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Today 6:08 PM
The dry December sun sets on a vast forest of pines, an all-encompassing view from the perspective of Mt. Arem's peak, except for a decent-sized crater of civilization where all the long, winding roads seem to meet. All that secludedness was bound to come in handy, when someone oversees decided to make a meal out of the wrong bat, but the rest of the time, it just meant being wholly cut off from the rest of the world.​
So utterly disconnected, that if all the little people in Old Haven decided to up and vanish, it might take a few days before anyone noticed.​
In that same vein, what wayward traveler would be able to tell, in passing, that the town had been overthrown by the mob? Who'd bat an eye at all the closed-down buildings with broken windows, in this time of social distance and suffering businesses? Who other than the mourning would know why there's so much unsettled dirt beneath the snow outside of town?​
Not a soul.​
Several more months into the Coronavirus pandemic, the town of Old Haven has seen a sudden spike in the number of local cases, leaving dozens without the resources to be treated. When the local government could make no serious claim to any emergency relief, the Luciano crime family stepped up, and brought in previously unattainable medical supplies to the hospital and its satellite clinics. From there, their influence only grew, as their enforced ration and curfew policies began to flatten the curve. As citizens put more and more of their personal freedoms into the hands of the Lucianos, the mayor and city council fell out of power.​
Meetings between police and the Family yielded initially unpromising results. Their recent philanthropic streak aside, it was no secret that they were taking advantage of the chaos for their own personal gain, using the town's infrastructure for their wide-scale counterfeit printing operations. Despite swearing that they'd never cease to uphold the law, many officers shifted their allegiances when it was the captain's own daughter receiving medical treatment. And the exorbitant pay raises they got certainly didn't hurt matters either.​
But of course, not everyone was so quick to fall in with the Family's ranks. Now, it's up to those select few to dismantle their operations before the changes they've made become permanent, and the town becomes a lawless wasteland.​
  • Ex-Cop #1​
  • Ex-Cop #2​
  • Ex-Cop #3​
  • Doctor​
  • Prepper​
Right now, I'm not in the mood to be making extensive character sheets. I'd pretend like I'm trying to go with a more realistic approach, in which you wouldn't know every bit of information about a person going in, but I'm too lazy to even make that claim. But really, that is sorta what I want.​
I don't want badasses. I don't want characters in their 20's. I don't want stale, action movie dialogue, or characters that don't care about "whether they live or die." Maybe this RP's gimmick isn't super realistic, but I want characters that consider it to be so.​
If you're interested in joining, please PM me with what role you would want to play, and any questions you might have about the RP itself. I don't always do a great job of explaining myself~.​


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