Any Welcome to my Request Thread!

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Any Welcome to my Request Thread!


Let not light see my black and deep desires
Local time
Today 11:19 AM
Los Angeles, California
Hello to any future partners or glancing eyes! I'd like to start off by saying I used to be on a site named Guilty Pleasures roleplaying. I was there for about 2 years and the half of the last year I was on and off. I discovered recently that it has been shut down and so here I am. This will be a really early version of my thread since I lost my other one. I will add more things and clean up and make things more tidy and easy to read. Also I only do Role plays in the third person. I am open to all pairings, MxM, FxF, and MxF.


Please read my F-list! It has all of my Faves, yes, maybes and absolute no's.

F-list - Warning

My maybes are not automatic no's, it depends on what role play we are doing. You can ask about maybes and I'll decide if it will fit or not in the role play. So don't be shy about those! However I will not do anything that is in the no section. No if, and, or buts. Sorry but if I'm not comfortable doing it I'm not going to do it.

On a side note, I'm really bad at providing pictures for character sheets. If you like doing it I don't mind it and it isn't required of you. However I am horrible at it so please don't make me if I don't have to.

I prefer Original Characters. While we can have plots set in different universes I don't like the idea of let's say I'm a character I created and you play Anakin Skywalker. I just can't take it seriously or focus.

What I expect from a partner:

I don't expect my partner to copy my length or write me back an entire novel each time they reply. I do however expect effort from you. If I write 3 paragraphs and you can't even give me one in return something is wrong. Give me something to work with and to keep on going. It's not fun for anybody if we're just sending 3 sentences per reply. I do no accept one liners.

Communicate with me!

If you feel like you're going to slow down on replies just tell me. I don't mind it, that and if you want to take a break or drop the roleplay. I won't crucify you lmao. But don't waste our times.


(This is what I remember at the moment. I'll add more when It comes back to me.)

Red Dead Redemption
Star Wars
Legend of Zelda
Harry Potter
The Walking Dead
Jurassic Park
Rurouni Kenshin
Attack on Titan
The Martian

Plot Ideas/genres

I don't have any plots, I used to but if I can remember any of them I'll put them down. However I do have some pairings in mind. I do have a couple

A new pet:
A human ship crashes on an alien planet that is suspected to have an alien civilization present on it. Only two out of the 13 crew survives but one dies very shortly after escaping the crash. It is a planet that is inhabited by humanoid creatures that have a variety of different mutations. Animal tails, animal ears. Early humans were once traded on this planet and were a pet to those that could afford them. They were a sign of wealth and that they were someone that had a reputation. The humans on that planet are primarily used as the play things of those that owned them. Killing of said humans was outlawed. The survivor that escapes the crash is a genetic masterpiece, further improved upon the the humans on the alien planet. Its no doubt whoever catches them would have free reign have their place in the social hierarchy solidified.

The Last Heist:

An infamous home invader is caught by the owner of the house. Since the home invader is a recently turned 18 homeless adult with no face the owner can do anything they want with them. They are subject to their whim. This plot can turn in so many places and go in so many directions that it is easily my favorite in how diverse it is.


ODST x Insurrectionist
ODST x Spartan
ODST x Humanoid species
Scientist x Alien
Scientist x subject
Space colonist x Native Aliens
Captured human x Alien species
TIE Pilot x Rebels
TIE Pilot x Force sensitive
Bad Batch clone offspring x Stormtrooper
Bounty hunter x Force sensitive
College Professor x Student
Home owner x Home invader
Officer x Criminal
CEO x Intern
Step mom x step son
Step mom x step daughter
Step sister x Step sister
Step sister x Step brother
Step dad x Step daughter
Step dad x Step Son
Princess x Maid/Butler
Princess x Knight
Prince x Knight
Prince x Maid/Butler
Fallout slaver x wastelands
Vault dweller x Scavenger
Vault dweller x Raider
Raider x Scavenger

Also for MxM pairings i like to play males that are essentiality female. Their appearance and personality are all very feminine. This can also include sissification (my favoriteee) The only male part of them would be their genitalia. This doesn't mean i cant play a male character in FxM pairings but for MxM it is what i am more comfortable with.
(Will add more in the future.)
hey your 'New Pet' plot idea seams interesting! I wouldn't mind talking more in a PM if possible?
Hello SereneCyan. I have read through your interest check and saw that you have listed Skyrim and Pokemon. I am currently very interested in doing both.

I already have a male OC available for Skyrim role plays. But never had an opportunity to use him yet.

As for Pokemon. It won't be issue for me to draw up my own OC or come with a discriptive sheet.

Do you have any plots in mind or are you open to sharing ideas?
Hello SereneCyan. I have read through your interest check and saw that you have listed Skyrim and Pokemon. I am currently very interested in doing both.

I already have a male OC available for Skyrim role plays. But never had an opportunity to use him yet.

As for Pokemon. It won't be issue for me to draw up my own OC or come with a discriptive sheet.

Do you have any plots in mind or are you open to sharing ideas?

I don't have any set plots for any of them, yes I am open to new ideas. As for drawings or descriptions you can do either you want! I just prefer doing descriptions because I suck at photos. If you want to brainstorm a plot for Skyrim or Pokémon just send me a PM!
Hello! I think that the Pet plot is good idea. I'm also up for anything Pokemon.
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