Völsung Rising - Characters and OOC thread

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Völsung Rising - Characters and OOC thread


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The condensed details thusfar for ease of reference! (In no particular order)
  • Act One: the Raid itself. Raider and Friends hit the village, Raider claims Thrall as personal conquest, which opens up some questions:
    • Is Thrall still under the care of her family, or has she been married? Will probably factor in to motivations in Act Three.
    • Is the raid generally successful? Will there be infighting among raiders for spoils? Will Raider need to defend Thrall against other raiders, thereby opening a twisted romance dynamic.
  • Act Two: Immediate consequences. Unless you see a good opportunity, I think fading to black while the Vikings row their way home is a good use of saving time xD Still though:
    • Are we even rowing home, or establishing a new town? Does Thrall see other thralls? Is there an opportunity for her to mull on the dream of revenge?
    • If Raider is settling, Thrall will have the advantage of knowing the surrounding area and how it factors into their personal, and social survival-- another driving force for them to settle together?
    • What kind of a life awaits Thrall? Is there a Mrs. Raider who will provide weird sexual tension, or will Thrall just be milking goats and tilling the soil?
  • Act Three: Long term consequences. No timeframe on this, but I imagine a good amount of time-hopping:
    • If there isn't a Mrs. Raider, what is the social dynamic between these two now? If Thrall becomes Mrs. Raider, has she properly assimilated to the Viking way of life? Adopted their gods, etc;
    • Does she still nurse resentment for being displaced? If raider killed whole family, or husbando, might not be far off. But if she was just opportunistically snatched, different story.
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As for fighting over spoils... I'm not sure if vikings did that. I know higher ranking peeps had first dibs, but, it was typically the farmers who went on raids, and it is a theory that it was for women. I haven't really found anything about them bickering over thralls. I would imagine it would be a first come, first served sort of deal...however, we can do it how we like. Since you are playing the raider, how would you like the 'resources' to be shared?

I would say we should definitely go someplace else, but again, I would say that should primarily be up to you, since it would be your character. Would you want him to be part of a settlement, or have a home already established? I feel like if we remain in the town, my character would never move on at all, and you'd find her like...moping where her fallen betrothed was laying or something.

His having a wife could definitely add some tension. She could even try to subvert things and such...Saying she didn't do a specific task, or saying rude things to the thrall herself, things like that. I would say, if we intend for the two to marry or accept each other/fall in love, we would need the Mrs. Raider to file for a divorce, or the Raider himself, at some point. Interesting system the vikings had. XD But she couldn't say no to him finding pleasure with a slave, as long as he still bedded her, and the thrall would feel like she didn't have much of a choice.

I think, for a long time, there would be a lot of resentment on her part, however, perhaps she attempts to learn culture, language, gods, ect. eventually, simply to try and make her life easier, although at first, I imagine her going through great lengths to avoid learning anything about the Raider or his people. Probably gets caught trying to escape, though bad things tend to happen to those thralls. Dunno. It's your choice. I'd like to see her slowly warming up to him, maybe making him a shirt to show her affection or something, sparking some jealousy in the wife.

We could even do more at that point. Perhaps a chief he is under desires her, since chiefs took on as many wives as they wished? Things like that.

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See, I'm kinda having this perspective fight.

On the one hand, the raider I'm picturing is the youngest of four sons-- and therefore entitled to nothing of the family estate, as it would fall to the eldest son. Eldest son didn't need to work a day in his life, and so harbors that resentment from childhood-- of knowing that he would never have it easy. Older brothers #2 and #3 pushed off to raid in the Baltics and never returned. Raider IV has a life choice to make:

A). Live life like a serf, ever in your brother's shadow, eking what little of a living you can from the fish in the sea for the rest of your miserable life, or;
B). Risk life and limb and dare to succeed where #1 never dared, and 2# and 3# died trying to reach. Go out onto the broad sea and take what is his like a true son of Wotan.

He will go for option B, naturally. But therein lies the conflict. Sure, Scandinavia is where he was born, but that home is in the hands of a lout and he has his own future to consider now. That could mean turning his back on Skane in general, entirely, and daring to set up shop across the ocean, or really striking it big on looting and start founding a life of his own back in the Skane.

