MxF Victim's Plot-O-Matic

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MxF Victim's Plot-O-Matic

Scarlet Thread

I will help you escape if you return the favor.
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Today 4:25 PM
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Intro Stuffs

I always find it hard to articulate exactly what it is that I want in a roleplay. So I figured that I would turn this request thread inside out. I'll give you questions, you give me answers, we'll start discussing details to turn it into an actual plot. This will avoid a lot of the initial confusion. Of course if you want to borrow this or parts of it to figure out a plot with someone else, that's perfectly fine to. Also if you can think of questions to add and expand this, let me know.

A little about me as a roleplayer. I try to reply at least a couple of times a week, average 1-4 paragraphs and avoid too many errors. My tastes vary widely from lighthearted lengthy adventure to dark and twisted short stories and my kinks go from vanilla to downright strange. I can play male, female, or on rare occasion hermaphrodite characters. I don't care much what the plot to sex ratio is as long as there is an engaging plot with twists, character development, and conflict.

This simple little multiple choice thingy isn't meant to be a finished product, just a skeleton for us to flesh out together. So, here we go...



The setting is...
1. Modern, Past, or Future
2. Realistic, Fantasy, or Supernatural
3. Isolated, Tribal, Rural, Urban, or Ruins
4. Light, Medium, or Dark
5. Drama, Thriller, Adventure, Romance or Comedy

Our main characters are...
1. All human, human/other, or all other.
2. Neutral, friendly, or hostile
3. Strangers, acquaintances, master/servant, mentor/learner, protector/protectee, sworn enemies, or tormentor/victim
4. With class, power, or physical differences
5. Brought together by choice, common goal, attraction, negative event, or outside influence​
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Temporarily closing this to new partners due to work picking up. I'll update when things clear up.
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