MxF Xywel's Magnificent Mansion of Fantastical Romances

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MxF Xywel's Magnificent Mansion of Fantastical Romances


European Writer of Fiction
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Today 12:16 PM

Hello all, I'm Xywel! Great to meet ye!
I'm looking for a writing partner to act out some interesting romantic interactions, worldbuilding, and deeper storylines with.

Current #1 craving: Gentle fem-dom, switch or non-dom/switch dynamic partners that are willing to play an exotic mythical woman! Other ideas also welcome, but you'll definitely hook me with this!

PM me for more info! ^^

I've got a good amount of experience with writing and can write with plenty of detail and interesting plot. I am searching for people willing to write an attractive female supernatural/mythical character. As such I'm searching for a good RPer that can help me with this. I find myself intrigued by the dynamic this pairing presents and I'm looking for more.
Really craving unique and unusual women, such as many winged succubi, lamia and other creatures with many possibilities for creative and unusual circumstances and loving interactions.

Would you be interested in playing out an RP scenario in a fantastical setting, with a female supernatural character? If so, send me a PM and we can talk about the setting and hash out the combination of characters, after which we can get the RP under way. I'm more than flexible, so I can tweak my character to your liking so we can create our perfect couple!
My heavy preference lies with romantic scenarios, with two unlikely lovers growing closer together over in. Also provides some nice diversity next to the (most likely) somewhat unusual sex.
I would like to keep the romantic couple a M x F one.
I've got no problems writing 2-3 paragraphs at once and I'll aim to reply once every couple of days in general and once time a week at the very least. If I'm unavailable for a week or more, I'll send a PM. If I'm hooked on an RP, I might also be up for rapid-fire multiple times a day. Any No's and Kinks I'd like to discuss via PM, but know that most my No's are the regular ones.

Possible situations I'd like to play out:
  • Mythical creature (F) x Human (M) (Really craving unique and unusual looking sexy women with many possibilities for creative and usual sex)
  • Non-human humanoid (M or F) x Non-human humanoid (M or F)
  • God-like Entity (F) x Mortal/Weaker Mythical Creature (M) (Think deities lend themselves very well to more unique scenarios. Also, a Goddess doesn't need to be dominant perse. A soft and kind Goddess is nice too.)
  • Human (F) x Human (M) with a more fantasy edge to the story. Got to be a good hook though if you want to get me onboard!
If you're interested, I would like to hear from you. And if you have any great ideas yourself, feel free to poke me and discuss things. Worldbuilding is important, so let's get creative together!

Possible scenarios for inspiration:

The Silvery Maiden (Romance, Smutty, Longterm, Fantasy)
An adventurer (MC) has been traveling and searching for both purpose and a genuine lover for years and years, always coming up short. To make matters worse, one of his ex-lovers is a maniac, wanting him dead and sending mercenaries to take his life. Fortunately, he's been able to either outrun, outsmart or outkill them.
However, the tide of his luck was about to change. Traveling through the night, he came across an amazing sight: A ashen-skinned maiden with long silvery hair and piercing blue eyes. Playing the violin with ethereal butterflies hovering over her. Mesmerized, he approached as she turned to him, their gazes meeting. Their eyes widen, a spark jumping between them. The butterflies fly towards his face, enveloping him as well.
Walking towards her, the music slows as she starts to smile. Touching each other, the rest of the night is left to the imagination...
I was thinking that a story between a drow-like magician/bard woman and a hardened adventurer might be nice. I can somehow see them as quite the sensual couple, getting very touchy and smoochy when they can. I'd be up for either them being switches, her being a gentle dom or just doing away with a dom/sub dynamic and seeing how they interact.
Plenty of trouble we can have them run into as well, like her people trying to kill MC and MC's ex-lover setting her sights on the maiden.