The more I think about it out loud and put it into text though, the more I'm favoring the second option-- though I doubt he would have a wife waiting for him back home. 4th sons wouldn't really rank too highly on the desirability totem back there. Though once he comes back weighed down with tons of booty ( :p ) bitches would be clawing at eachother to try and get at him, which means another fun dynamic for later. Courtship. ;)

Ooh! And he could even make the thrall an involuntary worker to help him build up his new home! And because she's still got spunk in her she could try to kill him and stuff! But she gets overpowered and they boooone.

Sorry. Vivid mental picture and I got all excited xD

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the 8th century would be our window I think. No permanent viking settlement on north-eastern england would have existed, meaning that all stories of attacks preceding ours would have had to have been spread by foot/horse. A very basic plan for invaders might have been present, and being how this falls very early into the European feudal model, rival kingdoms would not have been working together yet, and somewhere like a fishing village on the coast would definitely not have much of a defence. Maybe some fishermen with pikes or something. Maybe a retired man-at-arms. You get what I mean.

But if it had a charming monastery overlooking the water, plump with gold and food reserves from the village, well. That might set up Raider IV nicely.

- - -

I like the idea of him wanting to start his own founding. Being a forth child could work well into that, plus I like the idea of him having her help build up his life. It could even give them time to bond before a wife stepped into the picture. Especially if she is fond of him, she'd be super angry about him courting anyone...or girls calling on him. XD I picture her doing small things... 'Go get me blue flowers', mixes thorns in the bouquet. XD

I would like it if her town wasn't too rich. However, if we are keeping with the plan of him coming into riches and such during the raids...what if they simply spotted a coastal village on their way to their actual target, stopped off for wives and perhaps fresh food? That would be fairly logical, yes?

What I do have decided for her is...I was thinking a redhead. I am partial to them, and was thinking that perhaps it would help her stand out a bit? In order to explain her being an older age to keep to site rules, I was thinking she was a younger daughter, perhaps to a sheep herding family? They wouldn't have had much money for a dowry, and perhaps decided to keep her at home, having no sons, to care for them in their old age. Vikings enjoyed decorative clothing, so maybe it could be something else that catches the Raider's eye: Her talent with wool. If she was found barricaded inside a room with her work around her, I suppose it would be possible, yes? A bit too curious for her own good, but used to problem solving and having to do things for herself, traits which would be highly regarded in viking society, yes? A bit too curious for her own good, which would be a good drive for her to learn culture around her, even if she doesn't like her predicament.

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As for names, here are a few Old English names I was looking at: Cleva, Dawn, Ela, Jolene, Odette or Levina. Oooooor, if you wanted, we could agree on a name that your character gives mine? Up to you completely.

I'm working through a list of names. Let me know if any jump out for you: Geir, Ivar, Leif, Stigr, Tyr. The rest sound either dopey or like something from the MCU.

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I really like the named-idea. That would really bring a dominance dynamic really hard into the relationship early. As though rape, pillage, and kidnapping didn't do that enough. How about this, though? Pick a name of your own choosing for pre-raid. Following the raid, Tyr doesn't bother with it-- her position is thrall; her name is thrall. Once the relationship complicates, she starts proving her worth in little ways, and maybe in a bigger, defining way (defending his interests or showing a personal act of submission/obedience going beyond the regular dynamic), then Tyr would name her fully (a Norse name that we agree on). Thoughts?

You and I are going to get along well then-- if you couldn't tell by my level of inquiry so far, questions are kinda my thing xD

Nineteen is fine by me. I'll go with twenty-seven for Tyr.

Some technical issues that will come up that I can see: language. They won't be able to speak each others for a while. Simple solution, colour scheme and context clues:

- - - : Example : - - -

Rolling his eyes at his red-headed prize, Tyr forms each word deliberately as he speaks down to her, jabbing a thick finger from the small blade, to the glistening herring. "Take the knife. Gut the fish."

Watching her captor sullenly as he shuts the door, sealing her in, Cleva snatched the knife and began scaling the fish. "Fish, fish, and more fish. I'd suck my father's cock to smell venison again." She muttered.

