MxF Weeb Seeking Smut and Story! (non-weebs welcome :P)

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MxF Weeb Seeking Smut and Story! (non-weebs welcome :P)


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Today 8:04 PM
Lockwood Manor
My username is Indoraptor. I'm an (almost) 30 year old male, and I've been RPing since I was in middle school, and writing proper slightly longer. I love sci-fi (especially military sci-fi) and fantasy, as well as that wonderful middle ground between the two known as science fantasy. Many of my tastes derive from anime and media from Japan, but I absolutely love a good monster movie, regardless of where it comes from.

I will note right off the bat that looking people in the eye makes me incredibly uncomfortable, and this extends to photographs. So when it comes to RPs, any and all faceclaims I'll use will be anime/manga styled or otherwise be from art or games, and I would greatly prefer any partners do the same.

I work part-time four days a week (Monday-Thursday), so I can be online quite often. That being said, I do have several psychiatric issues that might get in the way of writing, though I won't go into detail. Despite how long I've been writing, I prefer to keep my replies a bit shorter, usually in the 1-3 paragraph range.

As far as violence goes, I'm okay with it. I grew up on monster movies and first person shooters. Conflict is part of what makes great stories! When it comes to gore, though... just try not to be too descriptive/graphic. I can handle certain things that you might see in movies like Alien, Predator, or any similar creature feature, but getting up close and personal with gore isn't something I enjoy.

I enjoy writing smut (I probably wouldn't be here otherwise), but my tastes are incredibly vanilla, aside from a few kinks. I like to live vicariously through my characters, and that includes forming loving relationships and making love. Things I really like in sexual RPs:
  • Vanilla
  • All that wholesome stuff like handholding (how lewd!)
  • Anything that would have the "happy sex" tag on the various -Boorus.
  • Hair-pulling
  • Nibbling/love biting
  • Cosplay and uniforms
  • Brother/sister or cousin/cousin incest
  • Monster girls/kemonomimi (I'm a weeb, this comes with the territory)
  • Petite female characters (even the Itty Bitty Titty Committee needs love)
My hard NOs right off the bat include:
  • Rape/noncon/dubcon
  • Lolis (seeing as how I listed petite female characters as something I like, I want to clarify that lolis are not something I enjoy)
  • Gore/vore/torture/etc.
  • Anything grossly oversized (breasts, penises, etc.)
  • Bathroom stuff
  • Hard BDSM
  • Pegging
  • Cuckolding/NTR/cheating
  • Tentacles
  • Ahegao (it's not attractive to me)
  • Monsters (separate from monster girls/boys)/bestiality (this includes dinosaurs, since I've had to clarify that on more than one forum)
  • Ryona/abuse
  • Ugly bastards
  • Anthro/furry
  • Anything else, please ask

I am a nerd, and I enjoy various different fandoms! These include:
  • Jurassic Park/World (I especially would like to explore a post-Fallen Kingdom/post-Dominion world)
  • Monster Hunter
  • Halo
  • Godzilla and the Monsterverse
  • Pacific Rim
  • Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online
  • God Eater
  • Halo
  • Starship Troopers
  • Ask me about anime and manga if it's not mainstream like Dragon Ball, One Piece, or Naruto
Anything underlined is the role I would prefer.
  • Brother x sister
  • Cousin x cousin
  • Humanx monster girl
    • Human x yōkai (since the topic of yōkai is an incredibly broad one, this one is open to a lot of interpretations and discussion)
  • Human x monster boy
  • Human x elf
  • Human x kitsune (I really, really lean towards playing the human in this pairing, but I could be convinced to play the kitsune)
  • More to be added!
  • Isekai (would really like one with something of a sci-fi/science fantasy angle)
  • Adventurers
  • Trapped on a deserted island (is it an island paradise? or is everything under the sun trying to eat you?)
  • Post-apocalyptic (I especially love any ideas that are more out there; apocalypse by dragons? a freak time-space warp happens and humans and prehistoric beasts must clash to survive?)
  • Kaiju & mecha
  • Gun Gale Online
    • AU where GGO traps players
    • Players decide to meet IRL
  • Monster Hunter
    • A Hunter and a Rider must team up to find out what's causing a disturbance in the ecosystem
    • A human and a Wyverian fall in love
    • Adapting the plot of a game with our own characters
    • An original setting in the Monster Hunter world
Near a small village in the woods, a farmer and/or his daughter live a quiet life, raising animals and growing crops, making a living selling what they grow to the people of the village. One day, a person wanders into town with a simple request: a place to work, in exchange for room and board. The farmer takes them up on their offer, and so begins a new life. But as time goes on, people can tell there's something off about the wanderer. But when a band of monsters decides to attack the village, the stranger is able to frighten them away with little more than an angry glare and a quiet threat.

