MxM WhoDat? Whodoe's MxM Request Thread

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MxM WhoDat? Whodoe's MxM Request Thread


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Hello! My name is Whodoe and I've been roleplaying for about 10 years and have just recently gotten back into it on this site. Right now I have a lot of free time that I've been desperate to fill up, so I think I'll be relatively active. I will warn you that my schedule is kind of unpredictable. I will keep in contact with you throughout it all though.

This is my MxM thread. I do plan on making an FxM thread and linking it here once I'm done, but this is for my MxM plots, pairings, and ideas only.

If you're interested in roleplaying with me, please reach out to me over DM instead of replying to this thread.

  • Between 800 words minimum - 2,000 words maximum
  • Third person past tense
  • Switches! It's alright if a character leans one way or another but I'd like characters to switch
  • Open to playing other characters (as the rp develops)
  • Open to contributing to worldbuilding
  • I don't have a frequency requirement, just lmk what's going on

Kink Yes and No's

Yes: Dub-con/ Non-con elements, bloodplay, knifeplay, watersports, etc. If you want something that's a little out there, unless it's a part of my no's, it's probably okay. DM me to make sure.

No's: Age play, scat, vomit, incest, step-incest, fictitious incest, anything that violates site rules, anthropomorphic animals


Notice: All characters are required to be 18+, for site rules and my own comfortability. I'd prefer if characters were at least 21+, but we can always talk it out over PM.

Kagema = Japanese male prostitute in the Edo Period (female version is Oiran)

Taikomochi = Japanese male entertainer (female version is a Geisha)

Kuge = Japanese Aristocrat in the Edo period

In Edo Japan, MC is a poor Kagema who secretly services one of the most ruthless and possessive Kuge. YC, a famous Taikomochi, is invited to entertain the Kuge and his associates, including his favorite Kagema, MC. The lord enjoys YC's entertainment so much that he pays for YC to move into his feudal mansion to entertain him and his associates full-time.

Although MC's relationship with the lord isn't public knowledge, it is an open secret among those who work under the Kuge. YC and MC end up running into each other on multiple occasions, each interaction drawing them closer to each other.

What happens when the attraction starts putting them both in jeopardy?

Note: I would love to add in fantasy elements into this rp, especially anything that deals with Yokai!

Trigger warning: Non-con elements

In this polytheistic world, the Gods often interact with humanity. Whether it be to fulfill a blessing and bring glory or to bring curse and devastation, everyone knows that these Gods exist. However, these Gods are vulnerable and can die if prompted, causing people to either try their best to please them or to hire God-hunters to kill them and harvest their power.

Character A was a God-hunter who did it just for money. One day, he accidentally absorbed his victim's power and essence and became the minor God of Justice. With a target now on his head for acquiring his client's power, Character A goes into hiding and refuses to answer any of the people who call for his help.

Years pass by and he has nearly faded into obscurity until a family starts praying to him and begging him for help, day in and day out. Unable to ignore their calls for help, he makes an appearance. The family's youngest son, Character B, had been stolen by one of the most eldest and powerful Gods and had been kept as a forced lover. The family wants him back, and Character A accepts this mission. Character A resurfaces and begins getting closer to the Elder Gods, eventually being invited to live with them.

Character B is shaken and nervous around Character A as he is around all of the other Gods, but the only way he can be saved is if he places his faith in his hands.

Note: This is loosely based on Ganymede and is like a rescue story for him. The rp wouldn't have to focus on the rescue the whole time, but it will serve as a way to kick things off.

Trigger warning: Heavy dub/non-con elements

Every 100,000 years, as heaven decrees it, a cupid is allowed to take a human lover as payment for their angelic service.

Character A is a cupid who has been dying to take a human lover for himself, eventually choosing to take Character B, a loving husband and father. He is forced to leave his family behind and go to heaven, where he learns that everything in heaven is not how it's supposed to be.

Character A is determined to make Character B love him as much as he loves Character B. Character B is determined to not break under Character A's influence and manipulation.

Pairings + Settings:

God x Obsessive Worshipper

Sex Worker x Client

God x Sacrifice

Demon Lord x Angelic Knight

Fallen King x Blood-thirsty ex-servant

Cultivation Clans

Edo Japan

Cultural Fantasy

Magical Realism

I hope to see y'all soon!
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