- - - : Example ends : - - -

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I love that idea, actually. Before the raid she will be Ela. Once he belongs to her, Thrall. Afterwards, a few old Norse names I like are Alva, Eira, Sassa, Tove and Tyra. What would you prefer?

I like Eira personally. I think Tyr would have understood Ela trying to introduce herself and would have just ignored her, but once she'd proven herself, giving her a name that sounds like her old one could mean a lot to her ("He really does listen to me!"). I'm also resisting the temptation for Tyr to just call her Tyr+a, just because I'd like her to still have her own thematic identity beyond Viking Slave wench. xD

And yes, exactly. One color for Norse, and another one for English. That way it also solves the problem of anachronistic diction (Ela would be speaking with words like Lo, Prithee, Forsoothe, and that's even being generous, because Old English is practically another language

- - -
And yes, quick stop works for me as well. That does raise the question of if you want to fast-forward the larger target raid, being as how Ela won't be there, and any RP on my part is going to be mindless self-indulgence of slaughtering priests and villagers. And no. No knife for Ela. Though that does make me wonder if she would eventually defend him while he slept or something...

So an issue came to me while I was mulling over this before sleeping. How are we going to keep the plot/smut ratio for this? Because as things kick off, its going to get pretty rapey, pretty quick. To reinforce: that isn't a problem, but I think we both are going into the RP with the expectation that there's going to be other stuff at play here; I'd like to determine some loose ideas as to what that will be:
  • Is it mostly going to be character development between Tyr and Ela/Thrall/Eira?
  • Is it going to be Ela's integration into a dramatically different culture?
  • How do we want NPCs to fit the billet here? Who else from Ela's village (name?) will get captured? Will they survive the journey? Will she have talks across the white picket fence with her viking neighbours? :p
    • Regarding above: I fully intend for some of the NPCs from the ship (Gungnir) to come up again back in Skane; will provide an opportunity for plot development and complication down the line.
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*snickers* I didn't even think of that with Tyra. I rather like Eira, and I really love the reasoning behind naming her that. So, Ela, Thrall, Eira it is. *claps hands*

Yeah, no, I'm not touching Old English with a ten foot pole. I am completely fine with that. Blue for Old Norse...for the Old English, though, could we maybe use Red? Yellow is kinda difficult on my eyes. Would that be alright?

I think you are right about that, the comedy being present without us intending it.

I mean, it is probably expected to lose a few people if we assume fighting is common in the aftermath between the raiders. I love that explanation, by the way. Best. XD There could also just be some bickering, shoving, ect. Honestly, either way can work. What would you prefer?

- - -

Just to forewarn you, I will probably mix in a few things that aren't actually historically accurate. For example...Once Tyr's housing is built and such, she will likely be gathering with other women in the Skane. It would give her a chance to learn their really cool way of weaving, more words than he can offer, and I figured I would have her get a tea or something at some point that is supposed to prevent children, especially after she learns that any child Tyr puts in her would be considered a slave too. I figured later that could make some interesting things happen...for example, slipping the powder or whatever into the tea his wife drinks to sabotage their marriage, things like that. Are things like that alright?

I actually thought of that, too. Since marriages outside of the town wouldn't have been common, I figured we should likely have her mother be killed in the raid, although Norse men didn't like violence towards woman, something could have happened or she could have struck one of them or something...however, her sisters and friends would likely be seen back in Skane. I feel like there should be a few scenes where she has stumbled upon her family members. Maybe a sister was claimed by another Raider and he 'wifes' her or something? Put some tension between her and Tyr, especially if he takes another wife from elsewhere and if she has started to gain feelings for him by that time?

