MxF Would like 1 more plot to tend to, one of these pairings..

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MxF Would like 1 more plot to tend to, one of these pairings..


Purple Crayon Chewer
Local time
Today 2:38 PM
Ahoy-hoy, I'm kickstarting this thread once more as some of my paired works have went dormant and was thinking I could probably take on 1 or 2 more to keep my writing hunger fed!

--I want to develop an OC male-- This being said can fair with either gender, romantically just smutty or neither, I'm easy.


Brief [feel free to bypass] introduction: I have been a writing enthusiast for most of my life and am just rejoining the unpredictable world of forum RP after a decent hiatus. I like lengthy responses as I tend to get carried away with detail. What can I say, visualizing is half the fun? I am mature (says fart out loud) and am okay with most directions plots may lead.. which brings me to something you probably shouldn't bypass.

no incest
no beastiality
no anything that could fall into these categories

Now that we have that concluded, here are the pairings/ plot ideas that have sparked an interest (updated)

***currently craving smutty twists with any of these themes/ pairings, if you are not open to that just let me know!***

arranged marriage (any theme)
shipwrecked into an alternate dimension (details can be worked out between us)
sci-fi, humanoid x human (space setting?)
prisoner x guard (any setting)
fairy tales with horror twists
spirit x human (human haunted in new place of residence)
king x servant
boss x employee
merman x mermaid
merman x human (can also tie into 1st idea)

Open to your ideas, too, throw something rad at me!

again.. I would like to play the male. am also interested in developing long term RPs, if the story is suiting to do so.
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If you are still looking I'm very interested in merman x human or human x haunting!
Hey, if you're still up for the prisoner x guard, or perhaps the "Fairytales with a horror twist", I'd love to do those with you!
I made two female chars that pure opposite for powers, ones a angel and another a demon. The angel has space-time restoration and elemental while the demon is time manipulation and ammunition manipulation. Have rp on and off for years as i love it and usually can reply paragraph or more depending how it calls for.
hmm... we can do a fantasy setting, humanoid X human, I have a blood angel character I could use! or maybe... hm... I'll think about it, tell me if you're interested!
I'd love to do a Prisoner x Guard role with you or even Arranged marriage :)
I'd love an Arranged Marriage, PrisonerxGuard, or PrincexServant if you're at all interested. I typically prefer female roles. I've roleplayed for years on another site so I construct detailed and thorough posts and it seems you do as well!
Interested in starting one with me? ^^
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