Wolfy's Gang

Currently reading:
Wolfy's Gang


Local time
Today 3:11 AM
Republic of Texas, 'Murica
Name: Vulmar Rowarin

Age: Looks about 17; ages very, very slowly from here on out.
Race: Common Elf
Title: Apprentice Spellcaster
Sexual Preference: Doesn't know, doesn't care to know, and probably won't. Ever.

Hair: Snow white with short bangs and the rest down to his elbows
Eyes: Right eye is red, while the other is blue. Start contrast between the two
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 167
Body: Very lean and tough, not particularly good to eat.
Other: Very high muscle endurance, including the ability to eat a few more punches than the average elf.

Clothing: Simple black cloak for concealment, hood included, with a light chain mail covering over his chest.
Accessories: No left pinkie finger... And no. He will not tell you how he lost it. For the last time!

Weapons and Skills: Carries a pair of twin daggers somewhere on his body, and a set of magical qualities that he does not know the true extent of yet. What he does know is that one flick of his wrist can ruin his life forever; that much, he can attest to.

Likes: Being up in the trees and invisible to the world, ninjas, and practicing with his knives.
Dislikes: Anyone who tries to kill him, squirrels, and things that go bump in the night.
Aspirations: To kill all those who try or have tried to kill him, the things that go bump in the night, and a few squirrels. Also he wants to become a ninja.

Background: Whatever he chooses to disclose to any person at any point in time.
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