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I have an idea for the Act One line. Picture this order of events in your mind and tell me if it makes sense and what you might change:
  1. All's well in Village X
  2. Village X's fishermen spot Viking longboat-- sail to shore and warn town, Vikings get into shooting range of fishing boat and launch a volley of flaming arrows.
  3. A burning ship and screaming is a good signal that there's trouble. Village X goes into panic mode. Ela, out and about with sheep, is made aware quite late
  4. Vikings come ashore, prioritize food and slaves as targets. Eira makes speed for home to help family. Tyr looks for targets of opportunity/general mayhem.
  5. Ela arrives home with the door locked. Pounding frantically on it to be let in. Pounding attracts Sven and Odi, those goons, toward the noise. Tyr is looking for a door to kick in.
  6. Ela is let in, but not before Sven/Odi see her disappear behind the door. S/O start hooting/hollering, breaking down door, attracting Tyr to see what's so fun over there.
  7. S/O break in and see the massed family. Father takes a swat at one of them and gives them a sharp knock at S, but is immediately killed in reply. Graphically. Tyr sees kicked open door. Goes towards it.
  8. O works way in. Ela's mother tries to shield the group. O doesn't like-- starts beating her. S is mutilating Father. Tyr enters door-- announces his disgust at the scene.
  9. O tells Tyr to sit and spin. Tyr knocks out O. S rounds on Tyr, violently. Short fight ensues. S is floored. Tyr claims Ela as prize, spits on S/O-- S swears revenge.
  10. Tyr leaves, dragging Ela along, takes her in a manly fashion, and binds her, taking her to ship. Presumably, S/O would drag remaining siblings along afterwards.
- - -

Well...children were important, I know that much. So much that a wife could be punished for infidelity, but they would usually forgive the act if it meant they would have a child. They were pretty big on kids, so raising someone else's kid was usually more of a 'nah, nah, nanana', I got your kid, kind of thing. I could imagine her trying not to have them could anger him enough to sell her, especially if she was doing that to the wife or something, however, it, at the very least, could result in a rather strict punishment, maybe thinking she didn't quite understand how serious of a thing it was to prevent that? I would suppose it would depend on each of their feelings at that time period, yes?

The only thing I'd like to change is the reason for her being out and about. Would you mind if it was for gathering dye materials, something along those lines?

I want her away from the tending of animals, building materials and such, ect, simply because I think it would be funnier if those were things Tyr would have to teach her. Is that alright?

Also...I figured Ela is the type to go for a weapon, so there is likely to be a little skirmish between her and Tyr. Is that alright as well? Probably something small...he gets done with the first fight, turns to view the women, is attacked with some shears or something from the redhead, twists her arm and makes her drop it...something like that?

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No doubt! The possibility of children will play a framing point in Act Three, and may even be the signal for when it's right to close the RP (a happily ever after-esque scenario, but all good things have to come to an end eventually :) )

I hadn't considered the ridiculous dialogue of those two as he teaches her how to milk a goat or something, and trying to gesticulate what "grab the udder" would mean for her xD

Hey, here's a thought! What if Tyr isn't going for Ela first at all? What if its one of the sisters, and Ela gets brave and goes at him while his back is turned, sinks something small into his back or leg or something. Enough for Tyr to be in pain, but for the wound to be superficial. He would approve of the spirit in her and go after her instead, and she would be frightened/impressed by his conditioning of ignoring her best shot. How's that sound?

Shipwise, I kinda like the idea that there would be, say, three Karvi for general coastal fighting/landing, and maybe a single Knarr for holding the larger reserves of food/water/cargo. Nothing too large of an offensive force, maybe 60 men in all, 15 per ship. Thralls would be kept under guard in the Karvi. I like the idea of a smaller force because it reinforces the fact that this is still crazy dangerous. They can still be lost at sea, and losing too many men in skirmishes in the towns will make it that much harder to get back home with any plunder at all. Dramatic tension and all ;)​
Think we'd be able to name Ela's town? I can see NPCs/MC/YC down the line having to refer back to it, and that becomes way easier when it has a name xD. Also, even though its only twenty huts, travelers and merchants and princes would come through and make note of it, and they probably wouldn't just call it "that town, over yonder".
Bexhill? I dunno, I just looked up some English town names. Would that be suitable?
Mm, Bexhill is a real English city, though-- and further south than I'd actually put one.

Sheep's Bluff? For the local resident animals, and the high cliffs overlooking the town? I know it's going to get wiped out anyway :P , but NPCs will have to make reference to it at some point.
Okay, so...I was gonna stop at the 'omg there's chaos', but words kept coming. I hope that post is alright. Lemme know if it doesn't work for you or sommat. >.> Hope is okie.
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