World World of Outerdarkness (With Vincious Macabre)

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World World of Outerdarkness (With Vincious Macabre)


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World of Outerdarkness
(This is in a constant state of additions and reworkings.)



The Earth of this Universe is quite similar to our own. Without the intervention of magic, all laws of physics apply. All national borders as well as the technology level and aesthetic remain as they did in the mid-60's- though being set in no particular time. This Earth is a world where Fae and Witch alike roam the surface under the noses of mortals and supernatural forces beyond comprehension hold sway over the cosmos and history as we know it.

"And so, our people descended upon the Earth. Our feet ached with the unfamiliar roughness of desert sand. Our throats screamed for sustenance formerly abundant to us in our birthplace. Naked, we walked in droves before reaching the promised land

Naked we were in the name of our Dark Lord."



Little is known about what is called the Outerdarkness in the black, cold depths beyond Human exploration. Most of what is recorded belongs to the sacred teachings of Witches. Witches believe it to be the birthplace and place of afterlife of their people, and that the Lord of Outerdarkness (Also frequently called the Dark Lord) is their maker. In Witch scripture it is written that the reach of the Outerdarkness is infinite yet finite, dark yet filled with light, simultaneously everywhere yet nowhere at all. It is described as a realm bathed in an impenetrable and brilliant blackness, no land nor horizon to speak of.

"As I looked around me I realised that despite the darkness I was not blind. It was this darkness that opened my eyes to a a spectrum of colors and shapes that no object of nature nor illusion could ever replicate

I was walking forward, my feet never touching solid ground when I saw it. The pure frighteningness and magnificence of Him." (Abilili 13:7).

It is unclear if the Outerdarkness and the Lord of Outerdarkness are separate or rather one and the same.

The Hells

The hells consist of thousands of smaller pocket dimensions home to the demons, each populated by the souls of damned Mortals whom the demons enjoy enacting eternal punishment on. The Landscape and laws of physics of each pocket dimension differs widely and can differ even from the perspective of an individual Mortal soul. At the heart of the Hells is the City of Gehenna, situated in a cosmic sense directly underneath the Vatican.

Witches are known to travel to the Hells as a birthrite of sorts, a perilous journey in order to prove themselves to the coven.

"Hahah! The Hells? You mean that dingy bin full of screaming mortals and malignant entities in the shadows ready to snap your head off the second you ignore the sound of little puppy feet behind you? [Crowd chortle]

Well- I'll tell you what. [Gehenna, Infernal city] is a prime lust bed If I've ever seen one. Succubus orgies! Humans being impaled through the anus on tentacle shaped obelisks! A green woman with three breasts! O, Dark Lord, save me on this day! [Explosion of laughter]" (Statements of guest star Lucius Klaus on the popular Witch Talk show 'Late Night with Jasper Crowley').



eaven can only be described by the attestations of Mortal religion, as it has never been traveled to by Witchkind nor openly acknowledged or refuted by demons and the Fae. It is said to be where the pious and good hearted mortals go to after death, a place of eternal light. And in that sense, the polar opposite of the Outerdarkness


Land In Between



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Mortals Population- 3,330,000,000

Mortals in the modern day have migrated across the whole planet, forming complex civilizations, and in recent times refined technology to the point of creating weapons of war capable of mass destruction as well as enabling worldwide communication through globalization and new means of transmitting information. They have fought war, made love, survived natural disaster, and have proven resilient in the face of dark mystical forces which their weak mortal flesh has existed at the mercy of since the time of Hunter Gatherers.

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Witches Population- 260,000

Witches are creatures of Darkness, owing their existence to the Lord of Outerdarkness whom all pledge their allegiance to through blood. Though physically similar to Mortals, Witches are more mirrors of Mortals rather than one of the same tribe, molded by the Dark lord in order to thrive in the shadow of Humanity. Witches live 900-1300 years in natural range (though can be extended through magic), cannot contract mortal afflictions and cancers (though may possess blood curses and magical mutations), as well as having extensive innate magical abilities which manifest in a plethora of different forms, cultivated with incantation and ritual. Witches live in small population densities, usually banded together by a sort of coven or community, and exercise great influence in the world of Mortal politics in the background, their presence unknown by the vast majority of Mortals. Witches are also unable to be possessed by Demons, as they have no Mortal soul.