Bound from the Start (Modern/Classic Fantasy, Any Roles/No Roles)
This story revolves around a couple that have been together for quite a while. However, the missus of the relationship (YC) is hiding a rather spicy secret...
They first met under somewhat weird circumstances, maybe in the dead of night or a foggy forest. She looked like a human during this time and the two of them hooked up. Months pass and MC notices small things. Maybe his wounds heal alarmingly quickly after he broke an arm. And did he even get sick after meeting his lover?
At some point, he wakes up in the middle of the night to see her sitting on top of him, humming cheerfully while drawing sigils into his chest. But her body isn't human (insert any non-human creature here!), instead being a hauntingly beautiful creature of myth. Opening his mouth, she shushes him and makes him sleep.
This RP would start as a somewhat slice of life-ish plot with mystery and intrigue in the background. In this story, the bond between our characters would be 100% genuine (even if she's a demon or other traditionally evil creature). YC would have an agenda of her own besides taking care of her lover/husband. At some point, she is tired of the charade and reveals her true form to him, causing a good bit of drama and deepening the plot. We could delve into an entire hidden supernatural world for example!

Love, War and Intrigue (Fantasy, Storyrich, Flexible)
My idea was to have two nations at war in a fantasy medieval setting: One human (with MC being a General in there) against one supernatural (YC being a higher-up there).
For months, they've been fighting each other, our characters having met each other way too much on the battlefield. However, as the fighting goes on, they also see the softer sides of the other. MC helping injured soldiers, even those of the opposite side out of respect. MC seeing YC save human children before they get swallowed up by the conflict, that sort of thing.
Slowly but surely, they start to become frenemies, forcing confrontation just to have interaction with each other (maybe even having sex if one side wins and letting them go, justifying it as it being more disgraceful to the other).
When they start getting closer, the order from higher-up comes in: They have to be killed. Suddenly, the two of them are assaulted by their own comrades in arms, being labelled as traitors for some reason. They escape and meet up, deciding to get to the bottom of this together.
Why were the orders to kill the both of them so expertly timed? Why is this war being fought in the first place? What is really going on? We can let the romance bloom then, with a good amount of hardship and tension to deepen the bond. They're of two different species, after all!

Lover under the bed (Modern or Fantasy, Story and intrigue)
Ever since they moved to a new house/manor at the age of 17, MC felt eyes on him while he slept. As if something or somebody was watching him. Even though he left the house a couple of years later, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was there, although he never found out what.
And there was more to the house he couldn't lay a finger on. Something was off.
After that, whatever was hiding in the house, it was always... happy to see him.
Every time he visited the home and slept, he would wake up strangely satisfied and calm. However, it was not without its drawbacks. Strangely, the one time he brought a lover there, she broke up with him the week after, not being able to cite the reason why. She just felt uncomfortable in that house and with him. As if somebody was possessively looking over his shoulder.
One day, his parents asked him to take care of the manor for a couple of months, something he had no problem doing.
The first night, he set up a movent-based alarm above his bed and went to sleep.
It worked...
With the monster (YC) and the human finally meeting face to face, the two realize they need to dive into the mysteries of the house, lest MC's parents and himself would eventually be killed. Can the two unlikely lovers get to the bottom of this?

Eldritch Love (Any)
People often fantasize about mingling with fantastical creatures. From gorgeous mermaids and succubi to stately angels and mischievous satyrs, both men and woman often find themselves thinking about this.
However, these are not the only mythical creatures looking for love. Outside the realms of reality, YC looks in on the world, her many eyes having fallen on one particular man.
MC, a guy with a fascination of the fantastical, notices reality itself twitching and churning as YC briefly touches his cheek from beyond.
Spooked by this, he flees towards the most knowledgable and helpful people he knows (either temples in a fantasy setting or an university in a more modern setting would fit nicely I think). Hearing his story, he's ridiculed and put into isolation. Little do they know that they just created the perfect private meeting place for YC to meet her future husband.
Reality tears at its seams as MC's mind is overloaded, his eyes first unable to comprehend the form that appears before him. But as their lips meet, the madness fades... or so he thinks. Stradled on his lap is a lady that shouldn't exist, her form beautiful, alien and terrible. Too many eyes to count all gaze upon him, that same longing glint in every single one.
This is only the start, a wild dance of conflict and love bursting around them. The entities of YC's world want to gorge themselves upon MC's reality, but this reality is hers now. It's up to her and her lover to protect and scare away everybody that attempts to take away her prey from her.
After all... this world is hers to both love and doom.

