All Vampires and gothic shenanigans anyone?

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All Vampires and gothic shenanigans anyone?


Totally a vampire
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Today 12:08 PM
Under your porch
Hello! Do you like vampires? Do you like gothic settings and/or characters? Do you like melodramatic characters who wax poetic about their lunch and fret over what color the wallpaper in the guest room should be? Well then you might be in the right place lmao

Howdy I'm YellowBat but you can call me whatever you like (I like nicknames lol) and I'm a 20-year-old gal and college student. I've been writing my entire life and have been role playing for several years.

Just to be upfront, I am only going to get busier in the coming months, but I always try to reply to people as fast as I can. I ask that you be patient with me and if I need longer than a week to reply I will do my best to let you know ASAP. I of course will offer you the same curtesy if you ever need extra time to reply to something for any reason, all I ask is that you let me know how long you think you'll need (if you need more than a week that is) that way I don't think you've ghosted me.

I am looking for long term partners preferably.

For writing style, I only write in third person and I ask that you do the same. I try to be as literate as I can and I ask that my partners are able to write 1-3 paragraphs minimum. However, if there comes a scene where it is actually near impossible to write more than a couple sentences, I completely understand, but I hope to keep these as a rarity.

I love OOC chat and quite frankly I just about require some form of it. I want to be able to talk to my partners and comfortably discuss the story, our characters, and get to know each other a bit. Please feel free to tell me about your ideas, characters, hobbies, interests, yourself, or vent about work, or gush about that cool rock you found on the sidewalk.

I personally love anything to do with vampires and I'm just about always looking for something to do with them. I am always up for talking about any ideas for them you might have! If you don't like vampires that's okay too but they are my main muse. There's so much you can do with them, the sky's the limit. Just think of the possibilities!

I really like gothic atmospheres and scenery (think big stained-glass windows and old fountains in people's yards), as well as southern gothic settings but this is not a requirement for me. I'm rather flexible in some areas and I'm more than happy to talk about different settings and such. I also love bighearted road trips and slice of life stories. Bonus if we can have all of the above!

I tend to write more male characters simply because I think it's fun, but I am of course comfortable playing as a female character as well. I don't typically have a preference as to which my role play partners play as but if you have a preference, I'd appreciate it if you were upfront with me about it in the beginning.

My characters tend to be somewhat grounded and a bit more levelheaded but I'm open to playing the opposite as well. My character range is stoic and reserved all the way to wide eyed and bushytailed. For me it all depends on what I think fits best in a specific setting, scenario, story, or of course what would work best with you and your character.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

For topics like gore, I personally don't mind it. I'd prefer it if the gore wasn't horribly over detailed and extreme or excessive though.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
Please note I am not looking for a role play that is only romance based. Romance is fine but I'd prefer if it was the side dish and not the main course.

I have never written sexual content before so please don't be offended if I turn down the idea of sexual scenes. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with it or not so I would greatly prefer you to ask me and be willing to accept no as an answer because I can't guarantee that I'll green light any of those kinds of ideas. However, I am fine with our characters having a romantic relationship with each other as long as it feels right for the story and characters. I myself prefer slow burn and lots of good character development.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)

I don't necessarily write for all of the fandoms I'm in but here is a list of things that I'm into and willing to pull ideas from (or even just fangirl about):

Interview With The Vampire (the novel and 1994 movie only)
The Lost Boys
The Time of Feasting (novel)
The Outsiders
Twisted Wonderland
Love and Deep Space

Here is a list of my fandoms that I would love to do an OC x OC role play for:

The Outsiders
Twisted Wonderland
Love and Deep Space

The following are not the only ideas I'm interested in and are really just very vague ideas that I'm hoping will spark some interest or creativity in someone:

1. A vampire man and his long-term servant and/or fledgling have run out of funds. They knew buying an abandoned lighthouse to renovate into their latest version of a dream home was a bad idea... it is a money pit. Now they have to figure out how to not fall into financial ruin and keep the other vampires in town from finding out they've dug themselves into a hole. Will they have to get jobs? Will they have to sell all their antiques on Ebay? Will they never be invited to another vampire ball again?

2. Two vampire fledglings (or a human and a vampire) have to go on a cross-country road trip together to either meet up with their vampire master or get away from their vampire master. Hijinks ensue.

3. The portrait painter for the royal vampire family finds themselves and their academic/job/court rival being forced to work together to prove their innocents after the bickering pair are framed for the murder of a royal family member.

4. Our characters are long distance and using letters to communicate. Part of if not the entire role play would be written as in character letters. Could go for a few different genres, tones, and plots.

BONUS: If you are a fan of the Interview with A Vampire novel or the movie from the 90's and would like to try some version of a 2 vampires and a baby plot lemme know lmao
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Would love to chat with you about your vampire ideas if you're still interested!
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