The magic of Witches is based on cause and effect. The greater the cause (Spell) the greater the effect (consequence). Wordless magic, the simplest form, that simply requires you to be a Witch has practically no consequence. This would be like turning on a radio with your mind or magically stopping someone from landing that punch. Magic that requires words but has simple effects such as causing someone to miss every single shot, protecting a space from intrusion, or banishing an entity also practically has no consequence. However once you get to the higher magics, the Outerdarkness demands a fitting transaction to balance out the cosmic forces per say. For example, ressurection usually means killing another entity of a similar size of vitality. A hummingbird can be killed to ressurect a rat. A fox can be killed to ressurect a dog. A mortal can be killed to ressurect another mortal.

There are millions of spells including ones used in standard education (numbering in the thousands) to colloquial spells used in certain regions, covens, families, or individual peoples. Standardized spells are always spoken in Padomonian, which is the Ancient language used to write the Books of Outerdarkness (Holy texts). Colloquial spells are usually modern speech, antiquated forms, and dead languages. Colloquial spells used in Canada and the United States for example are usually spoken in English.

Magic is generally divided into many different domains based on common characteristics. Rudimentary spells such as the ones mentioned previously are unclassified as they generally don't have to be learned and come easily to all Witches, and general magic which cannot be easily categorized are also not fitted into a dominion.

Alchemy- Involves collecting an assortment of different alchemical ingredients found in nature in order to create specific potions. Can have many many different effects depending on the recipe. Enunciating the incantation of each ingredient as you add them as well as locating and correctly sizing each ingredient is the primary focus as well as challenge in this division.

Banishment- Used to banish unwanted entities, such as other Witches, Fae, demons, spirits, and occasionally Mortals. This type of magic is usually entirely vocal but some spells banish entities into specific objects, such as banishing a demon into a pickle jar. In order to banish another magical entity you have to exert your own will over theirs so having good diction, volume, and confidence in your own abilities is key.

Charms- Charms, similarly to alchemy rely on materials to work. Charms have widely different effects, such as a bracelet to ward off all magical influence, a rope that never breaks, a ring to see spirits, etc. Enchanting an item with a charm usually requires only incantation and some materials to perform.

Curses- Curses is a broad term for spells which are aimed to harm another person, usually chronically. This can be like cursing someone to have their health and sanity eaten away slowly over time, curse a mortal with inferility, or even curse bloodlines with generation curses such as blindness or the death of every first born son each generation. The distinction between a hex and a curse is rather a social construct than a marked difference- hexes being curses that tend to be less severe and indicate a level of impermenence.

Domination- Domination is a very visceral form of magic as it requires the Witch to exert their own will as well as their own confidence like with banishment. It involves bending the knee of a person, animal, or spirit you target. You can command someone to allow you access to a a bank's vault. You can dominate a bear in order to maul your enemy. You can dominate a person and command them to kill themselves. Dominating a mortal or animals is exceedingly easy in comparision to other Witches or magical entities such as fae or demons, as they are less susceptible to magical manipulation than Mortals are. Extremely religious mortals are also more prone to domination, needing the intervention of their deity for protection.

Earthly- Earthly magic is manipulating the earth as well as being empowered by it. This can be like manipulating vines to wrap around your target, nurturing a plant to cause it to blossom and fruit, or even lay waste to a whole field of crops and causing drought to the land. More complex spells can also bring natural disasters, such as earthquakes or tornadoes.

Illusions- Illusions primarily govern the perversion of someone's senses into what you want them to see/feel/hear/smell. You may plague someone with horrible hallucinations, envision horrible monsters to come chasing after your target, materialize money in your hand to give the cashier, etc. The more adept the Witch is at illusion the more they can pervert people's senses- becoming full blown fantasyscapes for the infected mind.

Necromancy- This is the most complex, dangerous, and taboo of the magics as it often costs the greatest karmic debt and thus the greatest transactions with the Outerdarkness to be properly performed. Few simpler necromancy spells are relatively commonplace, such as speaking with the dead, but higher necromancy such as resurrection, reanimation of corpses in the form of zombies or ghouls, the creation of vampires, etc are highly controversial.

Sacred Geometry is a very key part in more technical spells spanning across divisions of magic. It is the framework of the Outerdarkness that is taught in school and used to exercise some spells which require it, architecture, sciences, etc.

