All Wander with the Wicked

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All Wander with the Wicked

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Greetings. I am a Wicked Wanderer. I have just returned from a lengthy hiatus due to my physical health. I primarily play female character but I can ply males for bl plots. Below you will find my plots which range widely. I have plots that are slice of life and plots that are intensely fantasy. I like mxm, mxf, and fxf pairings. I write one ore more paragraphs and kindly expect the same. I try to do at least one reply pr person a day. I work two jobs at the moment so life is chaotic. Be patient with me and I will treat you the same. So you all know, as well, I am in Pacific Standard. I play a variety of characters and sexualities so there should be a little something here for almost everyone :) I look forward to playing.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
- I have a strong tolerance for violence but I prefer to only use it to enhance the story.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
Yes, I enjoy it in a balance. I don't do non-con unless it's to build something very specific in the story and my partner and I hash it out before hand. Light bondage is ok - again something to discuss and sort out before hand.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)

I could do short fandoms but I'm not particularly good at them. Fandoms I would consider are -

-The Owl House
-Kingdom Hearts

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
Right now I just have one plot I desperately want to explore. PM me if interested.

The Young Master -(Kinks - Light bondage)
The young daughter of a Mob boss receives an odd gift after the suspicious passing of her mother. Confined to one of the family's mansions for the time being the young woman is given a submissive but capable slave (YC). He was once a well trained officer (or assassin) but serves her father to repay a debt. Her father sent him to keep her safe but is commanded to serve her as a servant or a sort of butler and never leave her side. At first she isn't sure what to do with her new pet. Over time the two grow to be close and explore their feelings and intimacy while keeping the cacophony of enemies at bay and finding out what happened to her mother.
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