The Layers Below the Surface...
The story takes place in a city where monsters and people live side by side peacefully. Being one of the few places that this happens, the city is mostly used as a bartering ground between humans and more monsterous races. Which of course also means that romance is likely to sprout here between humans and their supernatural neighbours.
MC is a guard, working for a noble that has just been sent to this city to barter with a particular noblewoman of supernatural origin (YC). Being the skilled and disciplined guard that he is, he accompanies his employer on his first meeting with this noblewoman. The meeting is pleasant and laid back, but he notices something. The noblewoman's gaze and his gaze meet an aweful lot. Fiddling around a bit nervously, he figures it's nothing.
Afterwards, the noblewoman lets him employer know that his request will be considered, but that an exchange of culture would be beneficial.
So, MC gets sent to the noblewoman mansion and starts working. But things don't fully add up. Is it normal for him to be bathed? To eat at the same table as her? To wash her naked body within the hot springs in which she bathes?
Slowly, MC gets ensnared in an equally political and sensual plot, the man being slowly formed into something more than a guard. Being in her 'service' slowly shifting into something else entirely.
NOTE: The noblewoman can be anything, as long as she's beautiful and stately. In addition, I don't mind playing MC as more dom, as long as YC has that cunning to keep him in her 'service'. I'd prefer to not give the dom-sub positions to any of them, but to see where the story goes.

A Cultist's Dearest Nightmare (Fantasy/Any)
Old Gods are tricky beings, and so are their scions. After countless tries, a lone cultist (MC) succeeds in summoning one of the horrors that he sought. However, those horrors were not what he had expected. Turns out that millennia of loneliness makes even the most powerful of beings crave for attention and affection. The creature summoned (YC), although she is more powerful that he could even fathom, immediately takes a shining to him. Caressing his face, she demands only one thing: for him to be hers for eternity.

Dragons' Wishes (Fantasy/Classic)
A stern warrior and slayer of dragons (MC) travels to a long forgotten library, his goal to unearth the secrets lying within. With great effort and skill, he pushes through into the inner sanctum and stumbles into the library. However, he's not alone. The mystical humanoid dragoness that rules over the library and its surroundings (YC) has watched him as he stumbled through the library's traps for days, slowly growing fond of the man and his cuter quirks. When inside the library, she comes out under a guise, slowly seducing him under the guise of a captured human until it's time to reveal herself and devour him... the pleasant way.

(SPIDER) A Lovely Day in a Web (Fantasy/Any)
Some jobs pay better than others. Some jobs are more pleasant than others. MC has gotten the short end of this stick and is sent to whatever strange or nasty spot requires his services. However, there his luck finally turns as he suddenly gets stuck in a giant web. Fearing for his life, he sees a creature crawling down at him, only for her to reveal herself as an Arachne! Desperate for company and attention, she agrees to let him go on one condition: Keep her company and allow her to figuratively feast on his presence. Slowly but surely, she ensnares him as they grow closer, with MC eventually entirely caught in her charms.
Light bondage/other more unusual kinks possible!

Lovely Fey troubles (Fantasy/Modern or Classic)
Sometimes, you have to be careful who you save. As a passing adventurer (or policeman if we're going with a Modern setting) (MC) saves a woman (YC) from a strange rabid wolf, she thanks him and asks for his number, wanting to take him out for some coffee later. Unaware of who he exactly saved, the policeman accept, being strangely allured by this woman.
Secretely, YC is a Lady of the Feywilds, one of its rulers and one of the most powerful creatures in existence. Having been caught in a lethal situation due to trickery and deceit, she was on the verge of death until MC showed up and saved her in the nick of time. Now he has an infatuated, all powerful Fey goddess on his tail, one who won't take no for an answer...