Evocation- Evocation involves evoking some mystical entity into the Earthly plane, such as demons or fae creatures. They are usually tied to the Witch who called them while they roam the Earth to do what they were tasked with. They usually involve some exercising of Sacred Geometry, such as properly calculating the correct dimensions of a demon summoning circle and the sigils within it.

Restoration- Restoration aims to mend the flesh, such as preventing blood to streak from wounds, connect an amputated limb back to the body, cause a new liver to grow in the absence of one, etc. This domain can be fairly simple to highly technical, involving many delicate procedures, occult rituals, and materials in order to perform complex restorations.

Sacred Guilds
The Sacred Guilds are unique, highly specialized and advanced disciplines which combine modern technology with magic. The Sacred Guilds are community based, with apprentices seeking the guidance of a skilled practitioner to hone their skill. Guild members after becoming seniors in their field are usually looked highly upon in the broader Witch society as masters of their trade. Apprenticeships are usually taken on after formal schooling in an Academy or immediately after magical maturity.

Sacred Metalworking- This guild specializes in morphing the capabilities of metal weaponry beyond their physical limitations. Early in its history, Sacred Metalworking was first developed in the Witch Iron Age but then was lost to time after several catastrophic events, only to be rediscovered again in a newer form during the High Middle Ages. The techniques have become refined to allow for absolute control over metal, masters being able to morph butter knives into swords at will into the deadliest of blades, create whips which dance and lash with crackling electricity, or weapons which may bend and shape from a tactical knife to an assault rifle at will.

Sacred Fleshworking- TBC


Demons Population- 13,000 (Pavlov estimate) 7,000,000,000,000 (Latifah estimate) infinite (Abili estimate)

Demons are beings native to the pocket dimensions collectively known as the Hells. Rather than being made of flesh and bone, demons naturally lack any corporeal form at all- instead being of pure infernal energy given intellect. They may manifest as the slivers of darkness hidden deepest in the crack of the closet, or the full spectrum of color reflected by sunlight.
Demons are believed to have developed intelligence as a means to leech off humans, originally releases of pure power from the cosmic event causing the creation of the Hells. Naturally, they cannot physically harm Mortals and may only resort to psychological attacks in order to harm Mortals, though once they have broken the will of their target they can posses the entity and command a physical form at their disposal to inflict pure wrath. Higher Demons were born from the hottest, brightest bursts of infernal energy, and may physically harm Mortals and manifest corporeal forms without the need of psychological manipulations and possession.
In the Hells, many demons also enjoy the simple act of punishing the souls of damned mortals who descend to the Hells, being able to exercise the full spectrum of their native powers in their homeland.



The Fae are denizens of the Lands in between, creatures absolutely individual in temperament and nature. They can physically manifest in a plethora of different ways, though most exhibit physical traits of the more uncanny aspects of nature, such as fungi, the exoskeletons of insects, or bio luminescent deep see creatures. The Fae enter the Earthly plane through several small pocket portals littered throughout the world, often unrecognizable as an entrance by Mortal eyes and the eyes of careless Witches.

In the Lands in Between, the Fae are organized in a strict social hierarchy, of which the Faerie Lords maintain absolute powers. lesser Fae are often impish and inclined to mischievity on the Earthly plane as a result of this lack of freedom, prone to bringing about bad weather or jinxing Mortals and Witches alike who displease them.
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Narisha Jaailet

Name: Narisha Jaailet.

Age: 129.

Height: 173 cm.

Build: Slim but toned (from exercise like running, hunting).

Race/Species: Witch (Forest Dwellers).

Gender: Female.

Long, silky black hair, all the way down to right above her butt. Pale skin, dark violet eyes that sometimes shimmer when she's emotional. She usually wears dark makeup around her eyes, on her lips and she does certain tribal and/or druidic prints on different parts of her face, but she keeps it simple, usually only one type of pattern or so.

She has many tattoos on her body, because her tribe believed in body art as a method of self-expression, and as a sacred thing to connect to nature and its powers. Her tattoos (with underlying geometric patterns) consist of:
On the inside of her right forearm, right under her elbow: A bat with a cute flying fox face, just down to its little chest area, resting above a moonflower with open petals, melting into a pool of blood; a circular pool. It's pretty well done.

