Unspecified Venom plot?

Currently reading:
Unspecified Venom plot?

Captain Kincaid

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 10:36 PM
So, I have a request thread already but I thought I would just add something in here that I've been craving for so long! I've had this fascination for a long time with the connection between Eddie Brock and Venom, and I've been reading some stories on it and watching the movie, and I would absolutely love it if someone would like to explore that relationship a little with me :D

It can go as far as people feel comfortable with, I'm totally open minded. Go ahead and PM me if you're interested :D.

Also note:

Para/multi para - I VERY rarely write less than 2 paragraphs per reply, but can write less if the comment works otherwise
Third person - I never felt comfortable with first person
Descriptive - Depending on the situation, I can be either quite descriptive, or VERY descriptive.​
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