All Within the Harem

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All Within the Harem

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Sa souvraya niende misain ye
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 4:16 PM
Toronto, Ontario
This is a one-off thread for the only real outstanding idea I have at the moment. Out of fairness to existing partners, this is the last plot I will be accepting for the time being. Specifically, I am hoping to use it to polish up and diversify my writing of women.

For a more general overview of my writing, please see my main request thread: All - Some Sadistic Stories Seeking Selection

What this plot requires:

1. This will feature one male and at least three, likely up to five, female characters, split evenly between us

2. While MxF will occur, the intended focus is on the interplay between the female characters

3. I write and will only write with people who write in 3rd person, past tense.

4. While occasional short replies ~100 words will likely occur during dialogue scenes, I typically write long multi-paragraph responses

5. This roleplay will involve non-con, dub-con and at least a significant amount of violence. I always respect my partner's limits, but please keep this in mind if you are considering reaching out.

6. Because of the dynamics at play, this plot will require playing dommes, switches and submissives

7. It is open to expanding (but absolutely not required) to involve three writers in total (no more). If that is something you are open to, let me know please in your message.

8. I love large amounts of OOC discussion, as well as back-and-forth plotting. With the number of characters, I think this kind of back-and-forth will be a requirement for the story to work.

So what exactly is the plot?

So... funny thing. I don't really know. At least, not in great detail. The premise is simple: A new woman/women are introduced to an imperial harem and must navigate the internal dynamics, both of appealing to the emperor (and possibly empress) and of dealing with the dynamics and relationships between the other women.

Beyond that premise though? There is a massive amount of leeway. This could be epic high fantasy involving multiple (humanoid) species, it could be gritty violent low fantasy or it could be something in between. I might even be able to be talked into Dune-style sci-fi with the right tweaks.

Even the nature of the harem is itself open for discussion. Powerful women with unique powers being subjugated are as much an option as powerless ones. We will build the characters and the world around what we brainstorm, not by some predetermined formula.

That isn't to say I have no specific ideas—most of these thoughts could be expanded upon—I merely want to emphasize the flexible nature of this plot within its original premise.

Please PM me with any questions or if you're interested.

Please feel free to examine my other stories to get a sense of what I write and how I write it.
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