In the Shadowy Depths (Fantasy/Classic)
Every 50 years, a ceremony is held. A group of men and women from 19-29 years old is chosen to venture into the Heroken Woods. There, they venture as far as they can into the darkness below the trees, lured by the promise of fame, gold and potential love. In the forest, ancient spirits and beings lie in wait, eyes feasting on the adventurers fighting and journeying. Eventually, these supernatural beings will take the worthy for their own, to partner with them until death.
One such warrior, a 25 year old explorer and duellist (MC), makes it to one of the deepest regions. What being waits for him there (YC), however, going beyond his imagination...

Divine Adoration (Fantasy/Any):
In this land, temples to ancient forgotten gods litter the landscape. However, many of these gods and goddesses aren't gone from their abodes, but choose to watch on peacefully as the world continues to grow around them. An curious man, chipper yet marred by events in his late teens, has taken to sometimes care and maintain one particular temple on a whim, dedicated to a goddess long forgotten yet still immensely powerful (YC, feel free to choose whatever sort of goddess you like). For a while, the goddess watches silently, watching the man toil and work with interest. Until one day, she decides that she's been in the shadow for long enough and makes her move on the unsuspecting man, hungry for another kind of offering...

The Resort Calls (Fantasy/Modern)
Basically, MC is a guy that is chilling at a local seaside resort, the sun shining bright and the waves rolling gently onto the beach. YC (or YCs if you wish) takes a shine to the man and vice versa, striking up a conversation. The next couple of days are filled with romantic teasing, steamy sex, and hilarious situations. Thing is, YC is not a human at all, but something much more powerful, strange... and sexy.
To spice things up, we can add a flair of mystery to the place, with it being under the control of somebody that's out for MC's or YC's hand or maybe something else to your liking. This RP is pretty flexible and open-ended, so if you like this style, do give me a PM!

Monstrous Happenings! (Fantasy/Any)
Our characters were lovers before, but YC has disappeared under mysterious circumstances a couple of years back. Heartbroken, MC went on with his life but was never able to get another girlfriend. Meanwhile, YC wasn't dead or lost. The opposite, really. By some supernatural phenomenon, your character was thrust into a supernatural and mythical environment, slowly changing into a creature of legend. However, with that came the ever-increasing urge to mate and take a life partner. Under normal circumstances, a monster would take another as her mate, but not you. You've got someone in mind already.
Once the chance presented itself to go to the normal world, YC leaps at the chance, returning to her lover. Startled, he is unable to stop his heart from rejoicing and her from satisfying that hunger she felt for all those years.

Her Chosen (Fantasy, Any)
When the stars align, love at first sight can be possible. Especially with the magic nature of a supernature being (YC). Such is the case here. Just one problem. The human man (or other supernatural being) doesn't reciprocate her feelings because he didn't see her at the moment she felt that spark between them.
This won't do, though. He's hers and won't have it any other way. The man finds himself stalked in the best kind of way, YC's strength and/or magic far to much for him to stop effectively. From the start though, he feels something is up between them, but isn't quite willing to give in immediately.
Over the course of a couple of weeks, YC homes in on her love and prey, slowly making him hers completely until they're both a happy (and wholly sensual) couple.

Hearts in the Mist (Fantasy/Any)
In MC's village or city, strange things have been happening. People disappeared, returning the next morning or days later with a content expression on their faces, speaking about 'softness in the mist' and 'the mist's embrace'. MC writes this all off at nonsense, thinking this mist to be a cover for some crimes or something along those lines.
However, as he gets out one day, walking through the mist, he finds out what lurks within. Turns out, not all supernatural mist and its denizens are wholly evil, yet they are as strange as when they would be.

