MxF Welcome to my Table

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MxF Welcome to my Table


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Welcome to my Table
Hello hello, welcome to my thread. Where to start? A little about myself I guess. Okay, well, my name is Table. I have been doing some form of RP for over 15 years off and on as inspiration strikes. I was introduced to RP back on an old Blackberry app called Cellufun. I've had the bug ever since. I can write in first or third person and if I'm being honest, my biggest flaw when it comes to RP'ing is that sometimes I can slip between perspectives but I do my best to catch it before making a post. I love the fantasy genre in all its glorious flavors. I can do dark, high fantasy, whimsical, political, suspenseful, or even filthy (wink wink nudge nudge). Whatever it is though I love developing worlds and storylines and characters and can dive deep into my roleplays. I have not done much Sci-fi but would love to try it out more. I have never done a fandom RP but would be willing to give it a shot if I knew the source material. If you have any questions please feel free to message me.

My Preferences

The most important thing to me is the story. I love getting caught up in a story and becoming excited about where it will lead. After that, I would like a partner who can match my post lengths. I understand that on occasion there may be some dialogue that will make it hard to make larger posts but as long as it is not too often I am okay with it. A good post I think would be somewhere in the 200-500 word count on average. I can go well beyond this but will likely never post less than that. I am down to have smut in my RP's but I don't usually like to have it be the focus. I think smut is a good tool to enhance the RP, not make the RP. That being said, I don't have a preference on the amount, as long as it helps move the story along or at the least does not distract from it. No bathroom play or incest; beyond that, I'm pretty open.

(Preferred role in Bold and Italic)

Spaceship Crewmember x Stowaway
Vampire x Victim
Vampire x
x Princess
Nobleman x Maid
Nomad x
Stranger in a New Land
Witch x Wizard
Greek Goddess x Human Soldier
Greek God
x Human

These are just a few pairings I could come up with when making this post. Subject to change. I am also open to doing any other pairings or settings that you might bring to the table if you think I might be a good fit for you. Please DM me with any questions or interests.

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