Challenge Submission When love loses.

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Challenge Submission When love loses.


confetti connoisseur
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Today 12:50 AM
*** a little note: I've got the memory of a goldfish and forgot I was supposed to be writing about an outsider finding acceptance (up until right after I'd posted this ofc X.X) so please feel free to peruse this short place holder while I work to construct something that fits the challenge prompt.

"Babe… c'mon. Don't do that…"

Cassidy sighed, tears streaming freely from her puffy, red rimmed eyes as she pulled the engagement ring from her fourth finger.

"No, Brandon. W-we can't… we can't keep doing this, going back and forth, pretending- hoping, one of us will change our mind…" She sucked in a large breath of air, "It's not fair to either one of us and… and I'm tired."

"But- but I love you." His rebuttal was weak, with no trace of the fire that had sustained the couple's relationship for the last few years, but she knew he spoke honestly.

A fresh wave of tears started from her eyes. "I know… me too." she said, her breath heavy with emotion. "I love you, too."

"Then we can figure this out." Brandon's hands reached for the blonde's across the couch but she flinched, and he stopped halfway there, dropping his hands back into his lap. "Cassidy, please."

"I- want kids, Brandon. That, that won't change…" Though tears still rolled slowly down her cheeks, her voice was firm, unwavering.

"You said that you didn't though." He countered and Cassidy sighed again, exasperated this time.

"Ten years ago, Brandon, when we met, in high school." She corrected him. "I was a kid then, I didn't know what I wanted." She sighed and leaned across the couch to take his hands in hers.

"How do you know you won't change your mind again then?" He asked eagerly.

"How do you know you won't change your mind?" She asked, looking at him seriously, before continuing quietly. "This is an experience that I want to be a part of my life, and you don't…" Brandon opened his mouth to object but Cassidy cut him off.

"You don't, B. You don't want to be a father. Everyone knows that…And that's okay." Fresh tears started from her eyes as she folded the ring she'd removed into his hand. She sniffed hard, "But I'm going to be a mom someday."

"I'm sorry…" he said softly, lifting Cassidy's hands to place a gentle kiss on the back on her palm.

She smiled wanly, reaching for a tissue from the box off of the coffee table and dabbing at her eyes. "Yeah, me too…"

With a groan Brandon leaned back into the cushions, looking at the ring his now ex fiancé had left in his hand, before he looked over at her with a sad smile. "I'll always love you, you know."

She replied between sniffles, "Yeah, me too… I'll always love you."

"If you change your mind again, give me a call, yeah?" Brandon teased, a charming smile erasing the sad one.

Cassidy rolled her eyes with a short snort. It was just like him to make a joke at a time like this. "Yeah, you too."

They both stared at one another, neither sure just exactly how to even begin to go about continuing their life without the other, but both content with the fact that they had given it their all and exhausted their relationship. They'd officially reached an obstacle they were unable to go over, under, or around. No amount of compromise from either of them would do.

"I guess this is what they mean when they say love alone isn't enough…" Brandon mumbled.

Cassidy gave another short, mirthless laugh, "Yeah. Me too."
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