She also has a dagger on the inside of her left arm, the handle starting at the base of her hand and on her wrist, into a black blade that ends at her elbow. From the blade, a vine extends into a flowering vine up to her shoulder. This is covered in cherry blossoms. On her left collarbone is a python that was done like it twisted around the bone, with its head expanding along her shoulder, opening all the way so it almost looks like it was swallowing her shoulder. From there, its tongue extends into a raven's tail, connecting to a body, looking like it was soaring down to her elbow. Its beak curves around the elbow.

Occupation: Just-starting 1st year academy student.

Personality: Calm, quiet, self-reliant. She's attentive and observant, cold, and reserved. She amuses herself, laughs alongside the multiple voices in her head, lives very much in her own vivid mental world (which became much more vivid and present when she became alone), and mostly speaks to her raven, Jack. She is sassy, socially 'inept' in some aspects (not used to bigger witch society), gives absolutely no fucks about status/titles, and only gives respect where it's earned. Due to speaking her mind and being honest and direct, she can be perceived as rude or mean. But if you get her on your side, you've got an efficient, strong, lethal companion who's always got your back. She truly enjoys Sacred Maths.

Biography: Born to a mother who was seen as a beautiful, talented, sweet person, her child was a curious, excitable, innocent little thing. Her father was kind and intelligent, a patient man who wanted to give his wife and daughter the world. They lived a nice, happy life in the forest community their witch group built. Her father worked with potions and taught the children Sacred Mathematics, as well as indulging in some philosophy and 'fringe' knowledge. Her mother was an excellent alchemist who took care of the strange mystical plants they grew, and she was a great baker.
They had houses built in their style (they're made of earth and leaves and wood to keep the heat and cold out, to keep it cool in summer and warm in winter, and they kind of look like elongated witch's hats assembled together with little tunnels/bridges, because they extend upwards to release smoke and other ventilation purposes. They are also carved with designs and involve certain elements carried over from their past. They had a nice little community of, say, ~100 witches, including families. The way their family was seen changed when people found out just how powerful her mother was. Her innate talent for Illusion, something the Earth-magic tribe rarely excelled at, made them not trust her as much. They felt she might have come from a different type of witch circle, maybe from outsiders... the tribe did not bother to get along that well with outsiders. They also became rather adept at hunting and other survival skills they would need to successfully live in the forest. Thanks to magic, they manage to have really nice houses, in the sense that they are comfortable and clean, and artistic (as in, individuals meld the interior to suit their personalities). Life was great for a long time regardless, until she turned 100. One night, as the witches slept, some strange force entered the encampment/village. In 3 hours, almost all the witches had been slaughtered. When the screaming started, Narisha's parents sent her off to get away from the attack and told her to never turn back. She has not returned since. She's been wandering the forest on her own, learning by herself, surviving alone. She accidentally stumbled upon the academy, observed it over time, then decided to enrol.

Weapons: Longbow for hunting, a dagger with a black, diamond-shaped blade for self-defence and rituals.

Powers/Abilities: Earth, Illusions.

Extras: She has an undead raven familiar that she resurrected. It has some missing feathers and flesh in some parts. Straight up exposed bones. His name is Shamses (pronounced like Sham, said quickly, then cee-se).

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Giles Grimthorne


Age: 19

Born: October 13th under a new moon

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Mortal, Half-Witch


Build: Slender

Coloration: Fair, a touch of blues and pinks to his porcelain

Hair and eye coloration: Raven black hair and ghostly blue eyes

Languages: English(Native), Padomonian (Learnt, extends to the ability of understanding root words, pronunciation, reading sacred texts, and reciting incantations)

Primary Magic Dominion(s): Domination, Illusion

His family, the Grimthornes, are one of the most prestigious witch families in the New World, a lineage of powerful English witches that left Europe during the colonial era to take advantage of the new, easily malleable American Witch hierarchy that had not yet set it stone. They were already powerful in England, having several witches in their family who were advisors to kings, but even more so when arriving in the colonies. They took advantage of mortal politics, causing many colonies to either collapse or flourish with the influence of disease and crop failure and later influencing presidential elections and the wealthiest people and institutions in America to the modern day. They have eyes and ears everywhere in the mortal world, cultivating gifts in their family and thus marking their legacy in the Witch world as being excellent at the sacred arts of domination and charms.