Shrine of the Serpent (Fantasy/Modern)
On a nearby shrine, an old shrine to a serpentine deity still stands proud, taken care off by the locals. A tourist, MC, is travelling through and taking in the sights, eventually learning of this shrine and heading towards it. After arriving there though, he find the place strangely empty. Still curious and thinking nothing is wrong, he opt to take a look around, snapping some pictures here and there before he comes across a gorgeous woman clad in a priestess' gown, the hem reaching all the way to the ground. They talk, they laugh, they click and the man bids her goodbye, smiling brightly as he waves her goodbye. Casually, the priestess raises the tip of her snowy wide tail, waving him goodbye back. Not believing his eyes, he closed them and shakes his head. But when he opens them again, she's gone.
Thinking it was all a dream, he leaves to his hotel, preparing his continuation. But it turns out that her coils were already around him, pulling him towards her embrace with slow certainty...
For this RP, its based on a Lamia deity, but we can easily change that up!

A Binding Gone Wrong (Fantasy or Modern)
Even with multiple years of planning, and amassing artifacts of power and information beyond the realm of men, it turns out that binding a deity into your service is a tricky task. Obsessed with amassing power, MC has poured his soul into this project, trying to get powerful enough to thwart the plans of a neighboring nation. Good intentions, slightly iffy execution.
But with perseverance, he finally managed to summon a goddess from the beyond... Only for her to effortlessly snap out of the chains, reversing the situation. Oh, she's not averse to helping him. In fact, she has been observing him with great interest, allowing herself to be summoned just so she could have a good time with this mortal herself.
She can help him turn the tide, but will he be able to bend her whims in the right direction or will he end up the willing partner of an almighty being? Or both? Time to find out.

Even Monster Women Crave Love! (Fantasy or Modern)
It's often said that the more monstrous deities, especially the women, get the shorter end of the stick when it comes to love and partners. However, YC, being one of these goddesses (feel free to think of anything, like a goddess of spiders or night or whatever strikes your fancy, as long as her appearance could be considered both sexy and scary) is fed up with this status quo. Having had a particular favourite human to watch through her divine gaze ever since he was born (MC), she decides to give the man a well-earned promotion: The chance to become her willing lover and eventual husband.
Descending from the divine realms, she starts encroaching on him, making sure to first ensnare his mind with her honest affections and make him infatuated with her before showing him how truly alluring her body really is...
However, other deities are watching with interest, and when it becomes apparent she's more than successful, they start getting jealous, sending vile things towards the new couple to try and rip them apart from one another.

The Demon's Advocate (Fantasy/Any)
Due to some mishaps down below, a succubus (YC) has been exiled from the depths of the abyss. Now forced to live in the world of humans, she resolves not to send any souls back down. This means not killing anyone. As she is used to killing her victims during the act of sex, she abstains from that as well, not knowing any better.
However, she comes across a man, a guardsman (MC), that intrigues her greatly. Through him, she finds out that sex without death is a true possibility. Her feelings are returned and together they explore the depths and endless pleasures of this unlikely relationship.

Strange Love Blossoms in Common Places (Fantasy/Any):
Sometimes, a creature of great power (YC) finds herself stuck in one of the great cities of men, unable to leave for a variety of reasons. Be it an errant or pledge that has to be fulfilled or a curse, or perhaps even as simple as being bound to a tree in the middle of the city, these being do what they can to enhance their lot in life. Sometimes, they try that by attracting a human of great magical potential (MC) to help alleviate her boredom and get her out of the city. However, that might have unforeseen consequences, especially if its a handsome and talented human....

'Strolls' Through The Park (Fantasy/Modern)
Parks are often remnants of forests long gone and rituals long past. Goddesses, Gods and different mythical creatures of all kinds make their home here, mingling with the human populace. Often, one such a human catches their eye and they mingle and date them under a human guise until the bond is strong enough to show their true forms and colours. This story is about one such being (YC) and a man that just happened to catch their eye in this metropolis.
Variation: If preferred, I can also get MC to be a supernatural being too, maybe from an adjacent park or other city.

Mischievous Myths (Fantasy/Any)
In this story, MC is a demon of considerable power. Feeling the pull of a summon, he accepts it, thinking that it had been a while since he'd walked on the earth. However, he then realises he'd been summoned not by a human, but by YC, an XXXXXX (Insert female creature of choice here) that has been dying to meet a mate. Having been taken aback by this, MC will attempt to get back to the Demon Realm, only to be slowly seduced and bound by YC as her eventual husband.