Who... or what... is this wanderer? What past are they trying to escape? And what will happen when it catches up with them?

A fantasy plot, a bit of slice of life with a side of action and mystery! While I would like to play the wanderer, I wouldn't be opposed to playing the farmer.
MC has never been lucky in love. Lots of heartbreak and more than one "Sorry, but I think we should only be friends". But the times, they are a-changing! Now that nonhuman races are being integrated into human society, a new app has sprung up for those looking for love outside their own species. Our characters match, and meet for the first time.


Leaving this one a little open. Basically I'd like a cute, wholesome (and preferably a little lewd) romcom where MC finds love outside of his species. Demihumans? Aliens visiting Earth? It can go either way! As long as it's cute and fluffy and lets me live vicariously through my character! ^^
A very specific take on this idea. My character has had arachnophobia all of his life. One day his therapist recommends taking his exposure therapy to a new and... interesting level: try out the app and match up with an Arachne as a friend! How will this turn out?
Demihumans like lizardmen and lamiae don't do well in colder climates, but when a reptilian monster girl finds herself somewhere cold, what's she going to do? Hopefully get nice and cuddly with MC-kun!
Adventurers travel the land, taking on quests and making a living by helping people! Our characters are partied together, and make their money doing whatever quests they can: escort duty, monster slaying, or even just going out into the woods and gathering mushrooms. But what happens between these quests?


This plot is very much inspired by the one-shot doujin "After Quest" by Napata (I can't find a... non-fishy, for lack of a better term, link for it, but if you search for it online, it's fairly easy to find). The goal for this is to balance story and smut, as well as providing some actual reason for the smut; for example, one character uses lots of mana during quests, so to replenish it the two become intimate. The two can either start out already lovey-dovey, or work towards it, I'm fine either way.
MC is an adventurer who hasn't had the easiest life, but he still tries to find the good in things, even when in a party that views him as nothing more than a meat shield to aggro enemies. One day, the party comes across a wandering caravan--entertainers, craftsmen, traders, etc.-- and he's enamored by a dancer among them. Who is she? And is it lust, or something more?


A new idea inspired by the song Dancer and the Moon by Blackmore's Night. Basically the idea about this is that someone who might not be the strongest, the smartest, or the most attractive, and has had a difficult life, finds himself taken with a dancer in this traveling caravan. What does a night together lead to? Comfort? Confronting old wounds, physical and emotional?

This one can be both short-term or long-term, and in fact I would love to make this a long-term one where MC joins the caravan and he and the dancer help each other face past traumas and grow, and hopefully fall in love.
Thousands of years ago, mankind fled Earth to find a new home, leaving behind a polluted and scarred world. As time went on, the location of mankind's homeworld was lost. Far into the future, a passenger ship traveling faster than light suffers a catastrophic malfunction, and the ship crash-lands on a habitable world filled with hostile life and beautiful landscapes. The ship's AI comes to a startling conclusion: the ship has crashed on Earth, and the survivors of the crash must either find a way to send a message home, settle in... or die trying.


This one is a little bit of an odd idea. The main inspirations are "After Earth" and "65", but there's one element I've added because of reading "Girlfriend, Girlfriend": a polyamorous relationship between the survivors. Between surviving and trying to message home, they deal with interpersonal dynamics. Misunderstandings, drama, comedy! I'd like all of that. Please note that this aspect is entirely optional, and in fact I'd be very open to this RP being between three RPers, including myself.
YC is a new adventurer with big ambitions of becoming a legend. However, for one reason or another, people don't like partying up with her, and she hasn't been able to get as far as she would like as a result. Sulking at the bar, she's approached by a higher-level adventurer (MC) who offers to help YC out.


