Today 11:58 PM

The USS Caelian NCC-82603.
Captains Log, Stardate 65755.49, we were on a routine mission through the Badlands. Everthing was going fine, until a plasma storm struck the port side of the ship. We were attempting to get a scan of the area, to allow other ships to better navigate the hostikle region of space. Our shields should have had no trouble dealing with the plasma wave. I'm unsure of what caused the Anomaly, but our sensors are showing we were flung well over a million light years. I must inform the crew we are now in the Andromida Galaxy. At least four years from home, with the slipstream device at maximum.

We will be playing the crew of the USS Caelian who, by means of a strange anomaly, found themselves flung over to the Andromeda Galaxy. A story similar to Voyager, except less likely to ever make it home.
Around one and a half million light-years from home, it would take about six years to get there, most of it through the empty expanse between galaxies. If things fail during the trip, they would be stranded. On the other hand, they could explore the Andromeda Galaxy, in hopes of finding a way back, or at least a new home. This will be the main problem the Crew encounters. The choice of heading home, or making a new one.

The USS Caelian is a Vesta Class, Multi-Mission, Explorer class vehicle. Of all the ships to get sent this far out, it was lucky it was this one. It should have no trouble setting up a new home in this new galaxy.
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