Wrong timings and Fluffy Tails
Within this fantastical setting, Kitsune are powerful being that approach the realm of the divine. Inhabiting shrines, they rely on the offerings of people to keep their power in check. Frankly, one person is enough for a Kitsune to live comfortably and still maintain their power, but most of them relish in the amount of offerings they can acquire. As such, most of them let their influence be known on the surrounding lands, either as a being of fortune or misfortune.
YC, a female Kitsune, inhabits one such a shrine. She's the benevolent sort, kind and caring, although she certainly has her mischievous and flirty side too.
However, the nearby village was ravaged almost a decade ago. She saved most of them with her power, but got exhausted by the effort. The villagers fled, leaving her alone.
MC, a travelling scholar, finds her shrine, now abandoned and empty. On a whim and having heard of the tragic story of what happened there, he places offerings at the altar. The Kitsune's powers are immediately restored, and right as MC wants to leave, he's stopped/pounced upon.
There's no way YC will let her saviour go this easily. Through a mixture of relief, happiness and maybe a healthy spark of love at first sight, she decides this man will be her next offering and she'll be his offering.
This story can be either a more romantic story or a story where the Kitsune keeps the man semi-prisoner at the shrine for a while before he caves in. I want to stay away from full non-con, but dub-con would be fair game here.

Bound in Spirit, Bound in Flesh (Fantasy/Modern)
Alone his entire life, MC (about 30-40 years of age) is yearning for a partner. Successful in life, he has yet to find the one that pushes all the right buttons, somebody that yearns for him as he years for her. However, his hope slim down more and more as gold-diggers and shallow women try to woo him, only for MC to break off the relationship soon after.
However, in one particular dream, he meets a beautiful woman with a strangely alien appearance, YC. After having a strangely good time (either sexual or non-sexual) despite it being a dream, he wakes up strangely refreshed, feeling better than ever before. It's then that he notices little things going his way. His keys appear on the table when he's not looking, an itch on his back scratched before he reached for it. He begins hearing soft cooing whispers that seem to calm him down.
The next couple of days, he sees her in his dreams, again and again, the happenings around him growing worse as he feels the presence strengthen. Then, he sees her from the corner of his eye, but she's gone as he lays eyes upon her.
Closer and closer she gets, MC is never able to see her directly and figuring its just a figment of his imagination. Until he feels those arms wrap around his waist from behind... Outside of the dream.

Long story short, MC is possessed or haunted by something non-human. If its a demoness, ghost, fae or some kind of Lovecraftian girl, that's all up to you! Make it something nice I'd say! For some reason, she's taken a liking to MC, giving him what he's been craving for all those years in the strangest way possible.
Lots of chances for drama and such with this one, from failing exorcisms to a full blown witch hunt even.

Inevitable Bride (Fantasy/Modern)
Sometimes, fate is cruel and lovely at the same time. As Pedro (MC) would soon discover. One day, as he awakens, he suddenly feels a connection with somebody far away, an image flashing through his mind. A beautiful yet alien woman, insectoid yet feminine in appearance (YC), sitting in the middle of what appears to be some kind of hive. In that moment, within that moment, their eyes meet, the woman's face lighting up with suprise, then limitless joy. Faceted eyes glow and glimmer as a whole swarm surges towards him.
In cold sweat, the image dissipates, leaving Pedro panting and sweating. Feeling the pull of that connection, he feels an entity coming closer and closer. It will take some time, she's coming for him. And there's nothing he can do to stop this fate.
The Queen's is coming to get her King, no matter if he wants it or not.
The following days, he tries to get help as he feels the presence getting closer and closer with alarming speed, but nobody believes him. And then, after a few days, he can no longer exactly feel her presence. It's all around him now, as if her claws are already grabbing and caressing him. Where is she? When will she strike? And how?
A spooky yet sensual game of cat and mouse begins.
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