I've separated this from my other adventurer plot because it's fairly specific. I would love to play opposite a female character who's stubborn and hard-headed (bonus points if she's a tsundere!), and doesn't do well in adventurer parties. Basically I want a good mix of humor, drama, action, and romance!

That's about all I can think of right now, but I'll edit this down the line. If anything in this thread catches your attention
Last edited:
I added a little fantasy plot to my list! If it catches your fancy, feel free to PM me. ^^
Updated with a few pairings. I've been in the mood to tell a story involving yōkai and other creatures from Japanese folklore, so I added a few pairings to the list.
Bumping. After playing Titanfall 2, I'd like a RP that explores relationships between pilots, as well as pilots and the AIs of their units. I have a few ideas right off the bat for a basic setting, but I haven't had the opportunity to write it all out.
New plot idea after going on a kick of Celtic, neo-Medieval, and Irish folk music.

MC is an adventurer who hasn't had the easiest life, but he still tries to find the good in things, even when in a party that views him as nothing more than a meat shield to aggro enemies. One day, the party comes across a wandering caravan--entertainers, craftsmen, traders, etc.-- and he's enamored by a dancer among them. Who is she? And is it lust, or something more?


A new idea inspired by the song Dancer and the Moon by Blackmore's Night. Basically the idea about this is that someone who might not be the strongest, the smartest, or the most attractive, and has had a difficult life, finds himself taken with a dancer in this traveling caravan. What does a night together lead to? Comfort? Confronting old wounds, physical and emotional?

This one can be both short-term or long-term, and in fact I would love to make this a long-term one where MC joins the caravan and he and the dancer help each other face past traumas and grow, and hopefully fall in love.
I have a few cravings inspired by some of my most recent watches/reads:
  • A pair of players make their way through a VRMMORPG and eventually fall in love; may contain a twist or two in terms of my character (inspired by Good Night World)
  • It's the end of the world! Zombies, monsters, whatever. But let's check some things off our bucket lists before we bite the dust! (inspired by Zom 100)
  • A small, isolated community in the Jurassic World universe (post-Fallen Kingdom/post-Dominion) finds itself cut off from the rest of the world, and finds itself stalked by a prehistoric predator
Been craving a plot idea I've been working on. Think Evangelion meets Titanfall.
Several hundred years in the future, humanity has spread to the stars, and have colonized dozens of new worlds in the Milky Way. As time went on, tensions rose until they reached a breaking point, resulting in war across known space. One little planet has decided to remain neutral during the war, and continued life as usual. Its forests were felled, its seas fished, and its mountains mined. One day that all changed. Massive creatures rose from the depths of the sea, laying waste to coastal cities for weeks before they were killed by the planet's military forces. At first it was thought to be a one-off incident. But as more creatures - dubbed "Tenshi" by the media - began appearing, a task force was put together to fight them.

Persuaded by outside sources, the planetary government began importing humanoid machines known as "Hachiman" in order to combat the Tenshi.

Well, pilot? Are you ready to fight some Tenshi?
In particular, I'd like to play opposite a female pilot not unlike Asuka Langley: hotheaded, proud, and stubborn, but hiding a softer side.
Been in the mood for something short-term and smutty. Step siblings crossing the line? Two people trapped together? Interspecies dating?
Got ghosted on another forum. Looking for one or two partners. Been in the mood for a GGO inspired RP, but I could also go for anything like weird apocalypses (especially if there are lots of monsters!), something like Cage of Eden, or... hell, almost anything from my list. Just shoot me a PM, folks! ^^
I have two particular cravings right now:
  • Brother/sister taboo incest (half, step, and adopted accepted)
  • Playing opposite a tsundere (if I could find someone who can play a good tsundere, I might be so happy I could kiss them)
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