His parents, unable to conceive and left with no other options, asked the Lord of Outerdarkness to bless them with a child, and so, Giles Grimthorne was born, sired by a Witch father and born from a mortal mother's womb in the United States. Born Half a Witch and half a Mortal with half the proclivities of both. Born a source of gossip for the family.

Because of the negative stigma surrounding his existence, he's extremely determined to prove himself as a powerful Witch despite his mortal blood. He has surprisingly potent magic for a Half-Witch, being able to compete at the same or better mystical level of most Full-Witches which is why he even was able to be admitted into the Academy in the first place where most Half-Witches fail to do so. He killed a Grey Wolf by commanding a murder of crows to attack it at 4, banished his first demon at 11, and resurrected his first Mortal at 15. As a person he has a more human spirit than his Full-Witch brethren do and is much more interested in Mortal emotions, music, arts, and media whereas most Witches are distant to any of it.

Despite his human attributes he inherited his family's inclination towards manipulation, and studies at the Academy primarily in the subjects of Domination and illusion in preparation for becoming a hidden hand in the world of American politics. Less for the power and prestige like his family but more for the proximity to the mortal world.

All in all, he has started to rid himself of the whispers and childhood bullying that came with being half Mortal with his outstanding magical prowess but he keeps a closely guarded secret to himself that could unravel it all. In the night, when he goes to sleep or near it he sometimes has 'visions' of Outer Darkness. Sometimes it's whispers that he cannot understand, the cold air and the utter vastness of the realm, or even dreams where he's there himself, alone and blind, only able to hear and feel. The Outer Darkness he sees is nothing like the paradise of eternal night described in Witch Scripture. The visions terrify him. He always assumed it was a curse from the Lord for being half Mortal and half Witch but maybe it could be something more? He hopes to go to the academy and find something which illuminates his questions and the very illness that plagues his life.
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Academy of Night Characters
The Academy of Night is a school of Witchcraft situated in North Eastern United States, founded in the late 1600's. It is the only English-Speaking school in the Americas. Since its founding it has grown to compete with the schools of Witchcraft in the old world.


Arch-priest Jaroslav

Age: ??? (Est 1300-2000 years old)

Born: Central-Eastern Europe, present day western Ukraine or eastern Poland

Gender: Male

Species: Witch

Height: 6'11 (210 cm)

Build: Slender, unhealthily thin

Coloration: Light pink, almost grey

Hair and eye coloration: Purely white hair, dark brown nearly black eyes

Languages: Proto-Slavic (Native), Old-East-Slavic (Adopted), Russian (Adopted), Old Church Slavonic (Fluent), Ruthenian languages (Fluent), Magyar (Fluent), Koine Greek (Fluent), Latin (Fluent), Mongolian (Fluent), Polish (Fluent), Bulgarian (Fluent), Serbo-Croatian (Fluent), Polish (Fluent) High German (Fluent), French (Fluent), English (Fluent), Various extinct European and Asian languages) Padomonian (Learnt, can speak and understand more fluently than most Witches)

Occupation: Principal of the Academy of Night, Arch-Priest of the Church of Outerdarkness

Primary Disciplines: All major divisions of what the Academy teaches, Sacred Fleshworking (rumored)

Very little is known about Jaroslav prior to his ascension as Arch Priest of the Church of Outerdarkness
What can be said for certain is that he was born sometime in late antiquity or the early middle ages in Central-Eastern Europe, his coven living amongst the early Slavic tribes of Mortals. He eventually migrated east and northward over the course of hundreds of centuries, eventually establishing himself in the Kingdom of Rus.
According to his personal memoirs, Jaroslav was a lifelong devotee to the Lord of Outerdarkness, having spent a few centuries meditating on his faith in the Ural mountains.
Early on he favored domination and curses, though he has developed his magical abilities beyond specialization in his latter years.
The details of his ascension to Arch-Priesthood was born from uncertain conditions, much of it not distributed outside of the Church's inner-circle. Immediately after assuming the rank he began to profess a goal in "Furthering the development of Witchkind according to the Grander Scheme".
He is the founding principal of the Academy of Night, and has asserted his unbroken status as absolute leader since the 1600's.


Pertinent Students:

Other staff:
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