MxM Whisper's Request Thread

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MxM Whisper's Request Thread


Just a passing whisper
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Today 6:33 PM
Hello there. I go by Whisper and am 21+. I go by he/him pronouns so anytime we chat OOC this would be the proper way to address me.

I have unfortunately had a very hectic few years in my real life, and have had very little time to roleplay and get out my creativity. Now that things have settled, I'm thrilled to be getting back into the swing of things. I will list some of my own loose ideas (and some more thought-out plots) below, but I am also open to hearing your ideas so don't be shy and throw me some concepts. I prefer very long roleplays with growing stories and l o t s of character development. As a writer, this is my bread and butter. I am not here to write some smut back and forth for a month and burn out. While I am fine with smut (it certainly has its place and can really add to the experience) I put much more focus on the story. If this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, we probably won't be a great fit.

It's also worth noting that I prefer to spend a good chunk of time working on the story before we launch into the roleplay. I want to flesh out our plot, characters, and world so that we have a strong foundation of information to pull from. I will want a character sheet from you that helps me understand your character in a deeper way. I don't like simple characters. The "sweet and innocent one" is pretty old to me. Nothing wrong with a sweet OC certainly but people are more fleshed out than that. I prefer MxM pairings almost every time. However, there are some MxF pairings that "may" catch my interest. You've got a better shot throwing a Male OC at me though. Finally, I prefer fantasy and sci-fi as my major genres of interest, though some slice-of-life style roleplays can be fun. My largest interest is in dark and twisted roleplays. Dark themes, demonic entities, blood and guts? It's all right up my alley.

Now without further ado, let's get into the interesting stuff, shall we?

Whisper's Big Plots


100 contestants are brought in from all over America to participate in the first-ever ONYX Virtual Reality Experience. 100 contestants are split into 10 teams who will face each other in a series of epic (and televised) competitions. Dying in the game means disqualification and the final contestant standing wins TWENTY million dollars. The games feel entirely realistic due to the use of the very newest technologies in virtual reality.

This is one of my favorite concepts and I am really excited to finally use it. This will have a high supernatural abilities element to it. In the games, each contestant will be given a special ability. Maybe one can teleport. Superstrength! Maybe they can shoot fire out of their hands! Each contestant has a unique ability. This is my most fleshed-out plot by far but I'll leave it there for now. If you want to know more just dm me.


A man is subject to government experiments involving the supernatural realm. They are interested in creating devastatingly powerful supersoldiers by attaching powerful entities to cadets still in training. YC is one such selected recruit and is branded with summoning runes for the most powerful entity (MC) yet. The entity, now tied to the flesh of man, escapes the facility and the pair of them become a devastating force hunted by the people who brought them together.

This could go in so many fun directions, I am also very excited about trying this out. It would have darker themes so would not be a roleplay for the faint of heart.

Just some pairings I always have an interest in. Much more generic.

Vampire X Hunter
Vampire X Werewolf
Prince X Servant
Mage X Mage
Criminal X Detective
Childhood Friends
Angel X Demon
Gang themes?

Apply enemies to lovers in any of these and you've got me.

I'm not extremely strict but there are a few things I do expect out of a roleplaying partner. If you think this doesn't sound like you, it's probably best to seek a different partner.

  1. Reasonable Activity. I do not want to wait a month for a reply. It is totally understandable that life happens sometimes, but please give me a heads-up. I am very patient, I simply ask that you keep me in the loop if you get behind. I will always respond at least twice a week (if for some reason I cannot make that I will let you know as soon as I can).
  2. Substance. I typically match my roleplay partner's length, but I need at least two good paragraphs to work with. I expect good grammar and some thought put into your replies. If you like to write novels, expect me to be responding with novels. I love lengthy writing but for some roleplays it does make more sense to just have a few paragraphs. Again, I will match you. As long as your reply has good substance, I will be happy.
  3. Well thought out characters. Please, have an interesting character to play with. No Mary Sue nonsense. Give me someone with flaws and fears. Someone who can grow and change throughout the story. Character development is my absolute favorite aspect of writing.
4. Rule follower. If it's in the site rules, it's in my rules too. No budging on that.

If any of this has caught your interest, don't be shy. Shoot me a dm. I'm sure we can cook up something together.
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